Supreme Chef

Chapter 294 The Raised Ghost

Chapter 294 The Raised Ghost

Although Gu Meiru knew that her daughter and Lin Mu were not ordinary people, a highly educated person would instinctively be full of fear when faced with those unknown things.

"Will it be dangerous for us to go like this? Do we need to prepare something?" Gu Meiru said with some concern.

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Then what do you think we should prepare?"

Gu Meiru said: "I watched the ghost-hunting masters in the movies, they would prepare a lot of things, such as talismans, gossip mirrors, mahogany swords, etc. Do we need to prepare some of those things?"

Lin Mu laughed and said, "You have watched too many movies. Although not all of them are deceptive, the reason why they prepare those things is because they are relatively low-level. High-level mages like me don't need anything. If you prepare, you can catch the ghost."

Gu Meiru curled her lips and said: "What kind of mage, I think it is a magic stick."

When Gu Xuan heard what Gu Meiru said, she said sweetly: "Mom, you said that little grandpa is a magic stick, then I am not a little magic stick!"


When the two heard Gu Xuan's words, they were stunned for a moment, and then they both laughed.

Gu Meiru said happily: "I think you are a little magic stick!"

Gu Xuan said: "I am the little magic stick, and my mother is the mother of the little magic stick, and she is also the magic stick!"

Gu Meiru smiled even happier.

By the time the three of them arrived at the kindergarten, it was already [-] noon.

Although the sun above the head is very big now, the kindergarten still gives people a gloomy feeling, and the whole kindergarten does not seem to be popular at all.

"How could this be?" Gu Meiru frowned as she looked at the kindergarten in front of her.

Gu Xuan also tremblingly said, "Why does the kindergarten look so scary."

Lin Mu looked at the kindergarten that was supposed to be laughing and laughing, but now it became like a haunted house, and frowned.

Logically speaking, it's already noon now, no matter how powerful the ghost is, it shouldn't have such an effect, and modern society is very popular everywhere, logically speaking, there shouldn't be such a powerful ghost That's right.

"Uncle, do we still have to go in?" Gu Meiru nervously grabbed Lin Mu's arm and said.

Gu Xuan was also a little scared, and subconsciously hugged Lin Mu's neck.

"What are you doing here? Kindergarten doesn't go to school today!" Just as the three of them were in a daze, a teacher in a kindergarten uniform came out and looked at the three of them and asked.

"Ms. Zhang, I'm Xuanxuan, I'll take my little grandpa..." Before Gu Xuan could finish speaking, Lin Mu interrupted Gu Xuan, and said with a serious face: "Xuanxuan, you and your mother are waiting outside. Don't go in, little grandpa and your teacher Zhang have something to say."

Seeing Lin Mu's serious face, Gu Xuan nodded sensiblely, and said, "Okay, Xuan Xuan and her mother are waiting outside!"

Lin Mu handed Gu Xuan to Gu Meiru, then gave Gu Meiru a look that everything was well, then turned around and came to that teacher Zhang, and said, "Mr. Zhang, right? I'm Xuanxuan's parent. Xuan has forgotten some things in the kindergarten, and I want to take them out for Xuan Xuan."

Teacher Zhang said blankly: "The kindergarten is closed today, you go back, we will keep the children's things."

Lin Mu smiled slightly, and came to Teacher Zhang, his palm formed a handprint behind his back. When he was two steps away from Teacher Zhang, Lin Mu suddenly raised his hand and patted Teacher Zhang on the forehead.

Teacher Zhang saw Lin Mu stretching out his hand, and just about to stop him, he found a golden light flashed in front of his eyes, and then his eyes turned black, and he passed out.

Lin Mu caught Teacher Zhang when his body was about to touch the ground.

"How is little grandpa, Teacher Zhang?" Gu Xuan asked nervously when she saw her teacher fainted suddenly.

Lin Mu carried Teacher Zhang out of the kindergarten, laid it flat on the ground, and said, "It's okay, Teacher Zhang is just being controlled by someone, just rest for a while and you two will take care of her outside, if she wakes up, don't worry Don't let her go to kindergarten again."

Both of Gu Meiru nodded nervously, and said, "Okay!"

After Lin Mu settled all these matters, he turned around and entered the kindergarten.

