Supreme Chef

Chapter 305

Chapter 305
After the elder brother gave an order, the other two old men acted immediately, stood where they should stand, and at the same time sacrificed the ghosts they raised.

The ghosts raised by the three are different, but what they have in common is that none of the three ghosts has a human shape, and they are all a cloud of gray gas, but the color of the gas varies. The one raised by the elder brother is the darkest, obviously the most Powerful, of course it is also the one that devours the most souls.

The three people and the three ghosts appeared at the same time, and the whole hall suddenly became gloomy, and the wind was everywhere, as scary as Shura's hell.

Chairman Xie and his secretary were directly fainted by the ghost.

Seeing the three people and three ghosts surrounding him, Lin Mu was still not afraid at all.


After a hoarse and ear-piercing voice came out of the elder brother's mouth, the three people and three ghosts started to move at the same time.

The three ghosts hovered above Lin Shu's head, constantly releasing their ghostly aura, looking for opportunities to invade Lin Shu's body, while the three elders were on the ground, attacking Lin Shu together.

Among the three elders, there are two half-step prefecture-level and one prefecture-level elementary level. Such a lineup can be called luxurious.

Logically speaking, with their level of cultivation, they should rarely involve the world of mortals. However, Ghost Ridge Sect is not a decent sect, but a sect that raises ghosts. It is normal for them to behave strangely.

Although Lin Mu lost a lot of essence and blood in order to refine the Taoist temple, it is still not a problem to deal with two half-step earth-levels, one earth-level and three ghosts.

The three elders circled the forest, constantly blasting out their palms that were more terrifying than ghosts, and at the same time using the ghost energy, they wanted to continuously wipe out the yang energy on Lin Mu's body.

But it's a pity that they don't know that although Lin Mu is not a fairy body now, he has long been invulnerable to ghosts.

The three of them fought around the tree for more than ten minutes, and found that the ghost energy had no effect on the tree at all, and the foreheads of the three began to sweat.

Although their cultivation bases are half-level and prefecture-level, their real trump card is not their cultivation base, but the ghosts they raise. If the ghosts are useless, then they have lost more than half of their strength. strength.

The three of them saw each other's panic from each other's eyes.


The senior brother let out a loud shout, and the three of them attacked the forest surrounded by trees at the same time, and the three ghosts above their heads also attacked the forest trees by coincidence.


Seeing the three people and three ghosts besieging him, Lin Mu also snorted coldly, and then punched like lightning, knocking out the three ghosts with three punches.

The three ghosts were overthrown, and suddenly black smoke rose up, making the whole hall even more eerie.


The three ghosts were raised by the three elders with their lives. The three ghosts were severely injured, and the three of them naturally felt the same, and spurted a mouthful of dirty blood at the same time.

What the three of them sprayed out was really dirty blood, probably because they had been with ghosts all year round, the blood of the three of them showed an abnormal brown color, and at the same time emitted a pungent fishy smell.

The three elders were beaten and retreated four or five steps, with shock and disbelief written all over their faces.

They used this tactic to no avail. It was the first time they had seen such a thing, especially when Lin Mu directly overturned the three ghosts he raised with a pair of fists. Yes, this simply exceeded their expectations.

And now they also feel the difference of Lin Mu to some extent. The reason why Lin Mu is not afraid of ghosts does not seem to be because he has strange treasures, but because he is really not afraid of the ghosts raised by the three of them.

"Human and ghost are one!" The elder brother gritted his teeth and shouted loudly.

"Big Brother!"

Hearing the four words uttered by his senior brother, both juniors cried out.

The unity of human and ghost is not a joke, if you don't make trouble, you will lose your life.

And the most important thing is that besides the loss of Yangshou, after this move is used, it is not known whether it is you or the ghost that controls your body.

Although these ghosts are raised by themselves, ghosts are ghosts, and they will not be grateful to you, and the body of a living person has a fatal attraction to them. Once they are allowed to touch the body of a living person, they will try their best occupy.

What if my body was controlled by the ghosts I raised after I finished casting the spell, that would be the saddest thing.

"Do as I say!" The senior brother ignored the words of his two juniors at all, and directly shouted coldly.

In fact, this elder brother can be considered to understand that today they and Lin Mu are already inexhaustible, even if this trick is not used, Lin Mu will not let them go.Instead of this, it is better to let go and fight, maybe there is still a way to survive.


The two of them also understood everything from the eyes of their elder brother, and there was a trace of determination in their eyes.

The three of them decided to give it a go, but Lin Mu didn't intend to give them this chance.

Lin Mu has seen the perfect fusion of Naihechuan and Shikigami. Although he doesn't know if the fusion of human and ghost has the same effect, Lin Mu dare not take risks now.

Against Naihe Chuan back then, it was because he was at his peak state, and now he lost nearly half of his blood essence. Although his cultivation was still there, he couldn't exert [-]% of his strength.

In case there were three Naihe Rivers, Lin Shu would have no choice but to escape.

Looking at the three old men who were constantly chanting incantations, a sly smile appeared on the corner of Lin Mu's mouth.

Then Lin Mu spotted the three ghosts above the heads of the three old men, and directly sacrificed three knives of divine consciousness.

Ever since Lin Mu brought the soul-suppressing pearl into the Niwan Palace, his spiritual consciousness has increased several times, and with the help of spiritual consciousness skills, Lin Mu's current spiritual consciousness cultivation has already surpassed his current foundation-building third floor. His cultivation level is probably equivalent to the fifth floor of Foundation Establishment.

It is simply too childish to deal with a few ineffective ghosts with the spiritual consciousness of the fifth level of foundation building.

The three divine sense knives passed and directly invaded the three ghosts.

Although they are raised ghosts, they still have a little bit of self-awareness.

However, under the attack of Lin Mu's Divine Consciousness Knife, the self-awareness of the three ghosts was wiped out in an instant, and this is not over, the Divine Consciousness Knife even made the relationship between the three ghosts and the three old men That weak connection was also shattered.


This weak connection was crushed, and the three of them felt as if their heads had been hit hard with a sledgehammer, and they all screamed.

This weak connection was broken, and the three ghosts naturally became lonely ghosts, and their original self-awareness was gone, and the rest was instinct.

The three ghosts glanced at the trees in the air, all showing instinctive fear, but towards the remaining three old ghosts, the three ghosts showed instinctive greed.

With a whistling sound, the three ghosts all took advantage of the gap and got into the bodies of the three of them.

The body of a living person is indeed the most direct attraction to ghosts.

Three ghosts raised by the three of them entered his body, and the three of them also wanted to expel them.

However, both the body and the sea of ​​consciousness of the three of them have been severely injured at this time. Even if they want to, they are powerless, and they have stayed with ghosts all year round. almost zero.

Lin Mu looked at the three old men who were scratching his hair like crazy, and also put away his fingerprints.

Originally, Lin Mu planned to deal with the three ghosts directly, and then deal with the three old men, but this ending, for them, might be the best punishment.

The three old men kept rolling on the ground, and the screams in their mouths made people's skin crawl. The hands of the three desperately tore at their hair and the skin on their bodies, as if they wanted to skin themselves.

"Please...kill me!" The senior brother begged Lin Mu, enduring the pain.

Lin Mu looked at the elder brother and said, "Perhaps this is the first time for you to experience this kind of pain. This is called a karmic cycle. When you use this kind of thing to deal with others, you should think that you will have this day too!"

(End of this chapter)

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