Supreme Chef

Chapter 313 I want to be your apprentice

Chapter 313 I want to be your apprentice
Qiao Xuebing called Zhang Ye and Tie Zhanshan back, both of them licked their old faces, and said with a smile: "Instructor Lin, are we ready to go?"

Lin Mu nodded, and said angrily, "Are we going to celebrate the New Year here if we don't leave?"

Zhang Ye laughed and said, "Let's set off now."

The name of the ghost city inside the ancient martial arts world is about 2000 kilometers away from Fengyang to the east, but as for the name of the ghost city outside, no one knows, because there is no name at all, and no ordinary people go there. Pass.

Because they were not in a hurry, the five people drove there. A seven-seater business car was enough for five people.

"Instructor Lin, I heard from my old man that your cultivation may have broken through the prefectural level, is it true?" Shen Siyun asked Lin Mu on his own initiative.

Naturally, Zhang Ye and Tie Zhanshan would not have any objections to Shen Siyun sitting next to the trees. Qiao Xuebing had also seen how difficult this little witch was, so he simply kept out of sight.

Lin Mu laughed when he heard Shen Siyun address Shi Jin, and said, "Is that how you call your grandfather?"

Shen Siyun flattened his mouth and said, "Isn't it possible?"

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Of course, he is your grandfather, you can call him whatever you want."

Shen Siyun didn't want Lin Mu to change the subject, and continued to ask: "Instructor Lin, has your cultivation really broken through the prefecture level?"

Lin Mu looked at Shen Siyun, who was very close to him, with big eyes who seemed to be able to speak, and said, "You answer me a question first, and I will answer your question?"

Shen Siyun said: "Okay! Why don't you ask?"

Lin Mu said: "Your grandpa didn't teach you your kung fu, did you?"

Shen Siyun said impatiently: "I don't want to imitate the old man. What about that kung fu? Every day you tell me about the continuous flow of time and the harmony between man and nature. Apart from being able to live for decades, it has no practical effect at all. , I still prefer practical things.”

Lin Mu interrupted Shen Siyun and said, "You haven't answered my question yet."

Shen Siyun stuck out her tongue embarrassingly, and said: "My kung fu was also taught by the old man, but the old man and I practiced different things."

Lin Mu nodded, and Lin Mu could tell that Shen Siyun should be practicing earth-level exercises.

Only Shi Jin has such a great ability to get this kind of exercise for his granddaughter.

Shen Siyun said: "Okay, now it's your turn."

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Your grandfather said yes."

When Shen Siyun heard Lin Mu's answer, surprise appeared in his eyes, and he said, "So you are really a legendary master of heaven!"

Lin Mu smiled noncommittally.

Shen Siyun grabbed Lin Mu's arm excitedly, not caring at all if his firm twin peaks pinched Lin Mu's arm so hard that he couldn't breathe, and said, "Instructor Lin, will you accept me as an apprentice?"

Being clamped by such a pair of firm plump bodies still feels very good, and Lin Mu didn't struggle to break free: "Didn't your grandfather teach you well?"

Shen Siyun said: "I don't like the old man's theory at all, and the old man can give me few pointers. How can I compare with you, Instructor Lin?"

Lin Mu said: "But I never accept disciples."

After saying this, Lin Mu added another sentence psychologically, saying: I do not accept apprentices, I only accept women.

But in this case, Lin Mu couldn't say it in front of so many people.

After hearing Lin Mu's words, Shen Siyun glanced at the three of Tie Zhanshan and said, "But aren't they your apprentices? I heard from the old man that the three of them are masters trained by you."

Lin Mu said: "They are not my apprentices, they are all my brothers."

When Shen Siyun heard this, he immediately hugged Lin Mu's neck boldly, and said: "Then you also treat me as your brother? Then you can train me in the future!"


Hearing Shen Siyun's unrestrained words, Qiao Xuebing, who was sitting in the back drinking water, spit out a mouthful of water, while Tie Zhanshan and Zhang Ye, who were sitting in the front, almost choked on their own saliva.

Shen Siyun looked at the three of them, each with a strange expression, and said puzzledly: "What's wrong with you? What kind of expression do you all have!"

"'s nothing!" All three of them shook their heads and quickly denied it.

