Supreme Chef

Chapter 296 Taoist Temple

Chapter 296 Taoist Temple
Lin Mu also smiled and said, "Brother Gu, you are really flattering me."

Gu Bingxian also laughed and said, "I'm not flattering you, but telling the truth."

Lin Xuedao: "You two old brothers, stop admiring each other here, and call Jianguo quickly, so that he can arrange to go out in advance at night."

Gu Meiru said: "Mom, I'll call my cousin and let Dad rest for a while."

Lin Xue nodded and said, "Okay! You go!"

When Niu Jianguo heard that Lin Mu was back, he was also very happy. He immediately canceled all the arrangements for the evening, and asked his secretary to book a family dinner for him in advance.

That night, Lin Muwu came to Niu Jianguo and booked a hotel in advance.

Since Fumanlou moved its focus to Fengyang, Binhai's catering industry has finally returned to normal. Except for Fumanlou, restaurants have gradually improved.

The five people reported Niu Jianguo's name in the lobby, and the welcome lady immediately took the five people to the private room on the sixth floor respectfully.

The five people entered the private room and saw that Niu Jianguo was already waiting inside.

When Niu Jianguo saw Lin Mu and five people coming, he got up quickly and said, "Uncle, you are here, why didn't you notify me in advance, so I can go down and pick you up."

Lin Mu smiled and said, "We're just here for a quick meal. I need you to be greeted by a high-ranking city official. We won't be on the front page of the newspaper tomorrow."

Niu Jianguo said: "Uncle, that's as exaggerated as you said. This is a family banquet, and no one dares to say anything."

"Everyone sit down first! I'll ask the waiter to arrange the food!"

After everyone sat down, Niu Jianguo poured wine for the four of Lin Mu and said, "Uncle, Auntie, I'm too busy these days, so I haven't been able to see you often. Uncle, aunt, forgive me!"

After finishing speaking, Niu Jianguo raised his neck and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

Both Gu Bingxian and Lin Xue took a sip respectively, and then Gu Bingxian laughed and scolded: "If brother Lin hadn't come back today, I guess you wouldn't be able to show up. It seems that you, little uncle, have a lot of face!"

Niu Jianguo blushed, and said, "Uncle, what are you talking about? I've been really busy recently, and I really can't get away."

Gu Bingxian said: "Okay, I know that you have been troubled by the development zone recently, and these things are understandable."

Lin Mu looked at Niu Jianguo and said, "What happened to the development zone again? Is it the Zhao family playing tricks again?"

When mentioning the matter of the development zone, Niu Jianguo scratched his head: "This time it has nothing to do with the Zhao family, but something went wrong inside the development zone."

Lin Mu said: "What's the problem, maybe I can help you?"

Niu Jianguo said: "Brother, these are trivial matters, I'll just settle them myself, our family finally get together and don't talk about these disturbing things."

Lin Mu pondered for a while, and said, "Okay!"

The family had a happy dinner together, and only after Niu Jianguo sent Gu Bingxian's family home, did they leave Gu's house with Lin Mu.

Lin Mu looked at the sad-faced Niu Jianguo, and said, "What happened to the development zone, tell me and see if I can help?"

In fact, the reason why Lin Mu is so active is that on the one hand, Niu Jianguo is his junior, and on the other hand, it is also because the development zone is not only the achievements of Niu Jianguo alone, but also related to Feng Man's achievements.

Niu Jianguo sighed, and said: "Actually, it's not a big deal. When the development zone was digging the foundation, it found a ruins of a Taoist temple. In fact, it's not surprising at all, because many places were in the middle of construction. , will find this ruin and that ruin.

Originally, for such a thing, you only need to notify the Cultural Relics Bureau and let them carry out protective excavations.We notified the Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau, and a group of experts came from the Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau. After watching it, it was confirmed that this is a Taoist temple in the Han Dynasty, which has great cultural value.

If it is valuable, it is valuable. Our city must firmly support their development.And to be honest, it's a good thing. After all, it's developed, and we can use it to make a fuss about tourism or something.

But what happened later was somewhat unexpected.Later, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage also sent experts to explore here, but just from the people from the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, a series of strange things happened.

First things were thrown for no reason, and then people disappeared for no reason. Later, during the excavation, a large number of bones of dead people were found in the underground palace.Now the matter became serious, there were various ghost rumors in the market, and the construction of the development zone also stopped because of these rumors. "

After hearing this, Lin Mu nodded and said, "I'm afraid it's not these things that make you scratch your head. It should be your political opponents who jumped out again and made a fuss about this matter, right?"

Niu Jianguo nodded helplessly, and said: "It is true that those people are eager to see my jokes. Now the province and the central government know about it. Although Hongyi is helping the province, the pressure on Hongyi is not small. , I must find a way to solve this matter as soon as possible."

After a pause, Niu Jianguo complained: "But to be honest, that Taoist Temple is really evil. It was fine at the beginning, and I don't know what those experts have been doing down there, so accidents happened one after another."

Although Lin Mu didn't see the Taoist temple, he guessed something. The Taoist temple is probably a cultivation cave left by the ancients, and those experts must have triggered a certain formation in it, which is why this series of thing.

Lin Mu pondered for a moment, and said, "Where is the Taoist temple?"

Niu Jianguo said, "It's at the junction of Binhai and Zhuangzhou."

Lin Mu said: "Well, I'll go and have a look tomorrow. If I can help you solve it, I'll help you solve it directly."

Niu Jianguo's eyes lit up, and he said, "Thank you, uncle, I'll send someone to take you there tomorrow."

Lin Mu said: "No, you just need to make sure that there is no one around there tomorrow."

Niu Jianguo said, "The place has been sealed off now, and outsiders are not allowed to come in and out at will."

Lin Mu said: "That's good, I'll go directly to Zhuangzhou later, and you can just let County Magistrate Feng accompany me tomorrow."

Niu Jianguo said: "It's easy to say! It's easy to say! I'll call County Magistrate Feng later."

After bidding farewell to Niu Jianguo, Lin Mu got on the bus to Zhuangzhou directly.

When Lin Mu arrived in Zhuangzhou, it was already ten o'clock in the evening. Lin Mu thought about it, and then called Feng Man. After all, such a incident happened, Feng Man was probably under a lot of pressure, and he might not be at home. What if I go to empty-handed.

The call was connected as Lin Mu expected, and Feng Man was indeed not at home.

Feng Man was promoted by Niu Jianguo. In the eyes of outsiders, Feng Man is a member of Niu Jianguo's gang. The two are in a relationship where one prospers and the other loses.

Now that something happened to Niu Jianguo, the pressure on Feng Man's side was not small. For example, it was already ten o'clock at night, and Feng Man was still arguing with the standing committee members in the meeting room about the Taoist temple.

After receiving Lin Mu's call, Feng Man simply explained a few words, and directly announced that he was here first today.

When Feng Man came out of the county committee building, he immediately saw Lin Shu who was already waiting at the door.

No one knew about the relationship between Feng Man and Lin Mu, so although Feng Man was pleasantly surprised, his face was still very calm, he just gave Lin Mu a wink, and went to the parking lot by himself.

When Lin Mu saw Feng Man's eyes, he naturally understood. Lin Mu smiled knowingly, waited at the door for about 10 minutes, and then went to the parking lot.

When they arrived at the parking lot, except for Feng Man's No. [-] County Party Committee car, the rest of the cars had already left.

Seeing the car parked in the parking lot, Lin Mu giggled, and approached Feng Man's car quietly like a civet cat.

Opening the co-pilot's door, Lin Mu sat in directly. As soon as Lin Mu sat firmly on his side, he felt a soft body fall into his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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