Supreme Chef

Chapter 299 Found a Treasure

Chapter 299 Found a Treasure
After making up his mind to pay attention, Lin Mu stopped looking at the fairy artifact, and walked around the underground palace,
There are indeed a lot of bones in the underground palace, and the positions where these bones died were all facing the direction of the fairy weapon. Obviously, they were all knocked down by the fairy tool when they were approaching the fairy tool.

Looking at the corpses, Lin Mu broke out in a cold sweat. If he had a little bit of greed just now, then he might have to explain it here.

Lin Mu turned around, but didn't find any useful things or clues, and left the underground palace in a hurry. So many people died here, it's obviously not a good place, so what if there are immortal artifacts here.

After leaving the underground palace, Lin Mu didn't even want to stay in this tower anymore, but when he returned to the top, Lin Mu found that there was no way out, and the gate he entered had disappeared into the gray space.

Seeing that the surrounding space had completely turned gray, Lin Mu didn't panic.

Before coming in, Lin Mu had already considered all kinds of situations, and he had also thought up the countermeasures.

Lin Mu stood at the same place, desperately improving his cultivation, so that his cultivation broke through the third foundation building almost instantly.

As soon as Lin Shu's cultivation broke through the third floor of the foundation building, it already caused the reaction of Heavenly Tribulation.

However, Lin Mu waited for almost 5 minutes, but did not see the thunder falling.

"Could it be possible to isolate the rules of heaven here!" Lin Mu looked at the gray surroundings, and finally showed a dignified look for the first time.

The reason why Lin Mu dared to come in with confidence at the beginning was because he had this backhand. Once he was trapped here, Lin Mu could raise his cultivation level and attract the catastrophe to strike here, so that he would have a chance of life.

But now Lin Shu's cultivation has already broken the limit of the earth's laws of heaven, and he has already sensed the arrival of sky thunder, but there has been no sky thunder. This has to be said that the space of the tower is magical.

"Damn it! Fight it!" Lin Mu gritted his teeth, and frantically began to improve his cultivation again.

It has been a long time since Lin Shu was suppressed on the third floor of the foundation building, so once he let go, his cultivation broke through the fourth floor of the foundation building in an instant, and reached the fifth floor of the foundation building.


When Lin Mu raised his cultivation level to the fifth floor of Foundation Establishment, he finally heard the sound of thunder rolling from the sky.


A thunder suddenly fell, splitting half of the surrounding gray space, a bright color appeared in the space, and Lin Shu found his way in an instant.

However, the defense inside the tower must be said to be very powerful. The sky thunder only appeared for a moment, and was wiped out by the defense ability of the tower itself.

"This defense is really strong enough!"

Lin Mu clicked his tongue when he saw the disappearance of Tianlei with not even a scum left.

But now it is obviously not the time for Lin Mu to be surprised. After identifying the direction, Lin Mu rushed over directly.

Fortunately, the defense here is only to protect the Taoist temple itself, and will not take the initiative to attack people who enter it, and there are no powerful killing and trapping formations.

Lin Mu rushed to the gate he came in very easily, touching the gate of the Taoist temple, Lin Mu quickly suppressed his cultivation to the third floor of the foundation building.

Lin Mu didn't want to be chopped into a roast pig the moment he went out.

The cultivation base was stable at the third floor of the foundation building. Lin Mu gently pushed the gate of the Taoist temple, and the gate was just as Lin Mu imagined, and he pushed it open easily.

Coming out of the Taoist temple, Lin Mu also breathed a sigh of relief looking at the blue sky and white sun outside.

Although there is no danger in this Taoist temple, but in the underground palace, Lin Mu really passed by the god of death. If he could not restrain his inner greed at that time, then the person who died now would definitely be Lin Mu.

"Huh!" With a long breath, Lin Mu also began to look for Feng Man's figure.

After finding the restless Feng Man, Lin Mu also left the ground and walked towards Feng Man.

"I'll just go in for a while, why are you so nervous?" Lin Mu came behind Feng Man and said.

Hearing Lin Mu's voice, Feng Man turned around abruptly, seeing that Lin Mu was safe and sound, Feng Man's heart also fell.

Seeing Feng Man's long sigh, Lin Mu smiled and said, "As for this?"

Feng Man said: "What do you mean by this? You have been inside for a day and a night. If you don't come out again, I am going to have someone blow up the Taoist temple!"

"One day and one night?" Lin Mu frowned when he heard Feng Man's words: "I really went in for a day and a night?"

Feng Man took out his mobile phone and said, "Look at the time, you have indeed been in for a day and a night."

Lin Mu took Feng Man's phone and glanced at it, and found that he was really in the Taoist temple, staying for a day and a night.

But Lin Mu didn't feel that he had been there for so long at all. From Lin Mu's point of view, it was only three hours at most when he went in, how could it be possible for one day and one night.

