Supreme Chef

Chapter 298 Entering the Taoist Temple

Chapter 298 Entering the Taoist Temple
Lin Mu surrounded the Taoist temple and looked around for several times. Finally, Lin Mu stopped at the gate of the Taoist temple, staring at the nameless plaque on the gate of the Taoist temple, and stopped in his tracks.

Feng Man came to Lin Mu's side and asked, "Did you see anything?"

Lin Mu pointed to the unnamed plaque on the Taoist temple, and said: "This is the problem. In the Han Dynasty, although there were many cultivators, there were not many, so every cultivator was very proud. If This is the cave where he practiced, so he will definitely leave his name on it. Let outsiders know that this is the cave where he practiced, but this Taoist temple is built underground, and there are no traces left. Obviously he I never wanted people to know myself, which is obviously not in line with common sense."

Feng Man guessed: "Perhaps he is a person who doesn't like publicity?"

Lin Mu shook his head, and said: "Any cultivator is very proud. Of course, those real hermit powers do not exist, but it is obviously impossible for those hermit powers to leave here."

Feng Man said: "Then why do you think he built such an unnamed Taoist temple here?"

Lin Mu shook his head and said, "I don't know either."

Feng Man looked at the Taoist temple and continued to ask: "Then do you see any formations here?"

Lin Mudao: "This is also one of the things I'm curious about, because I haven't seen any traces of formations here, but I'm sure there must be formations here."

Feng Man said: "Are you saying that the cultivation level of the person who arranged this formation surpassed yours?"

Lin Mudao: "Maybe, of course, maybe it's because of his clever arrangement, I just can't see it at the moment."

Feng Man frowned and said, "Then what should we do?"

Lin Mu said: "Take people away first, I'll go down and have a look by myself."

Feng Man stopped and said: "There is danger here, you can't go down!"

Lin Mu smiled and said: "Don't worry, even if I really can't crack the formation here, I can still rush out."

Feng Man looked at Lin Mu's iconic smile and asked uncertainly, "Really?"

Lin Mu said: "Really."

Feng Man got Lin Mu's affirmative answer, then nodded, and said, "Alright then, I'll take people out of here first."

Lin Mu said: "By the way, no matter what happens here later, don't come over to check."

Feng Man said: "Why?"

Lin Mu said: "I can't explain this to you, anyway, you just need to remember."

Feng Man said: "Okay, but if there is too much movement, I'm worried that it will cause some residents to watch."

Lin Mu thought for a while, then called Niu Jianguo directly, and asked Niu Jianguo to make arrangements not to let the surrounding residents come to watch.

After Niu Jianguo listened, he immediately agreed, and immediately dispatched police forces to assist Lin Mu.

After the policemen sent by Niu Jianguo arrived, Lin Mu jumped into the Taoist temple.

"Be careful, if there is any danger, you must leave there immediately?" Feng Man still worried.

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't make fun of my own life, you should leave here first."

Feng Man nodded and said, "Okay!"

The bottom has been excavated and cleaned up, and it can be seen that the experts were very flustered when they retreated, and many tools were left in the soil.

He just glanced at these trees, and then strode up the steps in front of the Taoist temple.

Coming to the front of the gate, Lin Shu pushed it lightly, and the gate creaked open.

The area of ​​the Taoist hall is not large, only more than 100 square meters. Standing at the door, Lin Mu can have a panoramic view.

And standing at the door, Lin Mu also found that this Taoist temple was different from ordinary Taoist temples.

There are no clay statues such as Sanqing, and not only are there no such sculptures, there is not even a futon, table and chairs.

Although cultivators have no requirements for these basic living facilities, due to their past living habits, most cultivators will still prepare these things.

And there are no such things here. Obviously, no one has practiced here for even a day since it was built.

Lin Mu stood at the door for about 5 minutes before stepping into the hall.

'悾' '悾'

Lin Mu walked on the stone slabs of the hall, and the whole hall echoed with strange footsteps.


Before Lin Mu could take two steps, the door behind him was suddenly closed.

He was not surprised by the trees, but he just looked back and continued to walk forward.

Walking to the center of the hall, Lin Mu looked up.

From the outside, the Taoist temple has two floors, but from the inside, the Taoist temple has only one floor, but it is built higher.

Glancing at the roof, Lin Mu continued to walk forward.

After taking two steps, Lin Mu suddenly stopped, and his brows were slightly frowned.

