Supreme Chef

Chapter 312 The Old Fox's Granddaughter

Chapter 312 The Old Fox's Granddaughter
Lin Mu looked at Zhang Ye with a weird expression, and wondered who this new teammate was, who could make Zhang Ye show this expression.

Lin Mu was full of doubts, and didn't know why Zhang Ye had such an expression until he followed Zhang Ye to the Cheetah's base.

The teammate that Shi Jin stuffed into him was not only not surprising, but also a beautiful woman.

Seeing this beauty, Lin Mu's eyes brightened.

He is 1.7 meters tall and has a healthy and beautiful wheat-colored complexion.It may be because of exercise, the beauty's figure is very good.The absolute lordosis and back warping, especially the muscles of the buttocks, are very familiar, plump and elastic, and people can't help but want to go up and pat them.

A pair of camouflage shorts and a pair of camouflage half sleeves, full and mixed calves, strong and beautiful forearms, make the beauty look more heroic.

The facial features are also very angular, and the high bridge of the nose makes the beauty look full of exotic style. The black hair is tied into a ponytail, which looks even more refreshing and clean.

Although the beauty's expression looks very serious at this time, but Lin Mu can tell that these are all fakes. The real situation of the beauty may be quite different from this expression.

Everything that followed soon confirmed Lin Mu's speculation.

"Instructor Lin, this is our new teammate Shen Siyun." Zhang Ye introduced the beauty to Lin Mudao.

Shen Siyun looked at Lin Mu, stretched out his hand to make a scripture, and said, "Hello, Instructor Lin, I am Shen Siyun."

Lin Mu shook the beautiful woman's hand, and found that there was no callus on the beautiful woman's hand, and thought: It seems that there is no woman in this world who does not love beauty.

"Hi, I'm Lin Mu." Lin Mu said with a typical smile.

Shen Siyun also responded with a sweet smile, and said: "I heard my grandfather talk about Instructor Lin, and I know that Instructor Lin is a very powerful person. In fact, I have wanted to see you, Instructor Lin, but I haven't Chance."

"Your grandfather?" Lin Mu asked back.

Shen Siyun nodded and said, "My grandfather is Commander Shi."

After listening to Shen Siyun's words, Lin Mu suddenly realized, and said: "So Shi Jin is your grandfather, no wonder you can come here."

After a pause, Lin Mu added: "But Miss Shen, we didn't go this time for fun, and it's not suitable for you."

Shen Siyun said stubbornly: "Instructor Lin, what do you mean by that? I'm not here to play. I know what you are going to do. I am also willing to go out with you on this mission."

Lin Mudao: "Although you are a middle-level Xuan-level cultivation base, your grandfather should have told you what we are going to do, right? When you get there, you may face a group of high-level Xuan-level or even prefecture-level Master, I'm afraid we won't have time to take care of you by then, if you get hurt, I really can't explain to your grandfather!"

Shen Siyun twisted his neck, and said: "Who said that I want you to take care of me. I admit that my middle-level Xuan-level cultivation is not high among the ancient martial arts sects, but isn't he also a Xuan-level cultivation? you can go."

Qiao Xuebing saw that Shen Siyun brought the problem to himself for no reason, and he was not polite.He said: "I'm a man, and it's true that I'm at the Xuan level, but I'm at a high level at the Xuan level, and I'm going this time to break through the Xuan level and enter the half-step earth level. "

Shen Siyun was also unhappy when he heard it and said: "You are discriminating against women. Besides, why should you be able to break through the cultivation base through actual combat, and I can't break through the cultivation base through actual combat, and it doesn't matter that your current cultivation base is better than mine. Gao, it’s not certain which of the two of us will break through to the prefecture level first?”

"You..." Qiao Xuebing was also speechless by Shen Siyun's words.

If Shen Siyun had been a man, Qiao Xuebing would have fought him long ago, but the bad thing was that Shen Siyun was a woman, so he couldn't fight a woman.

Lin Mu looked at the stubborn and eccentric Shen Siyun, and he also found it funny. At the same time, he seemed to know why Shi Jin would send his granddaughter here. sent her here.

