Supreme Chef

Chapter 306 The Plan of Ghost Ridge Gate

Chapter 306 The Plan of Ghost Ridge Gate
The three of them rolled back and forth on the ground for about 10 minutes, and they didn't die until the three of them had captured themselves and lost their human form.

And at the moment when the three ghosts were about to escape, Lin Mu directly sacrificed the three foundation-building fires. In just an instant, the three ghosts and the corpses of the so-called three elders of Ghost Ridge turned into a pile of ashes.

After solving these three people, Lin Mu didn't even look at whether Chairman Xie and his secretary had any problems, but turned around and went upstairs to let Xu Mei and the others come down to clean the battlefield.

When Xu Mei, Fang Nan, and Yu Yaqing arrived at the lobby, they couldn't help shivering.

Although the three elders are dead, the consequences of those three ghosts will not be dispelled for a while.

"Uncle, what's going on here?" Fang Nan asked.

Lin Mu said: "It's nothing, it's just that I hit the spot by chance, there are really people who are willing to spend 100 million to make trouble."

Fang Nandao: "But even if we make trouble, there is no need to make our place the same as the region, right?"

Lin Mu said: "It's okay, someone will open the doors and windows later, let the sunlight in, and it will be fine in an hour."

Xu Mei glanced at the fainted Chairman Xie and his secretary in disgust, and said, "Where were those three perverts just now?"

Lin Mu said: "I beat you away."

To Xu Mei and the others, Lin Mu certainly couldn't tell the truth.

Xu Mei did not suspect him, but pointed at Chairman Xie and his big-chested secretary contemptuously, and said, "Then what about the two of them?"

Lin Mu said: "Of course it's to wake them up, tell them to pay the bill and get out."

Fang Nan said viciously, "Yes, tell them to get up and pay the bill, and then get out, dare to come to Fumanlou to make trouble, and don't look at who is behind Fumanlou!"

When Lin Mu heard Fang Nan's words, he patted Fang Nan's shoulder and said with a smile, "It seems that you have been in frequent contact with Liang Bing recently?"

Fang Nan also smiled when he heard Lin Mu's words.

At the same time, in an unknown deep mountain, a ghostly hall stands in the deepest part of the mountain.

At this time, in this ghostly hall, an old man with a gloomy complexion and haggard appearance, who looked like a ghost crawling out of hell, looked at the person sitting below with sinister eyes, and said: "The elder is dead!" , Now even the three elders of Guiling are dead, I want to know who is targeting our Guiling gate, is it those famous and upright sects who flaunt justice? Or the government's Long Teng?"

One of the people below stood up and said, "Master, the Great Elder left the sect by himself, and he died three years ago. The Third Elder of Guiling died just now. I'm afraid there is no direct relationship between the deaths of the two. Bar."

The head of the sect stared coldly at the person who spoke, and said: "I don't care who kills them, in short, who kills my ghost Lingmen, I want him to never be reborn, whether it is those famous families or decent families, or Huaxia. Long Teng, I want their lives!"

After being glanced at by the head, the person who spoke just now broke out in a cold sweat, cupped his hands and quickly sat back in his seat.

"Master, the three elders of Ghost Ridge, this time they came out of the mountain at the invitation of someone. It shouldn't be what those famous and decent sects say, most of them should be done by Long Teng." Another person stood up and analyzed.

The head of the sect turned cold, and said: "Long Teng is such a Long Teng, just now I heard that their strength has greatly increased, so they took our Ghost Ridge Gate as a knife, do you really think that our Ghost Ridge Gate is easy to bully?"

Another person stood up and said, "The headmaster, Long Teng's strength has indeed been strengthened a lot recently. It is said that their instructor couldn't help forcing the Tianya faction to dare not go out alone, and even solved the riots in southern Xinjiang by himself. This person's strength is unfathomable, if we fight him recklessly, the chances of winning are extremely low."

The person who spoke just now looked at the person who was speaking contemptuously, and said, "Elder Bone, you are imposing others before you even make a move. What does that mean?"

