Supreme Chef

Chapter 303

Chapter 303
Fang Nan also said in agreement, "Even if you are here, I have nothing to worry about."

It's noon soon. Because of the previous reservations, other customers can only push back. Those who got the number are naturally happy, and those who can't get the number can only shake their heads and sigh.

But this world is not absolutely fair at any time, just like those who are not ranked, maybe they came early, but there are people who are earlier than them.

But even those who came earlier were not as good as the millionaire who made a move of 100 million.

At this time, the hall of Fuman Building had already been set up. In the entire hall, there was only one round table, and the round table that could seat twenty people could only seat five people at this time.

A man with a fat stomach, gold chains all over his body, and the desire to turn his eyeballs into diamonds is obviously the big local tyrant this time.

But just because he pays, doesn't mean he is the protagonist.The protagonists this time are three dry, ageless old men sitting in the center.

The three old men looked shriveled and frightening, as if a gust of wind could blow them away, but the three of them didn't feel weak at all. On the contrary, the three of them gave people a very eerie feeling, as if The three of them are like evil spirits who came out of hell.

Although the local tyrant was the one who paid the money this time, the eyes of the three old men were not on the local tyrant at all. After staying for even a second, the eyes of the three of them were almost the same. On busty beauties with at least an F breast size.

There was a wolf-like light in the eyes of the three old men, coupled with their sinister aura, the big-breasted beauty felt a burst of coldness all over her body, and she even regretted coming.

But she is just a secretary, would she dare to come if the boss asked her to come?What's more, in addition to being a secretary, she is also the boss' bedside honey, how dare she not listen to the boss.

"Fumanlou is now the hottest restaurant in Liaodong Province, and it is also a state banquet recognized by the state. I wonder if the three seniors are still satisfied with the environment here?" the local tyrant said flatteringly.

The three nodded, and one of them stroked his long beard and said, "Well, Chairman Xie is indeed sincere. We are very satisfied with Chairman Xie's arrangement."

The local tyrant surnamed Xie was overjoyed to hear that the three of them were satisfied with his arrangement, and hurriedly struck while the iron was hot, saying: "Three seniors, I rashly invited the three seniors here this time, mainly because one of my coal mines has recently In the accident, six people have died one after another. Everyone said that they saw unclean things under the mine, and now everyone is panicking.

No worker dared to go to work at all, so my loss would be too great.So I would like to ask three seniors to catch that unclean thing for me so that I can start working normally. "

The old man who was closest to the local tyrant said, "Ghost catching is my specialty in Guilingmen, but this is only possible thanks to the cooperation of the chairman."

When the local tyrant heard something interesting, he hurriedly said: "The three seniors have any requests, but it's okay to say."

The old man who spoke just now and the other two looked at each other, pretending to be an old god, and said: "Actually, I don't want to thank the chairman for cooperating, the main thing is to thank the secretary of the chairman for cooperating with us. "

When the local tyrant heard that he wanted his secretary to cooperate, he immediately showed embarrassment.

Although this secretary is not his wife, he is his woman after all.Let yourself give away your woman, but I am afraid that no man can do it.

When the secretary heard that the three of them had called him by name, he was also frightened and quickly grabbed the hand of the local tyrant.

She wasn't afraid to accompany men, but if she was to accompany these three old guys who were neither human nor ghost, it would be better to let her die.

Sensing his own woman's plea for help, the local tyrant bit the bullet and said, "Three seniors, Xiao Ai is just a secretary. I'm afraid she can't help much, right?"

The person sitting in the middle among the three of them snorted coldly when he heard what the local tyrant said, and said, "Do you think we want this woman to do those things? Her fate is not compatible with yours. Originally, the two of you It would be better if you didn't have that kind of trick, but it's because you two have that kind of trick that you have bad luck. We want her to help her change her fortune and make her reconcile with your fate. If If you don't want to, then I don't think we need to eat this meal!"

When the local tyrant heard that the three seniors wanted to let go of him, he hurriedly accompanied him, saying: "The three seniors were all juniors just now, right? Three old seniors, please don't forget the faults of villains. Don't be as knowledgeable as the juniors. The juniors must Do your best to cooperate with the three seniors!"