Lin Mu lowered his head and pondered for a long time, suddenly his eyes lit up, and a look of ecstasy appeared.

"I know! I know!" Lin Mu shouted excitedly.

Feng Man looked at Lin Mu who suddenly became ecstatic, and asked curiously: "What do you know? Why are you so happy?"

Lin Mu didn't care if there were other people watching, so he immediately hugged Feng Man and said, "We really found a treasure this time."

Lin Mu can ignore whether there are people around, but Feng Man can't ignore these, so he beat Lin Mu quickly, and said angrily: "Put me down quickly!"

When Lin Mu put Feng Man down, he also forcibly suppressed his inner excitement, but his voice was still somewhat uncontrollable.Said: "This Taoist temple itself is a treasure, and it is a priceless treasure."

Feng Man asked with some doubts: "What treasure is there in a Taoist temple, can it be more precious than fairy artifacts?"

Lin Mu told Feng Man some common sense in the cultivation world, so Feng Man knew how precious the fairy artifact was.

When Lin Mu heard Feng Man comparing the immortal weapon with the Taoist temple, he curled his lips in disdain, and said, "Even if it is a top-level fairy weapon, it is not even as good as a scum in front of the Taoist temple here."

Feng Man also asked curiously: "What is it that is even more precious than a fairy weapon?"

Lin Mudao: "Do you know what is the use of this Taoist temple?"

Feng Man said angrily, "I didn't go in, how do I know what it's useful for?"

Lin Mudao: "This Taoist temple doesn't look like anything from the outside, but it has a universe inside. If I'm not wrong, this Taoist temple itself should be a formation with a legendary ability to change the rules of time."

"Change the time rules!" Feng Man was a little surprised when he heard Lin Mu's words.

Feng Man is no longer a rookie in the world of comprehension. She clearly knows that in the world of comprehension, any rule can be mastered by others, but only the most miraculous time rule between heaven and earth cannot be mastered by people.

Because time has no beginning and no end, anyone is just a passer-by in front of time, even the Immortal Emperor is just a passer-by in the long river of time, no one dares to say that he has truly mastered time.So since ancient times, time has always been the most mysterious.

Lin Mu nodded vigorously, and said: "Yes, I suspect that this Taoist temple should be from the ancient times, or even a certain great power from the ancient times, who used the formation method to change the time rules inside the Taoist temple, so that the time in the Taoist temple can be accelerated. Circulation. And the fairy artifact placed in the underground palace under the pagoda should be for the purpose of deceiving people.

He just wanted to use the fairy artifact to attract everyone's attention, and let everyone ignore the value of this Taoist temple itself.I said, how come there is such a powerful defensive formation inside this Taoist temple.And this Taoist temple doesn't have a name yet, time has no beginning and no end, so why do you need a name! "

Lin Mu also became more and more excited as he talked. Indeed, if anyone, no matter if he is a cultivator or an immortal, can get a magic weapon that can speed up time, it will be enough for him to be happy for the rest of his life.

Although time is the most useless thing for a cultivator, if you can't improve your cultivation in a short period of time, then even if your lifespan is long enough, you probably won't be able to live that long, because with your low cultivation , I am afraid that he will be killed as soon as he comes out.

But this time-accelerating formation just makes up for this shortcoming. It allows you to quickly improve your cultivation base in the shortest time.

Feng Man asked, "Since it is such a precious treasure, how could it be placed here?"

Lin Mu fell silent after hearing Feng Man's question.

That's right, such a precious treasure, even if it is an ancient or even immemorial power, I'm afraid it will not be thrown away easily, let alone in a place like the earth where birds don't want to shit, right?
After thinking hard for a long time to no avail, Lin Mu directly said: "Whatever it is, anyway, it is now an ownerless thing, as long as I let it recognize its owner, it will be mine, as for who its previous owner was, I don't care. Maybe its previous owner didn't know what interface it went to, or maybe it's dead, anyway, I picked up the treasure."

Feng Man said: "You mean you want to take this Taoist temple away, but if you take it away, how can we make a deal?"

Lin Mu said: "Don't worry about that, I will create an identical Taoist temple, and then put some cultural relics and antiques in it, so that the experts can enjoy it and it's over."

Feng Man said: "But such a large Taoist temple, how can you make an identical one in a short time?"

Lin Mu smiled and said: "Others may not be able to, but you forgot that we are cultivators. If I want to do it, I can do it in one day. But to be on the safe side, I'd better be careful. After two days, you will kill everyone here." They've all been transferred, and I'll take advantage of the night to make a switch!"

Feng Man pondered for a moment, nodded, and said, "Okay, I will do as you say!"

Having picked up such a big treasure this time, Lin Mu couldn't suppress his excitement. As soon as Feng Man promised himself, Lin Mu tried to find a way to get a Taoist temple that was exactly the same.

(End of this chapter)

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