If Lin Mu was not interested in the things entrenched in the kindergarten just now, then Lin Mu is very interested now.

The area of ​​the kindergarten is not too big, but it is not small either. It is about 2000 square meters. A two-story teaching building is painted red and green, which looks very pleasing. But at this time, the color, look It makes people feel a little panicked.

Lin Mu came to the glass door of the teaching building, pushed open the glass door and walked in directly.

The sun was clearly shining outside, but the inside of the teaching building was gloomy, and someone had drawn all the curtains in the room, so that no sunlight could shine in, making it look even more eerie.

"Who are you? The kindergarten is closed today!" Just as Lin Mu was about to go upstairs, a teacher jumped out from the corner of the first floor, stopped Lin Mu and asked.

This time Lin Mu was not even polite, and just tapped his hand, which made the teacher faint.

Putting the teacher on the ground, Lin Mu went directly to the second floor.

The second floor is even more gloomy than the first floor, and it's not just that, the gloomy thing is fine, the key is that it's windy here, if ordinary people come here, they must have a serious illness, but it's a pity that Lin Mu is not an ordinary person.

"Da da!"

Lin Mu walked to the center of the second floor step by step, looked around for a week, and said, "Come out!"

Although the light on the second floor is worse than that on the first floor, this does not affect the trees.

Lin Mu waited for a long time without waiting for the sound, and said: "It seems that you are waiting for me to catch you!"

After speaking, Lin's body shook, and the next moment he appeared in the corner of the northeast corner.

When he reached the corner, Lin Mu directly slapped it down with his palm.


In the place that was originally empty, under Lin Shu's palm, a golden light suddenly flashed, and then a gray thing that looked like an air mass suddenly floated above the roof.

"I didn't expect you, a sorcerer, to have some skills, but since you're here today, you don't want to go out from here!" The gray air mass made a piercing sound.

Lin Mu looked up at the air mass on the roof, and said, "I didn't expect that your morality is not low, and you can still talk."

The gray air mass said coldly: "I never thought that when I'm done, there will be a silly mage who will come to your door and suck your blood. Wish me great success!"

Lin Mu stared at the air ball above his head, and said: "I wanted to let you go, because after all, you didn't directly kill those children, but now you want my life, I can't let you go. "

Qi Tuan said: "How much blood those children can have, these teachers are my goals."

Lin Mudao: "I can see that these teachers are all virgins, and the two just now were born in the cloudy year, one is worth a hundred virgins!"

The air ball chuckled and said, "You're a very powerful mage, and your eyes are quite poisonous, but since you can see it, then it's even more impossible for me to let you go!"

After speaking, the air mass circled around the roof, and suddenly swooped down, rushing towards the trees.


The air mass swooped down, bringing up gusts of wind.


Lin Mu snorted coldly, and flung out a streak of spiritual energy.


Seeing the aura, the air mass suddenly let out a strange cry, and then hurriedly tried to dodge.

"You are not a mage! You are not an ancient martial artist! Who are you?" Qi Tuan asked in shock.

Lin Mu looked at Qi Tuan and smiled coldly, and said, "I didn't expect you to know ancient martial arts practitioners. It seems that you are not an ordinary ghost. If my guess is correct, someone must have specially raised you! You can talk, It must be because of him."

"It's not up to you to care about these things. Anyway, no matter who you are, I'm going to kill you today!" The air mass roared again, and then swooped down again, directly towards the trees.

"Just this little skill, you still want my life!" Lin Mu snorted coldly, then waved his hands and another aura rushed out.

However, the air mass seemed to have been expected, the body scattered in the air, and the spiritual energy passed through the air mass.

The air mass spread in the air, but instead of surrounding the trees, it turned around and ran out towards the window.

"Want to run!"

Lin Mu gave a soft drink, and then lifted his palm, a fishing net composed entirely of aura appeared in Lin Mu's hand. When he cast the net, the net directly locked the air mass inside.

Seeing that he was locked up, Qi Tuan wanted to break through, but the fairy family's aura naturally restrained it, no matter how it ran, it would be blocked by the aura fishing net.

And every time it is blocked, its size will shrink a circle.

Seeing his body getting smaller and smaller, Qi Tuan finally couldn't bear it any longer, and said, "Master Immortal, please forgive me! Immortal Teacher, please forgive me!"

(End of this chapter)

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