Supreme Chef

Chapter 300

Chapter 300
It is indeed very difficult to make an identical Taoist temple in two days.But this is for ordinary people, and for Lin Mu, this is nothing at all.

Two days later, Lin Mu took advantage of the night to return to the Taoist temple.

Looking at the baby quietly placed here, Lin Mu also rubbed his hands excitedly.

After turning around the Taoist temple, Lin Shu also stopped at the edge of the Taoist temple.

This Taoist temple is now an ownerless thing. If Lin Mu wants to take it, he can only use his own blood to make this treasure recognize its owner.

With a flash of light from his fingers, Lin Mu slashed his wrist, and then forced out his blood so that the Taoist temple could absorb it.

Essence and blood gushed out from Lin Shu's wrist and flew towards the Taoist temple continuously.

And the Taoist temple also seemed to come alive, 'cuckoo' absorbing the essence and blood flying out of Lin Mu's body.

"Grass, it's still a bottomless pit!" Lin Mu had already forced out nearly one-tenth of his blood, but the Taoist temple didn't seem to be full.

Gritting his teeth, Lin Mu sped up his speed again.

This is a Taoist temple with time rules, not to mention one-tenth of the blood essence, even if it requires half of his own blood essence, Lin Mu is willing.

Although this is what he said, it cost Lin Mu half of his blood, and Lin Mu really hurt.

This is blood essence, which can not only be obtained by cultivation, every drop of blood essence is very precious to the current trees.

With the loss of essence and blood, Lin Mu's face became paler and paler, and large, large beads of sweat also left along Lin Shu's cheeks.

"There's no end to it, you're really going to suck me dry, aren't you!" Lin Mu didn't care if he could understand the Taoist concept, and directly yelled.

Maybe Lin Mu's yelling had an effect, or maybe the Taoist temple was full. In short, with a flash of light, the Taoist temple became a miniature Taoist temple the size of a palm.

Lin Mu looked at the palm-sized miniature Taoist temple in his hand, and Lin Mu couldn't help cursing, saying: "Grass, for you, I almost lost half of my life."

For this Taoist temple, Lin Mu spent one-third of his blood essence, which is indeed almost the same as not having half his life.

Lin Mu didn't even have time to check the Taoist temple, so he took out the imitated Taoist temple directly from his space ring, and then lifted the prohibition on it, making it a normal size.

After finishing all this, Lin Mu also left the pit in a flash.

After leaving the big pit, Lin Mu directly found Feng Man.

Feng Man looked at Lin Mu with a pale face and sloppy footsteps, and he was also taken aback, and said, "What's wrong with you?"

Lin Mu flipped his hands and took out the miniature Taoist temple, and said, "It's not all because of this thing."

Feng Man looked at the miniature Taoist temple in Lin Mu's hand, and said in surprise: "You really took this thing away!"

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Well, because of this thing, I almost lost half my life!"

Feng Man was concerned, and said, "What's going on?"

Lin Mu paused and explained the matter to Feng Man. After listening to Feng Man, he said, "You lost so much blood, how can you make up for it?"

Lin Mu looked at Feng Man who was concerned about him, and said, "It can be made up, but I need your help?"

Feng Man didn't notice the smirk on the corner of Lin Mu's mouth at all, but asked with concern: "How can I help?"

Lin Mudao: "Actually, this matter is simple and simple. As long as you accompany me to double practice a few times, you can make up for the essence and blood."

Feng Man froze for a moment, then noticed the smirk on Lin Mu's face, his pretty face blushed slightly, Feng Man raised his pink fist and hit Lin Mu once, and said: "I'm almost dying, thinking about such a thing, I'm so dead. change!"

Lin Mu grabbed Feng Man's hand and said: "What I said is true, our double cultivation together is not only good for your cultivation base, but also good for me to replenish blood. Although it is slower, my cultivation base is not as good as it is now. This method is the only way to make up for blood essence."

Feng Man looked at Lin Mu, bit his lip, blushed, and said, "Really?"

Seeing that there was something going on, Lin Mu nodded heavily.

Feng Man gritted his teeth and seemed to have made a certain decision.

Feng Man took a step back, put his jade hands on his pajamas, and then slowly took off his silk pajamas.

With the fall of the pajamas, a flawless body appeared in front of Lin Shu's eyes.

"bring it on!"

Taking off the pajamas completely, Feng Man blushed like an apple, and said in a weak mosquito voice.

Feng Man is so active, Lin Mu will not be polite.

Picking up Feng Man, Lin Mu directly threw Feng Man on the bed, and then went straight into battle with his gun.

Soon the air in the room became sluggish, and the temperature in the room also gradually rose.

And in the room, there were also seductive groans one after another.

