Supreme Chef

Chapter 314 The Ineffective Magical Artifact

Chapter 314 The Ineffective Magical Artifact

Being beaten into the air again, the young man also knew that he was not Lin Mu's opponent, so he didn't dare to say anything more, turned around and ran back without looking back.

"Instructor Lin, you were so good just now, can you leave it to me?" Shen Siyun said with a fanciful look.

Lin Mu said: "Whenever you reach the peak of the prefecture level, you don't need me to teach you, you will too."

"You have to be at the peak of the prefecture level!" Hearing what Lin Mu said, Shen Siyun was extremely disappointed.

The genius disciple of Iron Sword Sect, he went and returned quickly, and this time he brought a middle-aged man with an iron sword.

"Let's go down to Iron Sword Gate Xue Changqing again!" The middle-aged man came to Lin Mu and the others and said with cupped hands.

Lin Mu still sat with his back to the two of them, and said, "Are you the head of the Iron Sword Sect?"

Xue Changqing said: "No, I am the welcoming elder in Tiejianmen who is responsible for receiving distinguished guests."

Lin Mudao: "Can't you understand what I'm saying? I said, if you come to beg us, let your leader come over and say that I don't have the habit of talking nonsense with cats and dogs."

"Uncle Master..." Seeing Lin Mu's attitude, the genius disciple was about to get violent, but was stopped by Xue Changqing.

Xue Changqing said: "I, Tiejianmen, would of course be very grateful for a few friends from Longteng who can come to help, but if you think that if you come to my Tiejianmen to help, I, Tiejianmen owes you Long Teng, then you guys You can go back, I, Tiejianmen, still have the arrogance to resist Guilingmen alone."

Lin Mu got up, patted the dust that didn't exist, and said: "Okay! Since you have such backbone, then you Tiejianmen will continue to hold on. Even if your leaders kneel down and beg me, I won't promised to help."


Xue Changqing stretched out his hand to block Lin Mu's way, and said, "I haven't asked your name yet."

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Why do you want to take revenge on me after solving the Ghost Ridge Gate? Well, let me tell you, my name is Lin Mu. If you can resist the attack from the Ghost Ridge Gate, I welcome you to come and seek revenge on me!"

"Why are you Lin Mu!" Xue Changqing jumped back as if someone had stepped on his tail when he heard Lin Mu's name.

Lin Mu said: "Can't I have this name?"

Xue Changqing did not answer, but was silent for about a minute, cupped his hands, and said: "Guests, wait a moment, I want to go back and report to the master."

"Master, he..."

The genius disciple didn't expect such a big gap between his master and uncle, so he was also unwilling.

"Shut up! You don't have a place to speak here!" Xue Changqing shouted coldly.

After speaking, Xue Changqing cupped his hands and returned to the Iron Sword Gate.

Shen Siyun was confused, wondering why Xue Changqing had such a big contrast between the front and the back, and asked, "Instructor Lin, what's going on here?"

Without waiting for Lin Mu to answer, Zhang Ye said: "Do you still need to ask what's going on? Instructor Lin forced the Tianya faction to close the mountain alone, and pacified the southern border by himself. These things have been spread in the ancient martial arts world for a long time. Maybe they didn't I have met Instructor Lin himself, but they have heard these things hundreds of times."

Shen Siyun showed a foolish look again, and said: "Instructor Lin, you are so powerful, why did the old man never tell me?"

Lin Mu said: "Maybe she doesn't want to hit you, she's afraid you'll be distracted."

The five people chatted like this, and after about 5 minutes, a group of people came out of the mountain again in a hurry.

This time the leader is a high-ranking old man at the prefecture level, presumably he should be the head of the Iron Sword Sect.

However, this head is obviously different from the heads of other first-class sects in the ancient martial arts world that Lin Mu has met.

The heads of other sects seem to be more or less immortal.The head of the Iron Sword Sect, not to mention casual clothes, is carrying an iron sword 1.5 meters long and [-] centimeters wide on his back. Disciple is poor.

"The head of the Iron Sword Sect, Fan Wuji has met Senior Lin!" Fan Wuji came to Lin Mu, and directly bowed respectfully, without the slightest procrastination or reluctance.

Fan Wuji's behavior won Lin Mu's favor.This is not because he salutes himself, but because of his freedom and joy.