Elder Bone snorted coldly, and said: "What does it mean to be majestic to others? I'm just telling the truth. My Guiling Sect has always been despised by those so-called righteous ways. If I openly oppose the government again, it will be tantamount to ruining my Guiling Gate." The door's millennium foundation."

"Hmph! Those righteous ways are nothing, they just rely on the support of the Huaxia government and enjoy more resources. But the head has been found, the ghost king's ghost pill left by the ancestors of the previous generation, as long as the head is the ghost king The refinement of the ghost pills left behind, breaking through the earth level to reach the sky level, is a small matter that will come naturally. When the time comes, the head of the sect will rule the world with the money of the sky level, and those so-called righteous ways will only beg for mercy. Be afraid of us!" The man snorted coldly and said plausibly.

Elder Gu wanted to say something, but meeting the cold gaze of the sect master, Elder Gu swallowed the words abruptly.

"Elder Shi, I will leave it to you to find the murderer who killed the three elders of Guiling. You will go out of the mountain today. No matter who the other party is, I want you to bring back his living soul. I want him to try to refine his life." What does a soul feel like, let them know what it means to live or die." The headmaster said through gritted teeth.

Elder Shi was overjoyed, and quickly agreed: "It's the master, I'm going down the mountain now."

After Elder Shi led the people away, the head of the sect looked at Elder Gu and said, "How are you doing what Elder Gu asked you to do?"

Elder Gu cupped his hands and said: "I have sent my disciples out to monitor the movement of the three sects around us."

The head of the sect nodded and said: "Okay! My Ghost Ridge Gate has been surrounded by these famous and decent sects for a hundred years, and now is the time for my Ghost Ridge Gate to see the light of day again!"


"Elder Gu, I don't want to listen to your talk about hiding our strengths and biding our time. We have been hiding our strengths and biding our time for so many years. The only supreme elder in the sect has already passed away. If it wasn't for the ancestors who had spirits, I found the ghost pill left by the ghost king. Maybe my Ghost Ridge Sect has already become history!" The Sect Leader glared at Sect Leader Gui and said coldly.

Elder Gu dared to say anything, he could only clap his hands and say, "Yes, master!"


After some cleaning, Fumanlou reopened for business.

However, Chairman Xie and his big-breasted secretary are visiting Fumanlou's office at this time.

"Chairman Xie from Jiuhe Mining, right?" Fang Nan sat behind his desk, looking at Chairman Xie and his secretary who were still trembling and asked.

Chairman Xie nodded and said, "I am right."

Fang Nandao: "You also know that you are a humble person. You don't know who opened this Fumanlou. If you dare to come to Fumanlou to make trouble, I really admire Chairman Xie for your courage."

Chairman Xie wiped off his cold sweat and said, "I'm not here to make trouble, I just invited a few guests."

Chairman Xie really wasn't afraid of Fang Nan, he was mainly afraid of Lin Mu who was on the other side of the sofa, leisurely, leisurely eating a fruit platter.

Although he didn't see what happened just now, he did see the previous scenes with his own eyes. Lin Mu's ability has completely exceeded his imagination. In his opinion, Lin Mu is a living god.

Fang Nan said: "I have no problem with inviting guests, but your guests come to my Fumanlou to make trouble, how should this be counted?"

Chairman Xie said: "I am willing to compensate! I am willing to compensate!"

Fang Nan clapped his hands and said, "Okay, as long as you are willing to pay compensation. I won't make it difficult for you, 200 million, and you will pay for our losses."

Chairman Xie, nodded again and again, and said, "It's easy to say! It's easy to say! I'll get someone to send money now!"

After eating the last bite of watermelon, Lin Mu got up and came to Chairman Xie, and said, "Actually, you really don't have to be afraid of me, because I won't attack you, and I don't even bother to attack you. You should really be afraid of me. This one, you may not know him, but I think you must know his elder brother, his elder brother is Fang Hongyi."

After leaving these words, Lin Mu left the office.

Chairman Xie was stunned for a long time, repeated Lin Mu's words just now, and suddenly thought of something, looked at Fang Nan in shock, and said, "Fang... Secretary-General Fang is your elder brother!"

Fang Nan nodded and said, "Although I don't look like my elder brother, you should have this vision."

(End of this chapter)

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