It is true that this Taoist temple has not been used by anyone, but it does not mean that no one has entered here. Those experts must have entered, but at this time, there are no traces of those experts entering here, which is a bit unusual.

Standing where he was, Lin Shu suddenly exploded, and punched his side.


With a thick aura, the fist directly hit the right side of his body.

The fist hit the empty space, as if trapped in a cotton ball, and the aura above the fist dissipated layer by layer.

"So that's how it is." Lin Mu withdrew his fist and suddenly realized.

It turned out that Lin Mu had been thinking about the formation of this Taoist temple just now, and ignored these details, but Lin Mu ignored it. From the moment he entered this Taoist temple, he had already entered the formation of this Taoist temple, or This Taoist temple itself is a formation.

Lin Mu punched again to the right side of his body, but the effect was the same as before, and also did not cause any waves.

After two punches, Lin Mu also somewhat understood the rules of this traceless formation.

This formation is only to protect the hall from being destroyed, and it cannot directly attack people who enter the Taoist temple.

Since this formation will not attack him, Lin Mu feels much more at ease.

Lin Mu continued to walk around the hall here, but still didn't find anything suspicious.

Returning to the center of the hall, Lin Mu stood where he was, and lowered his head to think.

There is nothing in this hall, but this formation is not protecting here all the time, which is somewhat unreasonable, and Lin Mu has just tested it, and the traceless formation arranged in this hall is at least A fifth-level formation may even be higher, mainly because Lin Shu does not understand the formation.

Lin Mu stood in the center of the hall for almost an hour, but he didn't think about the reason.

After thinking for a long time, Lin Mu finally gave up the idea of ​​continuing to think, but walked towards the entrance of the underground palace. Since a large number of skeletons were found in the underground palace, Lin Mu guessed that there should be something attractive there, and perhaps some clues could be found there.

Stepping into the underground palace, the trees are still not hindered in any way. The area of ​​the underground palace is more than double the area of ​​the Taoist temple above.

However, Lin Mu found a problem again, because although the underground palace was built later, it is not integrated with the Taoist temple. It seems to be the first underground palace, and then someone moved the Taoist temple directly and built it on top of the underground palace.

The light in the underground palace is even dimmer, but Lin Shu can still clearly see the whole picture of the underground palace.


Lin Mu's gaze suddenly froze on a shining sword on a half-person-high soil platform in the center of the underground palace.

"The fairy weapon is really a fairy weapon!" Lin Mu couldn't restrain his excitement when he saw the sword.

Immortal artifacts are very rare in the fairy world. Generally, the immortal artifacts that can be used are immortals above the heavenly immortals, and even the immortals above the heavenly immortals, the immortal artifacts used are not high-end.

The real high-end goods are all controlled by the great sect, or in the hands of some powerful people. It is already very good for an ordinary immortal to have a handful of immortal weapons below the third rank.

Immortal artifacts above the third rank are rarely seen in the hands of ordinary immortals. Even Lin Shu doesn't have a decent immortal artifact in his whole body except for a Wuying Dao of unknown level, which is an immortal artifact.

As for the sword in front of him, although Lin Mu couldn't see the specific level, he could be sure that it was at least a third-rank or higher immortal artifact. Such an unowned immortal artifact, let alone appearing on the earth, even Appearing in the fairy world will cause endless blood and rain.

"Could it be that the pagoda above is just to protect this fairy artifact, but who would make such a big deal and put such a high-level fairy artifact here?" Lin Mu thought, stepping towards the fairy unconsciously. The device is moving there.


Lin Mu suddenly stepped on something and made a 'click' sound.

Lin Mu looked down and found that it was the leg bone of a person, and the leg bone looked very fresh, obviously it had just died not long ago, it should be one of the missing experts.


Looking at the leg bones on the ground, Lin Mu suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, and subconsciously stepped back four or five steps.

The reason why Lin Mu broke out in a cold sweat was not because of the bones on the ground, but because Lin Mu suddenly thought that there are so many bones here, which is obviously abnormal.

And looking at the direction of death of these bones, they are all towards the direction of the fairy artifact on the high platform. Obviously, they all want to get the fairy artifact on the high platform, but in the end they all failed.

So many people have failed, obviously this fairy artifact is not ordinary, and it will kill people.

After thinking this through, Lin Mu didn't look at the fairy artifact again.Immortal artifacts are good, but one's own life is more important.

(End of this chapter)

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