Supreme Chef

Chapter 302 Spend 1 to make trouble

Chapter 302 Spend 100 to make trouble
If Lin Mu really sucked up all the spiritual energy on the earth, then it will not only be Lin Mu who will be affected by that time, but all creatures on the entire earth will be affected. In this case, the cause and effect of Lin Mu will be great. gone.

Such a big cause and effect, even if it does not survive the catastrophe, it can still grind the trees to death.

Depressedly put away the Taoist temple, Lin Mu could only sigh, he had a treasure mountain and could not use it anymore.

Although he can't use Taoist temples to help him practice, Lin Mu can't stop practicing.

After clearing up his mood, Lin Mu sat cross-legged on the ground and began to practice.

Lost so much essence and blood, it is obviously impossible to make up for it all at once, but fortunately Shi Jin will send the medicinal materials he needs tomorrow, although the essence and blood that can be recovered by using medicinal materials will not be enough, but It's better to be able to recover than not to be able to recover.

After practicing all night, Lin Mu restored his aura level to the best state that can be achieved on the third foundation building.

As for the lost essence and blood, it can only be made up slowly in the future.


Letting out a long breath, Lin Mu got up from the ground, looking at the rising sun, Lin Shu also flickered, and left the place.

When Lin Mu returned to Fumanlou, Fumanlou hadn't opened yet, but there were quite a lot of people queuing in front of Fumanlou.

Because Fang Nan announced the news of Lin Mu's return last night, the people who lined up all came to wait in line to eat Lin Mu's vegetables.

Lin Mu turned around at the main entrance, and then entered Fuman Building through the back door.

After entering the Fuman Building, Lin Mu saw that all the waiters were already busy. Everyone already knew how hot the scene would be today, so they made preparations in advance.

Lin Mu went directly to the office from the back kitchen, only to find that Xu Mei was there alone.

"Yo! Brother, did you wake up quite early?" Seeing Lin Mu coming in, Xu Mei twisted her waist and said in front of Lin Mu.

"Sister Mei, I woke up earlier." Lin Mu replied with a smile.

Xu Mei gave Lin Mu a white look, and said: "It's not all because of you coming back, everyone has been mobilized by you alone, you are now bigger than those celebrities."

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Sister Mei, you are blaming me."

Xu Mei said: "I dare not, you are now the pillar of our Fumanlou, if I make you unhappy, if you quit, I will be guilty of a serious crime."

Lin Mu said: "Who am I going to be angry with, and I dare not be angry with you, Sister Mei."

Xu Mei nodded her chin in satisfaction, and said, "That's pretty much the same. I usually don't love you for nothing, my sister."

Lin Mu moved closer, sniffing the strong but not exaggerated fragrance of Xu Mei's body, and said, "Sister Mei, why do you always love me, why don't I feel it?"

Xu Mei looked at Lin Mu with a teasing smile, hooked Lin Mu's chin with her fingers, and said charmingly: "Why do you think my sister loves you?"

Lin Mu said, "Sister Mei, what do you think?"

Xu Mei's eyebrows and eyes were like lightning, she kept drawing circles on Lin Mu's chest with her fingers, and said, "My sister also wants to love you well, but what should I do if I am afraid that some people will be jealous?"

In front of Xu Mei, a goblin-like woman, Lin Mu could only retreat.

Xu Mei looked at Lin Mu who had already confessed her love, smiled charmingly, and said, "Look at you timid, I really don't know how you are a man?"

When Lin Mu heard this, he also leaned forward, and suddenly pushed Xu Mei to his chest, and said, "Sister Mei, you can doubt my courage, but you can't doubt the fact that I am a man, or you can verify it, Sister Mei. one time."

Lin Mu's sudden move also made Xu Mei jump, smelling Lin Mu's unique masculinity at such a close distance, Xu Mei's pretty face also flushed slightly.

Xu Mei raised her pink fist and thumped Lin Mu's chest. She said coquettishly, "You are going to die! You want to scare me to death!"

Lin Mu looked at Xu Mei's tender and tender look, and couldn't help teasing her, saying, "Sister Mei, didn't you take the initiative just now, why did I scare you now, shouldn't you be mentally prepared?"