Shen Siyun said: "Are you unwilling to be brothers with me, or are you jealous that I was trained by Instructor Lin!"

The three of them looked at each other with strange expressions, and finally understood the profoundness of the Chinese language.

The same word 'tune', from a man's mouth and from a woman's mouth, the gap is too big.

"No! No! We think it's pretty good!" The three of them didn't want to provoke this little witch anymore.

Lin Mu looked at Shen Siyun, and thought it was fun for a while, smiled evilly, and said, "Are you really willing to be taught by me?"

Shen Siyun nodded seriously, and said, "Yes! Of course I do!"

Lin Mu immediately made a decision and said, "Okay! Then I will train you to be a master in the future!"

When the three of them heard Lin Mu's words, they showed extremely contemptuous eyes at the same time.

But Lin Mu chose to ignore it at all. This was Shen Siyun's initiative to ask him to train her, how could Lin Mu let it go.

Because of the presence of Shen Siyun, the originally boring journey has added a lot of color.

In this way, Zhang Ye and Tie Zhanshan took turns driving for a day and a night, and finally arrived at the ghost town.

Ghost town This is indeed a veritable ghost town, within a thousand miles, not to mention people, not even a bird singing.

There are towering giant trees in the sky everywhere, and they are surrounded by strangely shaped peaks. Even in the daytime, there is no sunlight, and the forest is floating all the time. The thick fog and miasma are like myths. hell.

The five of them didn't enter the mountain immediately, because once they entered the mountain, it would be equivalent to entering the territory of Tiejianmen. Now that Tiejianmen is fighting with Guilingmen, the five of them just wanted to wait. When will Tiejianmen be unable to hold on? , Take the initiative to invite them.

Anyway, there is nothing to do for the time being, the five of them are practicing except resting, and Shen Siyun is unwilling to let Lin Mu 'tune' her properly.

Whenever Tie Zhanshan and the three of them saw Lin Mu 'teaching' Shen Siyun, they would show extremely contemptuous expressions.

In this way, the five people waited outside the mountain for about three days, and finally someone came out to find them.

The person who came out was a young disciple of a high-ranking mysterious class. The disciple's age was only 21 or [-] years old. He could reach such a height at such an age, which shows that he has excellent aptitude.

But I don't know if it's because of his excellent aptitude, or because he didn't pay attention to Lin Mu and the others at all. When he saw Lin Mu and the others, he looked arrogant: "You are the masters sent by Long Teng!"


Before Zhang Ye could speak, Lin Mu stared back at him.

Seeing that Zhang Ye, who was about to speak, sat back again, the young man was also a little angry, and repeated his question just now: "You are the masters sent by Long Teng to help!"

If the trees don't make a sound, naturally no one will make a sound.

"I'm asking you something, are you deaf or dumb!" the young man roared angrily.

"You are only deaf and dumb. You are asking for help now. This is the first time I have seen asking for help. It is so arrogant!" Shen Siyun stood up and responded unceremoniously.

Seeing Shen Siyun, the young man's eyes brightened, but being choked up by such a beautiful woman made her feel even more humiliated. He decided to give these people a blow.


The young man didn't agree with each other, and directly punched Shen Siyun.

Shen Siyun was not polite, and punched back with the same punch.


The fists of the two collided. After all, Shen Siyun's cultivation was not as high as that of the young man. He was beaten and fell to the ground, but he was gently supported by Lin Mu to regain his footing.

The young man was even more proud when he saw that he was victorious, and said: "You..."


Before the young man could finish speaking, Lin Mu said something softly, and then raised his hand without even touching the young man, causing the young man to vomit blood and fly out.

The young man managed to get up from the ground and looked at Lin Mu's back in shock. He couldn't figure out how Lin Mu did it just now.

Lin Mu obviously didn't touch him, but he felt as if he was blown away by a sledgehammer.

With such strength, he believed that no one in Tiejianmen could achieve it.

"I want to ask for our help and let the head of your Iron Sword Sect roll over by yourself, otherwise, you will be waiting to be wiped out by the Ghost Ridge Sect!" Lin Mu said lightly.


Just as the young man was about to refute, he felt a huge force coming again. He didn't react at all, and was sent flying again.

"I told you to get your head over here, you are not qualified to speak!" Lin Mu still said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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