Supreme Chef

Chapter 304 Three Ghosts and Six Formation

Chapter 304 Three Ghosts Liuhe Formation

When everyone heard the voice, they turned around and looked over.

"A cook dares to meddle in other people's affairs, it's none of your business here, get out!" Chairman Xie said contemptuously when he saw Lin Mu dressed as a chef.

This time the three elders were surprisingly silent, and Lin Mu could tell that they came from the ancient martial arts world, so it was obvious that Lin Mu was not an ordinary person, and it was even more impossible for him to be an ordinary cook.

After Chairman Xie finished speaking, he found that the three elders did not match him, and felt that something was wrong, so he closed his mouth very understandingly and stood behind the three elders.

"Who are you?" The old man standing in front of Xu Mei asked cautiously.

He had to be cautious in the face of Lin Mu. Although Lin Mu was young, he couldn't see the depth of his body at all. If he was already half-level, he couldn't see the depth. Lin Mu is a master at the prefecture level.

Although he doesn't believe that Lin Mu is a prefecture-level master at such a young age, but the fact is before him, he just can't see the depth of Lin Shu, so he has to be careful about it.

Lin Mu said: "Didn't you just say that even if someone from Longteng appears in front of you, you should be polite? Unfortunately, I am from Longteng, and I am also the chief instructor of Longteng!"

Hearing that Lin Mu turned out to be from Long Teng, the three of them looked at each other. Obviously, none of them thought that there would be such a master among Long Teng.

But even if Lin Mu is the top expert among Longteng, the three of them have no intention of giving in half a step.

"So what about Long Teng? Could it be Long Teng, who dares to interfere in the internal affairs of our ancient martial arts world!" The old man standing in front of Xu Mei said with a cold snort.

Lin Mudao: "I'm not interested in interfering with your internal affairs, but if you want to touch my people, I'm very interested in meddling."

"No! He smells like a ghost pill!" The old man with the highest cultivation level among the three suddenly raised his eyebrows and said solemnly.

"Ghost Pill!"

The other two also repeated in surprise.

"Who the hell are you? Why do you have the smell of ghost pills on your body?" The old man with the highest cultivation took a step forward, and asked Lin Mu with an imposing manner.

Ghost pills may not be useful to other ancient martial arts practitioners, but for ancient martial arts practitioners at Guilingmen, ghost pills mean a breakthrough in cultivation and an improvement in their own strength.

Lin Mu flipped his palm, and a pitch-black ghost pill appeared in Lin Mu's hand, saying: "The nose is quite sensitive, it's almost as good as a dog's nose. Seeing how sensitive you are to the smell of ghost pills, you can't be ghosts." From Lingmen, right?"

"That's right, we belong to the Ghost Ridge Sect. Since you know my Ghost Ridge Gate's name, put down the ghost pill, and we will spare you!" the man with the highest cultivation level said in a threatening tone.

After a pause, the person with the highest cultivation level seemed to remember something, and suddenly said in shock: "This ghost pill belongs to my Ghost Ridge Sect. Did you kill the Great Elder of my Pai!"

"Haha!" Lin Mu laughed out loud after hearing what he said, and instead of answering his question, he said: "You are quite good at grabbing words, this line is not yours, your line should be' Heroes, spare your life' that's right."

"Boy, I think you are looking for death!" The old man standing in front of Xu Mei said something ghostly, and then rushed towards Lin Mu, trying to snatch the ghost pill from Lin Mu's hand.

Although he couldn't see the depth of Lin Mu, he still didn't want to believe that Lin Mu was a prefecture-level master.

"The third brother can't..." The old man with the highest cultivation level, before he could finish his sentence, the third child had already rushed in front of Lin Mu.

Lin Mu didn't seem to feel it, he didn't even move the palm holding the ghost pill.

The third child looked at Gui Pill, who was close at hand, with a greedy look in his eyes.

Just when his palm was about to touch the ghost pill, a slap suddenly fell from the sky.

Seeing the slap coming, the third child subconsciously wanted to dodge, but no matter how he tried to dodge, the slap was like a tarsal maggot, and he couldn't dodge at all.


