Supreme Chef

Chapter 301

Chapter 301
Lin Mu and Fang Nan chatted for a while, Fang Nan and Xu Mei didn't know if it was intentional or if there was something really wrong, so they left with an excuse, so Yu Yaqing and Lin Mu were left in the office.

Without outsiders, Lin Mu and Yu Yaqing also let go a lot.Lin Mu held Yu Yaqing in his arms, teased Yu Yaqing, and said, "I don't think so!"

Lying in Lin Mu's arms, Yu Yaqing rolled her eyes at Lin Mu, and said, "I miss you, you big-headed ghost, you'll be back tomorrow morning, why don't you just go back to Fengyang, did you go to have a fling there again?"

Lin Mu said wrongly: "You really wronged me. I originally planned to go back to see Xiaoxiao, but I didn't expect Xiaoxiao to go to another place. Then there was something wrong with Gu Xuan's kindergarten, so I stopped by Solve the matter of Gu Xuan's kindergarten, and then you will know about the matter of Jianguo."

Yu Yaqing rolled her eyes at Lin Mu again, and said, "Who knows if what you said was all made up by you."

Lin Mudao: "The conscience of heaven and earth, if you don't believe me, you can call Jianguo and the others to verify."

Yu Yaqing said: "You are shameless and I want shame."

Lin Mu said: "No, I can't make this call today. I have to prove my innocence."

Yu Yaqing pressed Lin Mu's hand, and said, "Okay, I believe you can do it."

Lin Mu hooked Yu Yaqing's chin and said, "Is that right?"

After a pause, Lin Mu said excitedly: "This time I return to Binhai, and I still have a big harvest."

Yu Yaqing stared at Lin Mu and said, "I found the treasure, I'll make you happy!"

Lin Mu smiled and said: "This time you really guessed right, I really found the treasure, and it's a big treasure."

Yu Yaqing was also a little curious, and asked, "What did you pick up?"

Lin Mu turned his hand, and the Taoist temple appeared in Lin Mu's hand, and said, "This is it!"

Yu Yaqing looked up, down, left, and right of the Taoist temple, and looked at it carefully. Apart from feeling that the Taoist temple is ancient, she has no feeling: "I don't see anything unusual about it?"

Now Lin Mu told Yu Yaqing about the magic of this Taoist temple.

After listening to Lin Mu's description, Yu Yaqing covered her mouth in shock.

"It can really change the rules of time!" Yu Yaqing asked in shock.

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Of course."

Yu Yaqing said: "Then can I go in and have a look?"

Lin Mu said: "Of course, but I'm afraid it won't work here."

Yu Yaqing asked, "Why?"

Lin Mu smiled and said, "If I let you in here, the Fuman Building will probably collapse under the pressure of this Taoist temple."

As soon as Lin Mu said, Yu Yaqing also reacted.

"Jingle Bell!"

Just when Yaqing wanted to ask something, Lin Mu's phone rang suddenly.

Lin Mu took out his phone and found that it was Shi Jin who was calling, and he picked it up casually, and said, "Slinger Shi is going to let me choose medicinal materials, isn't he?"

Shi Jin said: "That's right, that's the thing. Those ancient martial arts sects in southern Xinjiang have already sent the medicinal materials you need. I'll send someone to send them to you tomorrow."

Lin Mu nodded and said, "That's good."

After a pause, Shi Jin said, "I have found some clues from the God of Death, but this clue may not be good news for you."

Lin Mu didn't speak, but waited for Shi Jin to continue.

Shi Jin pondered for a while, and continued: "According to the information we have now, the Reaper has mixed up with the Reaper Alliance controlled by the Holy See, and their common goal is you, but don't worry, we have officially given Western The world has put pressure on them to restrain the people of the Holy See, but there will definitely be hidden actions, so be careful."

After listening to Shi Jin's words, Lin Mu's aura also cooled down: "Can you find out who the boss of Reaper is?"

The god of death has completely angered Lin Mu now, and Lin Mu has only one idea now, to make the god of death completely disappear from the earth.

Shi Jindao: "We are trying our best to find the identity of the boss of Death God, but this boss of Death God is very mysterious, no one has seen his true face at all, but since they want to mix with the Death God Alliance, the bosses of both parties will definitely Meet, we have already obtained the time for the two parties to meet, and we have arranged for someone to go over to see if we can see the boss of Death God."

