Supreme Chef

Chapter 295 Ghost Chapter

Chapter 295
Lin Mu looked at the air mass wrapped around him, and said with a smile, "Didn't you run very fast just now? Why don't you run now?"

"Shangxian, spare your life! Shangxian, spare your life! I dare not! I dare not!" Qi Tuan said hurriedly.

"Now tell me about your background? And why do you want to harm people here? If you dare to tell a lie, I will blow your soul away!" Lin Mu shouted coldly.

Qi Tuan said, "I'll say it! I'll say it! I'll say it all!"

It turned out that the air mass was indeed raised by people, and the person who raised him was none other than his master.

But he was not like this originally, he was originally a living person.However, he worshiped the wrong teacher and worshiped a person who specializes in raising ghosts.

His master is not enough, since he was chosen at the beginning, he was raised as a ghost.

Every day, he puts a lot of things that strengthen his soul in his food.At the beginning, he thought it was some tonic, and he was quite happy to eat it.

But later, until his master killed him with his own hands, he didn't know that all the food his master gave him back then was for killing him today, but when he understood all this, his master had already given him his life. The knife went into his heart.

At the moment of his death, his master forcibly detained his living soul with a secret method.

It's not that he didn't think about resisting, but all his resistance was useless under the hands of his master.

In this way, he could only choose to accept this reality, but he never stopped thinking of revenge.

Later, by chance, he came into contact with a sorcery book that specializes in cultivating souls, so he began to practice secretly, constantly enhancing his soul power.

Until one day, while his master was practicing, he forcibly broke up his master's living soul, devoured his master's soul power, and then escaped.

After escaping, in order to continue his cultivation, he kept looking for people with strong soul power.

It was a coincidence that he found this kindergarten, and the coincidences were not limited to these. Not only were the teachers in this kindergarten all virgins, two of them were born in the cloudy year and the moon.

All kinds of coincidences came together, and finally became what it is now.

From the beginning, his goal was the teachers here, so he didn't take the lives of these children.

After listening to Lin Mu, he also felt that this pair of master and apprentice was wonderful enough.

"What you said is true?" Lin Mu asked coldly.

Qi Tuan said: "Shangxian, everything I said is true. If there is a little bit of falsehood, I would like to be struck by lightning from the sky, enter reincarnation forever, and never be reborn. I was indeed killed by my master. If it was not because of my master, I would I will definitely not go astray, and I hope that Shangxian will also be murdered by others to take my life."

Lin Mu sneered, and said, "Your master is not a good man, and you are not a good bird either. You have been with him for so long, dare you say that you have no idea what you want to do with him. And I think, you What you told me is not entirely true, is it? The reason why your master killed you was because you wanted to kill him first, and as for your compromise, I think it was your intention."

"Shangxian Mingjian! Shangxian Mingjian! Everything I said is true, and there is no falsehood!" Qi Tuan pleaded.

Lin Mu snorted coldly, and said, "Do you think nonsense can be believed? And I think you should have heard of a spell called soul searching, right?"

After hearing Lin Mu's words, Qi Tuan didn't dare to speak.

Lin Mu stopped talking when he saw the air ball, knowing that all his speculations just now were true, the two of them, the master and the apprentice, indeed killed each other because a dog bit a dog.

"It seems that you are indeed not a good person, so I will send you into reincarnation directly, so as to save you from harming others!" Lin Mu said.

Qi Tuan begged, and said: "Shangxian, please spare my life! I am willing to change my ways and return to righteousness, and I will be used by Shangxian for the rest of my life. Please, Shangxian spare my life!"

Lin Mu said: "Do you think this is possible?"

The air mass was silent for a moment, then burst out suddenly, saying: "Then we shall perish together!"

Lin Mu had been guarding against his move for a long time, and sneered, and said, "To die together, you think it's beautiful!"

After speaking, Lin Mu shook his palms, and the aura net woven by aura slowly gathered together.