The next morning, Lin Mu got up early, looked at Feng Man lying in his arms, sleeping soundly, and smiled knowingly.

"Jingle Bell!"

The alarm clock Feng Man set on his mobile phone rang suddenly, and just as Lin Mu was about to close it for Feng Man, Feng Man opened his eyes in a daze.

Lin Mu looked at the sleepy Feng Man, smiled slightly, and said, "I won't sleep for a while."

Feng Man took the phone over, glanced at it was six o'clock in the morning, and also moved a little bit. His sore waist gave Lin Mu a whining look, and said, "Every time you use such force, I really don't know what you did in your previous life." What was it that made it happen?"

Lin Mu patted Feng Man's buttocks, and said, "What do you think I was born with?"

"Ah!" Feng Manjiao let out a cry, glared at Lin Mu vigorously, and said, "I think you were a pervert in your previous life! And you're a pervert!"

Lin Mu also laughed out loud after hearing Feng Man's words.

Feng Man slowed down for a while, then got up to wash up.While washing up, Feng Man asked Lin Mu: "The matter of the Taoist temple has been completely settled, will our people be fine if we go down again?"

Lin Mudao: "The Taoist temple itself is no longer in danger, as long as you don't let people go to the underground palace below, the underground palace below is still very dangerous."

Feng Man said: "Well, I understand, I will explain it and prevent people from going to the underground palace again."

Lin Mu lay on the bed and said, "I'm going back to Fengyang today, so you don't have anything to say to me."

When Feng Man heard that Lin Mu was going back, he also showed a trace of reluctance, and said, "I'm going back so soon."

Lin Mu nodded, and said, "The Fuman Building in Fengyang has just opened, I still have to go back and have a look, but I will come back often, after all, I haven't made up for the lost essence and blood?"

Thinking of Lin Mu's method of replenishing blood essence, Feng Man's body couldn't help feeling hot for a while.

After Feng Man finished washing, the two lingered for a while before Feng Man and Lin Mu left the county government compound.

After leaving the county government compound, Lin Mu went straight back to Binhai.Then he briefly explained the matter to Niu Jianguo, greeted Gu Bingxian and the others, and got on the train back to Fengyang directly.

On the way, Lin Mu couldn't help being excited for a while. Originally, Lin Mu felt that it was unlucky enough to be relegated to the earth, but he didn't expect that after arriving on the earth, he would be lucky again and again.

Not to mention the fairy materials and other things I found before, this Taoist temple that can change the rules of time is enough to make Lin Mu excited for several years.

Such a baby that can change the rules of time may be nothing on Earth, but if it comes to the fairyland, Lin Mu believes that such a small thing can turn the fairyland upside down.

Not to mention ordinary immortals, even the high-ranking immortal emperors would have to beat their heads and blood for this. This is a treasure who has mastered the mystery of time.

Although Lin Mu still doesn't know the specific time ratio between this thing and the outside world, as long as he can speed up the time, even if it can only be doubled, it will be a big cheating tool for cultivators.

You practice for one day like others, but for other cultivators, one day of cultivation is one day of cultivation, but one day of your cultivation is equal to two days of cultivation for others, and you will soon leave others behind.

The train arrived in Fengyang unknowingly while Lin Shu was in a state of excitement.

After arriving in Fengyang, Lin Mu went straight back to Fumanlou without notifying anyone.

Now Fumanlou is almost becoming a landmark of Fengyang, and because of the reputation of this state banquet, many people regard it as an honor to come to Fumanlou for a meal.

After Lin Mu came to Fumanlou, he went directly to the office upstairs.

Seeing Lin Shu come back, Fang Nan and the three of them were very pleasantly surprised.

"Uncle, why don't you say anything when you come back, so we can get someone to pick you up!" Fang Nan got up and said.

Lin Mu said: "It's not that I can't find a place, why should you pick me up?"

Fang Nan said: "Uncle, did you go out smoothly this time?"

Lin Mudao: "It went well, but I just went back to Binhai to see Jianguo and the others, which only delayed two days."

Hearing Lin Mu say that everything is going well, Yu Yaqing is also relieved, among the three, only Yu Yaqing knows what Lin Mu is going to do, and hearing Lin Mu say everything is going well, Yu Yaqing is also relieved.

"Uncle, do you know that in the past few days when you are not here, at least fifty tables are willing to pay a high price for you to cook a dish every day, because you are not here, we will lose at least 50 yuan a day." Hearing that Lin Mu said that he was doing well, Fang Nan also started to complain.

Lin Mu looked at Fang Nan and said with a smile, "I listen to you, and I will pay you all the money!"

Fang Nan said: "Of course not, I just hope you can stay for a few more days this time, uncle."

Lin Mu laughed and said, "Don't worry, I won't leave without other matters!"

(End of this chapter)

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