Lin Mu said: "No need, just tell me the address and time, I'll go there by myself, and I'll give them a big gift by the way!"

When Shi Jin heard this, he hurriedly said, "You can't go this time. If you really go and kill the two leaders of the Reaper and the Reaper Alliance, I'm afraid it will trigger a full-scale war between the West and us."

If it was something else, Shi Jin might use aggressive methods to let Lin Mu go, but he really didn't dare to let Lin Mu go over this matter. If it really caused a fight between the two sides, Shi Jin couldn't bear the responsibility.

Lin Mu proudly said: "When the war starts, let's start the war, don't tell me I'm still afraid of them!"

Shi Jindao: "You are not afraid of them, but we have to be afraid. The country has finally stabilized for so many years. The key is that there is only one Holy See in the Western world, and one family dominates. It is impossible to fight against the enemy wholeheartedly. If we go to war at this time, even if we can win, it will only be a miserable victory, and it will make other countries take advantage of it."

Lin Mu said: "This is something you should worry about. It's okay if you don't give it to me. I can directly kill the Holy See. At that time, they will still put the blame on you."

After listening to Lin Mu's words, Shi Jin wiped off his sweat, and persuaded him, "You can't be so foolish, the West doesn't dare to do anything now, and I've already sent people to protect the people around you, to ensure that they won't be harmed." Yes. And this time they crossed the line on their own initiative, and they ignored it.

And even if you really want to go to war, you have to give me time to contact those ancient martial arts sects. As long as they have an attitude, the West will not dare to go to war. Even if you kill their leaders at that time, the West will I dare not say anything. "

Lin Mudao: "Okay, I'll give you time, three days, you do the work of those ancient martial arts sects, after three days, no matter whether they agree or not, I will kill the Holy See!"

Shi Jin quickly said: "Okay! You give me three days, and I will definitely be able to do the work of those people."

After hanging up the phone, Yu Yaqing looked at the murderous Lin Mu and asked worriedly, "What happened again?"

Lin Mudao: "The Reaper and the Reaper Alliance controlled by the Western Holy See have mixed together, and they want to deal with me and you."

Yu Yaqing said, "Then you really plan to kill the Holy See!"

Lin Mu nodded, and said, "They are the ones who made the first move this time. I won't be polite to them anymore. Only by beating them down once can they be afraid of you."

Yu Yaqing said worriedly: "But you are only one person. If you are so reckless to kill the Holy See, you may be outnumbered!"

Lin Mu said: "Don't worry about that, I'm just going to deal with their leaders, I'm not going to take them all at once, it won't be so easy for them to keep me."

Yu Yaqing opened her mouth, wanting to say something else, but he knew Lin Mu's temper, once Lin Mu made a decision, he would not change it easily.

At night, Lin Mu quietly left Fumanlou alone, and went to the outskirts of Fengyang, where he found a deserted place, where Lin Mu sacrificed his precious Taoist temple.

After restoring the Taoist temple to its normal size, Lin Shu dodged into the Taoist temple directly.

The Taoist temple is now his treasure, and Lin Mu doesn't have to worry about getting lost, and he also has a rough idea of ​​the time ratio in it.

The current ratio of the Taoist temple to the outside world is about one to eight, which means that one hour in the Taoist temple is equivalent to eight hours outside.

This ratio has greatly exceeded Lin Mu's expectations, and Lin Mu also knows that this time ratio can also be changed as his cultivation level improves.

However, the only shortcoming is that this Taoist temple consumes a lot of spiritual energy. With the existing spiritual energy on the earth, I am afraid it can only keep this Taoist temple running for a day, and why it can run for so long in Binhai is mainly because of the one under the underground palace. Immortal Artifacts continuously provide immortal energy to the Taoist temple, so that the Taoist temple can operate normally for so many years.

"Fuck, guarding such a big treasure mountain, but can't use it!" After Lin Mu checked the Taoist temple thoroughly, he couldn't help cursing.

But thinking about it, if such a baby can change the rules of time without consuming aura, it would be a bit too heaven-defying.

Coming out of the Taoist temple depressed, Lin Mu also received the Taoist temple into his storage ring.

Lin Mu originally planned to use the Taoist temple to recover himself in the past few days, but now it seems that this idea can only be temporarily dismissed.

If he really uses the Taoist temple to cultivate, within a day, the aura on the earth will be emptied by himself. Lin Mu still dare not do such a thing that would risk the disgrace of the world.

(End of this chapter)

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