Supreme Chef

Chapter 307 The Fat Pig Who Can Perform

Chapter 307 The Fat Pig Who Can Perform
With Fang Nan's affirmative answer, Chairman Xie's complexion became uglier than eating a fly.

He believed in Lin Mu's words, an expert like Lin Mu would definitely not be as knowledgeable as him, but he really didn't know if Fang Hongyi would be as knowledgeable as him.

Moreover, Fang Hongyi is a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. If he wants to deal with a coal boss like himself, it is like playing games. Although he has money, sometimes money does not represent everything.

"This... Boss Fang, look at this incident, I am willing to pay another 100 million, how about renovating Fumanlou?" Although money is not everything, Chairman Xie can only rely on money at this time. Come to find a way to make up for it.

Fang Nan tapped his fingers on the table and said, "It's easy to say, I'm not the kind of unreasonable person, since Chairman Xie is so sincere, I'm fine with it."

When Chairman Xie heard Fang Nan's words, he couldn't help but wiped the cold sweat off his brow. As long as Fang Nan didn't make it difficult for him, he would be willing to ask him to spend another million.

"If Chairman Xie has nothing to do, I won't give it away!" Fang Nan really didn't have the same knowledge as such an upstart.

Moreover, Fumanlou had nothing to lose, and could get 300 million for no reason, why would Fang Nan not do it.

Chairman Xie got up and just took a step, then stopped suddenly, turned around and said to Fangnan, "Mr. Fang, I would like to know, what is the relationship between Master Lin who went out just now and you?"

Fang Nan raised his eyebrows, and said coldly, "Why do you still want to take revenge? Let me tell you that Lin Shenchu ​​is the elder of me and my elder brother. If you dare to touch Lin Shenche, I don't need to do it. My elder brother will do it." solved you."

When Chairman Xie heard this, cold sweat flowed down again, he quickly waved his hands, and said, "Don't dare! Don't dare! That's not what I mean, I want to ask Chef Lin for help."

Hearing Chairman Xie's words, Fang Nan's expression brightened a little, and he said, "What do you want to ask Chef Lin to do for me?"

At that moment, Chairman Xie told Fang Nan exactly what happened.

Fang Nan has heard about Lin Mu's ability to catch ghosts, but Fang Nan has never seen it with his own eyes.

Seeing Fang Nan's hesitation, Chairman Xie quickly said, "Of course I won't let Divine Chef Lin work in vain. I will pay Divine Chef Lin the labor fee, and I will pay Divine Chef Lin the price of those three old...ghosts, 500 yuan." Ten thousand."

Fang Nan snorted coldly, and said, "Hmph, do you think you can do anything if you have money? Let alone 500 million, even if it's 5000 million, or [-] million, if Chef Lin doesn't want to sell, it's useless."

When Chairman Xie heard this, he nodded quickly and said yes, and said, "Yes! Yes! Mr. Fang said yes, I really have no other choice!"

Fang Nan pondered for a while, and said: "I can't promise you this matter, you can discuss it with Lin Shenchu ​​yourself, if he is willing to agree to you, then he will agree to you, and if he is not willing to agree to you, there is nothing I can do."

Chairman Xie said with a thousand gratitude: "Thank you, Mr. Fang! Thank you, Mr. Fang!"

After thanking him a thousand times, Chairman Xie came out of the office and found that his shirt was drenched with sweat.

The cold sweat that I shed just today is probably more than the cold sweat I have shed in my entire life.

Although he had heard that Fumanlou's background was very strong, he never thought that Fumanlou's background was so powerful that he could not provoke it at all.

"Boss, what should we do next?" The big-breasted beauty asked from the side.

Chairman Xie thought for a moment, and said, "Go to God Chef Lin, and let God Chef Lin help us no matter what."

The big-breasted beauty nodded and said, "Okay!"

Chairman Xie glanced at the big-breasted beauty with a perfunctory expression on her face. He also knew why she did this, so he took her hand and said softly: "Xiao Ai, I had no choice but you thought I was willing to agree. The request of those three old ghosts? But for our future, I can only wrong you a little bit."

Although Xiao Ai was disgusted beyond words in her heart, she still had to act like she understood everything on the surface, and said, "I know it all, and I didn't blame you."