'Ziz! '

When the aura net came into contact with the ghost, it made a "Ziz" sound, and then saw the ghost, and disappeared bit by bit.

"Ah! I won't let you go even if I die!" The ghost let out a miserable howl.

Lin Mu said: "Do you think if you die this time, what will be left?"

While Lin Mu was talking, the movement of his hands didn't stop.

"Ah! If you kill me, Ghost Ridge Gate will not let you go!"

The ghost left the last nonsense, and finally disappeared without a trace.

Lin Mu didn't even pay attention to the giant in southern Xinjiang, and he still cared about his little ghost gate.

"Even the ghost pill has been cultivated, it seems that I am right to kill him!" Lin Mu picked up one from the ground, said ghostly ball the size of a thumb.

Ghost pills and demon pills are the same thing, only those ghosts and monsters with high cultivation base can cultivate them, and the ghost in front of him has already cultivated ghost pills, which proves that he has killed many people.

After receiving the ghost pill in his storage ring, Lin Mu turned around and went downstairs.

When Lin Mu came out of the kindergarten, Gu Meiru and Gu Xuan felt nervous when they saw Lin Mu.

"Grandpa, are you okay? Why have you been away for so long?" Gu Xuan asked nervously.

Lin Mu smiled and said, "It's okay, but your kindergarten is too big, and I got lost just now."

Gu Xuan said: "Grandpa likes to lie, our kindergarten is such a big place, how could grandpa get lost? Grandpa must be inside, fighting with that thing!"

"What?" Mr. Zhang, who didn't know when he woke up, asked in a daze.

Lin Mu looked at Teacher Zhang and said, "There's nothing, I'm just helping Xuanxuan get something."

After hearing this, Teacher Zhang said 'oh', and said in a somewhat depressed mood, "I don't know when this infectious disease will pass."

Lin Mu smiled and said, "I believe it should pass soon."

After talking about Lin Mu and the other three, they left the kindergarten regardless of Teacher Zhang's continued confusion.

Back in the car, Gu Xuan grabbed Lin Mu and kept asking about the ghost.

Gu Xuan is still young, although he has spiritual pupils, but Lin Mu didn't want him to come into contact with so many ghosts and strange things so early, so he made up a little lie to fool Gu Xuan.

After the three of them returned home, Lin Xue was still at home alone. When she saw the three of them coming back, she also made some inquiries.

At this time, it was time for Gu Xuan to play her role. While making gestures, Gu Xuan told Lin Xue in detail what happened in the hospital in a childlike voice.

After Lin Xue finished listening, she couldn't help but sigh again.

Gu Meiru naturally knew why Lin Xue sighed, and she also comforted her: "Mom! Don't sigh, you know people, face, but heart. Didn't I also see that Du Zhong is such a person at the beginning?"

Lin Xue sighed, and said, "I should have listened to your father if I knew it earlier."

"What's the matter, you should listen to me?" Lin Xue was talking when Gu Bingxian walked in from the outside.

Lin Xue glanced at the clock and said, "Why did you come back before it's time to get off work?"

Gu Bingxian said: "I didn't hear you say that brother Lin is here, so I came back early."

Lin Xuedao: "This is not your character, you are not a person who will delay business affairs because of personal affairs."

Gu Bingxian laughed and said: "Today, the circuit in our district is overhauled, and there is a power outage in the afternoon, so the school will leave work early."

Lin Xue also suddenly realized, and said: "I remembered, there is indeed such a thing, the three of you have a meeting first, and I will make the meal quickly while the electricity is still available."

Lin Mu said: "Sister-in-law, you don't have to be busy, we just go out to eat at night."

Lin Xue also stopped and said, "Yes! Let's go out to eat tonight."

Lin Mu looked at Gu Bingxian and said, "Brother Gu is going out to eat anyway, so why don't you call Jianguo?"

Gu Bingxian smiled, and said: "That's good. Ever since Jianguo became a high-ranking official in this city, I haven't seen him a few times. It's only your uncle who came back. He can save face and come out for a meal."

(End of this chapter)

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