With a muffled sound, Lin Mu directly slapped the third child and sent him flying.

With a slap, the third child was slapped away, Lin Mu shook his hand, and said: "I slapped so many people, you are the one who slaps the most, and the voice is still so dull, if I knew it, I would have given you a kick."

The old man with the highest cultivation base looked at Lin Shu with an unprecedented solemnity in his eyes.

He knew the cultivation base of the third child. Although he was not a real prefecture level, he was still at the peak of the half-step prefecture level. Even if he was himself, it was impossible for him to slap him away.

"The third child is back!" Seeing the third child who got up from the ground and wanted to make trouble for Lin Mu, the boss yelled coldly.

Hearing his elder brother's cold drink, the third child also angrily returned to his elder brother's side.

"We, the three elders of Guiling, haven't asked Your Excellency for your name yet!" The elder brother solemnly announced the names of the three of them.

Lin Mudao: "You come here to eat my cooking, don't you know who I am?"

"You are Lin Mu!" Chairman Xie said in shock.

Chairman Xie has only heard of Lin Mu's name, but has never met Lin Mu himself. Of course, he is even more unaware that Lin Mu's skills are so good. The seniors who he paid a lot of money to hire, who are said to be miraculous by outsiders, are not Lin Mu's opponents. .

"Lin Mu! Master Chef!" The elder brother looked at Lin Mu cautiously and said.

Lin Mu looked at the three of them and said, "Are you three going to go together, or one by one?"

"Eldest brother, this kid is a bit weird, the three of us should go up together!" The second younger brother with the calmest personality said to the elder brother.

The elder brother looked at Lin Mu, nodded, and said: "Quick battle, quick decision, take the ghost pill, and leave immediately!"


The two juniors nodded, both pretending to be attacking.

"Boy, it's unlucky for you today to meet our three elders of Guiling!" The third junior brother said sullenly.

As soon as the words fell, a yellow talisman appeared in his hand, and then with a flick of his wrist, the talisman ignited spontaneously, and then the temperature in the entire lobby dropped a few degrees inexplicably, and gusts of wind blew all around .

Chairman Xie and his secretary were so frightened that they curled up into a ball and hugged each other.

Lin Mu knew that it was him who sacrificed the ghost that he raised, so Lin Mu also took a step forward, protecting Xu Mei behind him, and said, "Sister Mei, get out of here now, and tell anyone not to come to the first floor!"

Lin Mu is not afraid of those things, but it does not mean that other people are not afraid. If ordinary people are invaded by ghosts, it will be very troublesome.

Although Xu Mei didn't know what happened, seeing Lin Mu's serious expression, Xu Mei nodded and said, "En! I know!"

"I want to run, none of the women we've set our sights on can escape!" The third child who was the first to sacrifice his own ghost suddenly gave a strange cry, and the ghost that was fed by it rushed towards Xu Mei, thinking I want to bring Xu Mei back.


Lin Mu snorted coldly, pointed directly like a sword, and pointed at the ghost.


Reiki is born to be the nemesis of ghosts, not to mention that Lin Mu is still a cultivator with a high level of cultivation.

A burst of black smoke came out, and then the ghost flew backwards at a faster speed than before.

"You can see them!" The elder brother looked at Lin Mu in shock.

Lin Mu didn't take it seriously, and said: "How come you old ghosts can see it, but I can't see it. If you have any skills, you'd better use them as soon as possible. I will open the door later for business!"

"Senior brother, this kid has something on him. It is specially designed to restrain the ghosts we raised. We must solve it quickly!" The second junior brother looked at Lin Mu and said in a serious tone.

They don't believe that Lin Mu is a cultivator, and it is even more impossible for them to think that Lin Mu's aura is inherently able to restrain ghosts. In their view, Lin Mu is a treasure that can restrain the ghosts they raise.

The elder brother pondered for a moment, and said: "Set up the Liuhe formation of the three ghosts, quick battle and quick decision!"

(End of this chapter)

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