He has broken the face of the two people of Tiejianmen, and let him, the leader, come out to pick him up. He can still do this, which can only show that this person is either extremely hypocritical, or he is extremely big-hearted. wide.

But this Fan Wuji obviously belongs to the latter.

"Senior Lin, I, Tiejianmen, were the ones who were rude just now, please don't blame me, Senior Lin." Seeing that Lin Mu was silent, Fan Wuji said respectfully again.

Lin Mu said, "Master Fan is being polite."

Fan Wuji finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Lin Mu's reply.

Fan Wuji looked at the four people behind Lin Mu, and said, "Who are these four, Senior Lin?"

Lin Mu said: "They were all sent to help you."

Although the cultivation of the four is not as good as Fan Wuji's, but they were all brought by Lin Mu, Fan Wuji still said politely: "Thank you for your kindness, I, Tiejianmen, are very grateful!"

On behalf of the four of them, Zhang Ye said, "Sect Leader Fan is serious. Long Teng and Tie Jianmen have always been allies, and allies should come to their aid in times of difficulty."

Fan Wuji nodded, and said: "Please invite the distinguished guests, I have already prepared the food and drinks for the distinguished guests."

Zhang Ye glanced at Lin Mu, and found that Lin Mu didn't intend to speak, so he could only speak: "Lao Fan is the head."

A group of people followed Fan Wuji into the main hall of Iron Sword Gate.

Because of Lin Mu's arrival, Tie Jianmen used the reception etiquette of the most distinguished guests to entertain the five of Lin Mu.

After everyone was seated, Fan Wuji was the first to raise his wine glass, and said, "Thank you Long Teng and Senior Lin for being able to save our Iron Sword Sect when it was most critical. On behalf of Tiejian Sect, I would like to thank everyone."

After finishing speaking, Fan Wuji raised his neck and drained all the wine in the glass.

Lin Mu and the others also drank the wine.

"The head is not good, the Ghost Ridge Gate is attacking again!" Before the banquet officially started, a disciple of the Tiejian Gate ran in from outside in a panic and knelt down to report.

When Fan Wuji heard that the people from Guilingmen were attacking again, his face revealed a trace of anger, and he said, "Get ready to meet the enemy!"

After giving the order, Fan Wuji turned around, apologized to Lin Mu and the other five, and said, "Senior Lin, look at this, the banquet hasn't even started yet..."

Lin Mu smiled, and said, "Master Fan doesn't have to be so polite, we're not here to eat, we can eat anytime."

Fan Wuji's series of actions made Lin Mu feel very good, otherwise, Lin Mu would not bother to say these two sentences to Fan Wuji.

When Fan Wuji heard Lin Mu's words, he smiled boldly and said, "What Instructor Lin said is that when those bastards are defeated, I must drink three hundred cups with Instructor Lin!"

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Okay! After the Ghost Ridge Sect is settled, I'd like to have a drink with Sect Master Fan."

Fan Wuji laughed and said, "Good! Good! I will accompany you when the time comes!"

A group of people left the main hall of Tiejianmen and came to the front of the mountain guard formation of Tiejianmen.

Across the mountain guarding formation, Lin Mu and the five people saw that the gray ghosts overwhelming the sky were just like the Ghost Ridge Gate, and the disciples of the Ghost Ridge Gate, who were more like ghosts than ghosts, were attacking the Iron Sword Gate's guarding the mountain formation. .

"Master Fan, why don't you go out to meet the enemy?" Shen Siyun asked suspiciously as he watched the Ghost Ridge Gate attack, but no one from the Tiejian Gate went out to fight.

Hearing Shen Siyun's question, Fan Wuji showed a bit of embarrassment on his old face, and said: "It's not that we don't want to go out to attack, but we don't know that this Ghost Ridge Gate has found so many powerful ghosts from there, and they are not afraid of the law at all. Because of the power of weapons, we have fought against the people from Guilingmen several times, and we have suffered heavy losses."

"A magic weapon? What kind of magic weapon?" Shen Siyun asked curiously like a baby.

Fan Wuji took a gourd from his body, and said: "These instruments have been consecrated by eminent monks in Mount Jiuhua, and they have a natural restraint effect on ghosts. I went to Jiuhua Mountain to buy a batch of magical artifacts, but for some reason, these magical artifacts have failed this time."

Shen Siyun looked at the little gourd in his hand, also curious to know how these magic tools work.

(End of this chapter)

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