Xu Mei looked at Lin Mu with wide eyes, and her small hands slid along Lin Mu's upper body to the position of her thighs, rubbing against Lin Mu's sensitive parts back and forth, and said, "What's wrong with me taking the initiative? Is it possible that you really dare to touch me?" I ate it."

Within two strokes, Xiao Linmu raised the banner, and the distance between the two was so close, Xiao Linmu instantly pressed against Xu Mei's sensitive parts.


Being pressed against her sensitive position by a fiery stick, Xu Mei couldn't help but let out a coquettish cry, her pretty face became hot as well, and she subconsciously took a step back.

"Little pervert!" Xu Mei took a step back, distanced herself from Lin Mu, glared at Lin Mu coquettishly, and said angrily.

Seeing Xu Mei's infinitely shy look, Lin Mu felt as if a fire was burning in his heart.

Xu Mei obviously also felt the changes in the trees, and became a little at a loss.

As far as teasing Lin Mu, Xu Mei is okay, but if it comes to the real thing, Xu Mei is really not ready, Xu Mei stands where she is, like a young girl who is just in love, not knowing whether she should step forward or not step forward.


Fortunately, the situation between the two of them didn't last long before they were interrupted by a knock on the door.

Hearing the knock on the door, both of them woke up with a start.

Xu Mei hurriedly tidied up her clothes, calmed down her flustered mood, and then said to the outside: "Please come in!"

The door opened, and the store manager stood at the door and said, "Manager Xu, Manager Yu and Mr. Fang, please go to the lobby on the first floor."

Xu Mei nodded and said, "Well, I understand, I'm going down now."

After the store manager left, Xu Mei gave Lin Mu a hard look and said, "Little pervert."

Lin Mu looked at Xu Mei, touched his nose habitually, and said, "Sister Mei didn't seem to be the one who took the initiative that time, did she?"

Xu Mei snorted, and said: "Sooner or later, sister will let you bow down under her pomegranate skirt."

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Being a ghost under roses is also romantic. If I can bow down under Sister Mei's pomegranate skirt, even if I die, it will be worth it."

Xu Mei said charmingly: "Since my younger brother has said so, if my sister doesn't satisfy my younger brother's wish, wouldn't my younger brother die with regret."

Lin Mu, with a bitter expression on his face, said, "Sister Mei, let me just say that, are you really willing to watch your brother die?"

Xu Mei giggled and said, "With such a good brother, my sister certainly wouldn't be willing to let you die, so my sister can't let you bow down under my pomegranate skirt."

Before Lin Mu could speak, Xu Mei continued, "Okay, let's go down quickly, don't make Fang Nan and the others anxious."

Lin Mu agreed, and also happily followed Xu Mei, admiring Xu Mei's figure like a water snake, while going downstairs.

When they arrived at the hall, Fang Nan and Yu Yaqing were constantly instructing the waiters to do something, looking very busy.

Lin Mu came in front of Fang Nan and Yu Yaqing, and said, "Isn't it just that there are a little more people here to eat, so why take it so seriously?"

Fang Nan wiped the sweat off his forehead, and said, "Uncle, you don't know, just now we received a big deal, and a customer offered a price of 100 million to cover our entire Fumanlou. down."

Lin Mudao: "The entire Fumanlou has been booked, do you want to have a happy event?"

Fang Nandao: "It's not a wedding, it seems to be a banquet for some important guests, but the other party doesn't like to be disturbed, so I booked the whole Fumanlou."

"Which upstart from this family has money and no place to spend it, and he doesn't like being disturbed to go upstairs to the private room, or he'll be done," Lin Mu said.

Fang Nan also smiled, and said, "I don't know the identity of the other party either, but it doesn't matter whether he is a local tycoon or an upstart, as long as he can make money, everything will be over."

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Then you are not afraid that they are here to make trouble."

Fang Nandao: "I'm really not worried about this. Now who doesn't know the background of our Fumanlou, and even if he wants to make trouble, he doesn't need to spend 100 million to make trouble, right?"

Lin Mu smiled and said, "That may not be the case."

Fang Nan cried and said, "Uncle, we don't bring such curses. Fumanlou also has your shares. If they come to make trouble, you will suffer a lot, Uncle."

Lin Mu laughed and said, "Don't worry, I'm just saying casually, even if someone really comes to make trouble, you don't have to worry if I'm here!"

(End of this chapter)

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