"Boss!" When Xiao Ai heard that her boss wanted to cooperate with these three people who were neither human nor ghost, she quickly grabbed her boss's arm and shouted with aggrieved expression.

The local tyrant looked back at Xiao Ai, and he was actually reluctant to give up, but for his own sake, the local tyrant was still cruel, and said: "I just asked you to cooperate with the three seniors, and the three seniors will not do anything to you."

"Boss, I..."

What did Xiao Ai want to say, the face of the local tyrant suddenly sank, and said: "Didn't you say that you can do anything for me? I haven't asked you to do anything yet, I just asked you to cooperate with the three seniors, you just So many words!"

Seeing the sudden anger of the local tyrant, Xiao Ai didn't dare to say anything more, and could only nod in resignation: "Yes, I will cooperate with the three seniors."

When the three of them heard this, they all nodded in satisfaction, and at the same time, lewd lights flashed in their eyes from time to time.

Xiao Ai looked at the light in the eyes of the three of them, and her face turned pale from fright.

"Guests, are you satisfied with our Fumanlou's dishes?" As the owner of Fumanlou, Xu Mei naturally wanted to socialize with such a big client.

The four men followed the sound, and when they saw Xu Mei's appearance, their eyes could not help but light up. Obviously, none of them thought that there would be such a stunner in Fumanlou.

Especially the three old guys, their eyeballs were about to fall out. At the same time, the three of them were determined to get Xu Mei no matter what.

Although Xiao Ai has a hot body, Xu Mei does not belong to Xiao Ai at all. The key is that Xu Mei is still a virgin, which is not comparable to Xiao Ai.

It wasn't the first time Xu Mei was looked at like this, but being looked at by three old people who were neither human nor ghost made Xu Mei frowned slightly.

"Chairman Xie, this lady's fortune is very good. If I can get help from this lady, I promise not only to solve your urgent needs, Chairman Xie, but also to give you at least another 20 years of good fortune, Chairman Xie! "The old man in the middle said again.

When the local tyrant heard this, he immediately got up, came to Xu Mei, and said, "Hello, I am the chairman of Jiuhe Mining Co., Ltd."

Xu Mei didn't know what he was going to do, so she smiled politely and said, "Long-awaited, long-awaited."

The local tyrant paused and said, "I don't know your name yet, miss."

Xu Mei said: "Xu Mei!"

The local tyrant nodded and said, "Miss Xu, I want to ask you a favor, can I?"

After a pause, the local tyrant added: "Of course I won't let Ms. Xu help me for free. I'm willing to give 100 million as a reward to Ms. Xu."

Xu Mei's face turned cold when she heard this, and she said, "I'm sorry, I'm not interested in this."

After speaking, Xu Mei turned around and was about to leave, but the local tyrant stood in front of Xu Mei all of a sudden, saying: "Miss Xu, if you think the price is unreasonable, we can continue to discuss, or Miss Xu, you can directly make a price." .”

Xu Mei sneered and said, "I'm afraid you won't be able to accept the price I'm asking."

When the local tyrant heard something interesting, he hurriedly said: "Miss Xu, just ask for a price, and I will definitely try my best to satisfy you, Miss Xu."

Xu Mei said: "Okay then, I'll ask you for 100 billion. I don't know if you can afford it. If you can't afford it, please get out of the way!"

"Walking over there, the person we have our eyes on still wants to leave, it's wishful thinking!" The one among the three who had never spoken before suddenly appeared in front of Xu Mei and said.

The local tyrant saw that the three of them were going to use force, and hurriedly said: "Old man, this is a public place."

The man waved his hand and said, "I don't care about public places or not. It's an honor for her to be seen by the three of us brothers."

The local tyrant said: "But if we are here, it may be difficult for us to get out."

The man said: "You are worried about those policemen. Don't worry, those policemen dare not touch us. Even if the people from Longteng come, they will be polite in front of us. You just need to go back and prepare the money. Just take it with us!"

"What a big tone, three people from the ancient martial arts world who don't know the heights of heaven and earth dare to come here to make trouble. It seems that the three of you didn't read the almanac when you came out!"

(End of this chapter)

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