Chairman Xie also smiled when he heard it, and said: "Xiao Ai is really sensible, after this matter is over, I will take you to Paris, let's relax for a while!"

Xiao Ai nodded. Although she had a happy smile on her face, she despised Chairman Xie in her heart, but for the sake of money and a better life, she could only endure it.

The two came to the back kitchen on the first floor and found Lin Mu smoothly.

"Do you two have anything else to do?" Lin Mu glanced at the two of them and asked.

Chairman Xie smiled all over his face and said, "Chef Lin, I have something to ask of you."

Lin Mu glanced at Chairman Xie, and said, "I can't take care of your affairs. You have done too many immoral things. It's normal to be targeted by those dirty things. If you want to solve your own problems, you should do less when you go back. It’s okay to be immoral.”

Chairman Xie was embarrassed by what Lin Mu said. If the person in front of him was not Lin Mu but someone else, he would have lost his temper. with.

"Shen Chef Lin, I will definitely change from evil to good in the future, but this time you really need to help. If this continues, my workers will run away sooner or later." Chairman Xie said with a sad face, pleading.

Lin Mu said: "Did all your workers run away? Does it have anything to do with me? Anyway, that's all I've said, and I can't help you with your affairs."

For this kind of rich and unkind bastard, Lin Mu is not in the mood to help him at all.

Seeing that Lin Mu didn't intend to help him at all, Chairman Xie could only leave Fumanlou with hatred in his heart.

"What! I really regard myself as a saint. I still need him to teach me how to behave!" Back in his car, Chairman Xie said with a mouthful.

Xiao Ai looked at Chairman Xie from the side, and the more she looked at it, the more disgusting she felt, but she still said: "Chairman Lin Mu is not willing to help us now, what should we do, if this continues, the workers will probably make trouble sooner or later."

When mentioning this matter, Chairman Xie also frowned, but soon Chairman Xie said fiercely: "I don't believe it anymore, there are things in this world that money can't do, he is not willing to help, and there are others , we continue to search, we don’t believe we can’t find anyone who can help.”

Xiao Ai nodded, and said: "The chairman has one more thing, we should also plan ahead."

"Say! What's the matter!" Chairman Xie said angrily.

Xiao Ai said: "We invited the three elders of Guiling, now the three of them have gone to where they were beaten by Lin Mu, they must not dare to seek revenge from Lin Mu, I am worried that they will count this revenge On our heads, do you think we have to plan ahead."

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Chairman Xie broke into cold sweat again.

It is true that the three elders of Guiling are not Lin Mu's opponent, but any one of the three elders of Guiling can crush themselves to death like an ant. They dare not seek revenge from Lin Mu. It is really possible that this revenge will be counted on their own heads .

Thinking of this, Chairman Xie's chubby face turned pale again.

Xiao Ai now despises the man in front of her more and more, who speaks better than singing.

Chairman Xie was silent for a long time, then raised his head, and said, "Now send someone to find a master to come back to protect us, no matter how much it costs, I only want a master."

Chairman Xie just said that he seemed uneasy, and said again: "No! No! It's just that the masters are not enough. I will call Mr. Li now and ask him to help me find masters from the ancient martial arts world to protect me!"

At night, the bodyguards invited by Chairman Xie were all in place. Four mysterious masters and twenty retired special forces. This lineup is absolutely luxurious.

However, this price is enough to make chairman Xie feel bad. With just this few people, the price per day is 100 million.

But compared to money, your own life is more important.

It seems that with the protection of these people, Chairman Xie is relieved a lot, and he is also in the mood to fight with Xiao Ai in bed for [-] rounds.

Maybe it's because I've been depressed for too long today, Chairman Xie crazily squeezed Xiao Ai's F-cup breasts into various shapes.

And Xiao Ai was also very cooperative. Under Chairman Xie's crotch, Cheng Huan was tossed and turned. Although she already hated this man very much, she didn't hate money.


"It's such a wonderful performance. It's really unexpected that a fat pig can perform so wonderfully!" Just as Chairman Xie was lying on Xiaoai's body like a pile of rotten meat, a piercing voice came from behind Chairman Xie. passed it on.

(End of this chapter)

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