"Brother Lin, we didn't go to the ghost town just for fun, we can't bring an oil bottle with us!" Qiao Xuebing could neither speak nor fight Shen Siyun, and could only leave this problem to Lin Mu to solve.

Shen Siyun was not happy to hear Qiao Xuebing say that he was an oil bottle, and said: "Who do you say is an oil bottle, if you disagree, let's compare and see who is the oil bottle."

Zhang Ye and Tie Zhanshan have been far away for a long time. Shen Siyun is Shi Jin's granddaughter, and Shi Jin is their immediate boss. Little witch, they should hide as far away as possible.

Moreover, Shi Jin and Tie Zhanshan felt that it was better to leave it to the young people to solve it themselves, and they two old birds should not get involved.

Qiao Xuebing also refused to give in, saying: "Okay! Just compare, I'm still afraid of you!"

"Hey! What's going on with you two, the enemy hasn't seen it yet, and our own people are about to fight, do you think this is interesting?" Lin Mu said, holding back the two who were about to start fighting if they disagreed.

Qiao Xuebing said unconvinced: "Brother Lin is her..."

Lin Mu glanced at Qiao Xuebing, who obediently shut his mouth.

Lin Mu turned his head to look at Shen Siyun, and said with a smile: "If you insist on going with us..."

Before Lin Mu finished speaking, Shen Siyun said in surprise: "Really!"

Lin Mu said: "Listen to what I have to say first, and then decide whether you want to go with us or not."

Shen Siyun said: "Tell me, no matter what you say, I will definitely go with you."

Lin Mu didn't comment on Shen Siyun's guarantee, but said: "You should know that our enemy this time is the Ghost Ridge Gate, and what the Ghost Ridge Gate is for, I think your grandfather should have told you very well. It’s clear. They are raising ghosts. Ghosts come and go without a trace. pain.

And things like ghosts, they especially like Yin Qi, the four of us are men, and there is nothing to say about Yang Qi.But you are a woman with a strong Yin energy, so you are most likely to be harassed by ghosts.

It would be fine if you just let you die, but you said what would you do if you ran into a pervert?Sexy ghosts don't care what you want or not, you can't hit them, touch them, and you will really be incapacitated by then. "

Shen Siyun shuddered subconsciously when she heard what Lin Mu said. Obviously, the scene described by Lin Mu made her feel a little afraid, but when she saw a smirk at the corner of Lin Mu's mouth, Shen Siyun still said stubbornly: " I'm not afraid! Even if I really meet a pervert, I will go with you!"

Lin Mu nodded, and continued to say in a calm manner: "Okay! This is no problem, but there is another problem. This time we go to the ghost town, but there is no private room for you, so that means you have to live with us. Don't you care if two old men live together?"

Shen Siyun said, "I'm not afraid either, I've already brought a marching tent!"

Qiao Xuebing said, "Miss, do you think we lost our camping? You still have a tent, and you won't even have a place to pitch a tent!"

"I...I!" Shen Siyun said "I" for a long time, "Then I'm not afraid, I can't pitch a tent, I still have a sleeping bag!"

Lin Mu could tell that Shen Siyun was determined to follow him.

But after thinking about it, it's pretty good to have such a beautiful woman following her, at least better than four old men staring at each other.

Lin Mu said: "Okay! Since you are not afraid of anything, let's go!"

Qiao Xuebing heard that Lin Mu really wanted to take Shen Siyun with him, so he stopped Lin Mu and said, "Brother Lin, do you really want to take her with you?"

Lin Mu said: "She's not afraid of anything, she doesn't need us to take care of her, it's okay to take her with her."

"But she..."

Qiao Xuebing wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Lin Mu, and said: "Okay, you can just care about yourself, remember what you promised me, this time you must break through the mysterious level, enter the half-step ground level, thousands of years Don't embarrass me!"

Qiao Xuebing stood at attention, gave a military salute, and said, "Yes! I promise to complete the task!"

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Let those two old birds who took out the disaster come back, let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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