Supreme Chef

Chapter 315

Chapter 315
Lin Mu glanced at the small gourd in Shen Siyun's hand, and found that this little gourd was barely considered a third-grade magic weapon.

Just imagine that the magic weapon possessed by a sect master is only the third rank of ordinary weapon, so what kind of magic weapon does the disciple below possess.

Maybe the magic weapon possessed by many people may not even reach the level of a mortal weapon.

For a magic weapon of this level, it is simply a joke to restrain the ghosts that are so numerous outside.

One to one may have some effect, but once the ghosts gather, it is equivalent to a quantitative change to a qualitative change, but the combination of so many low-level magic weapons will not produce any effect from quantitative change to qualitative change, so these magic weapons Failure is also normal.

Lin Mu looked at Zhang Ye and the three of them, who were all gearing up, and said with a smile, "Why do you want to go down and try?"

All three nodded excitedly.

"Aren't you afraid of being sucked up?" Lin Mu pointed to the densely packed ghosts in the sky and said.

Looking at the ghost like a dark cloud above, all three of them shivered subconsciously.

The three of them are indeed warlike, but they still have an instinctive fear in the face of these things that they have never come into contact with, and they did not even believe in the existence of things before.

Lin Mu casually took out three jade pendants, handed them to the three of them, and said, "Wear this, those things will definitely not come close to you, you three, go down and practice your hands!"

Fan Wuji saw that Lin Mu had given them three jade pendants, and asked the three of them to go down to practice, and said worriedly: "Senior Lin, shall I let my disciples go with them?"

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Master Fan, I don't have so many jade pendants to ward off evil for you, just let the three of them go down."

Fan Wuji said: "But is it really okay?"

Lin Mu said: "Don't worry, if they are killed by those ghosts, I will blame them. If they are killed because they can't beat them, then I can only blame them for not practicing well."

"Yes!" The three of them stood at attention and gave a military salute and reassured loudly.

The three people's trust in Lin Mu was almost a kind of blind worship. Lin Mu said it was fine, and the three of them absolutely believed it.

Zhang Ye said: "Master Fan, please open an opening for the three of us to go out."

Seeing the confidence of the three of them, Fan Wuji also nodded, and said, "Okay! If you lose, the three of you must retreat immediately!"

Zhang Ye said: "Thank you, Head Fan!"

The three of them came to the edge of the mountain guarding formation, and then head fan waved his hand and directly opened an opening, allowing the three of them to go out.

Zhang Ye and the three of them also seized the moment when the mountain guarding formation was opened, and rushed out one by one.

As soon as the three of them came out of the formation, the overwhelming ghosts flocked to the three of them, like a shark smelling blood.

However, when all the ghosts approached the three people's bodies, a light would flash on the three people's bodies, and all the ghosts that approached them would be bounced away.

And it bounces away without any difference, no matter whether the ghost is powerful or not.

Head Fan and the other elders of Tiejianmen were also stunned when they saw that the three jade pendants given by Lin Mu had such great power.

These days, in order to deal with these ghost things, they have thought of many ways.

Moreover, even the magic weapon refined by Jiuhua Mountain is useless, and the three humble jade pendants given by Lin Mu can exert such great power, which is simply unbelievable.

The three of Zhang Ye and the others were very excited to see that these ghosts really couldn't come to them, and they all plunged into the group of disciples at the Ghost Ridge Gate.

The strength of these disciples of Ghost Ridge Sect is very average, and the ghosts they raise cannot display their strength, so their strength is actually ordinary.

Zhang Ye is at the half-step earth level, Tie Zhanshan is at the peak of the Xuan level, and Qiao Xuebing is at the high level of the Xuan level. This combination is like entering the realm of no one in the disciples of Guilingmen. The attack killed more than ten disciples of Guilingmen.

Seeing the bravery of the three of them, Shen Siyun felt a little excited.Shen Siyun is not those rich ladies, she is not interested in jewelry or anything like that, but she is very interested in this kind of real battle.

"Can Instructor Lin give me a jade pendant too?" Shen Siyun said greedily.

Lin Mu smiled and said, "You can't help itching?"

Shen Siyun nodded vigorously and said, "En! En!"

Lin Mu didn't object at all, he tossed it casually, and a piece of jade pendant hung on Shen Siyun's neck without any mistakes, and said, "I'll give this to you!"

Shen Siyun looked at this jade pendant which was not very good in texture, and felt happy for no reason, and said, "Thank you, Instructor Lin!"

Shen Siyun has received a lot of treasures, and also a lot of jade, and even many of them are the best among jades, but Shen Siyun feels that the most inconspicuous piece of jade that Lin Mu gave him is the most insignificant piece of jade she has ever received in her life. precious gift.

After Shen Siyun thanked Lin Mu, he said to Fan Wuji: "Master Fan, please let me go out too."

Fan Wuji didn't even hesitate this time, he directly opened a corner of the formation and let Shen Siyun go out.

After Shen Siyun went out, Fan Wuji moved closer to Lin Mu and said, "Senior Lin...I..."

Seeing Fan Wuji's appearance, Lin Mu knew what Fan Wuji was going to say, and said directly: "Master Fan, I know what you're going to say, I still have the last three yuan, you can take it."

Fan Wuji took the three jade pendants very preciously, thanked them solemnly, and said, "Thank you, Senior Lin!"

Lin Mu waved his hand and said, "Master Fan, although I don't like the attitude of some of your disciples, I still like you very much."

Naturally, Fan Wuji knew what Lin Mu was talking about, and he also gave him a hard look at that genius disciple under his sect.

The genius disciple was stared at by the sect leader like this, and instantly felt chills from head to toe, and stood there shiveringly, not daring to say a word.

"What Senior Lin said is that it doesn't matter if I teach them all. I will strengthen the education of my disciples in the future." Master Fan said respectfully.

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Don't forget about seniors, seniors, just call me Lin Mu."

The head of Fan didn't pretend, he directly said boldly: "I am crazy about how old you are, if you don't think I'm high-ranking, just call me Brother Fan."

Lin Mu said: "Brother Fan!"

Fan Wuji also laughed loudly, and said: "Okay! Okay! Brother Lin. I, Fan Wuji, have nothing to repay the great kindness Brother Lin has shown me to Tiejianmen this time. In the future, whenever Brother Lin is useful to my Tiejianmen Brother Lin, just open your mouth, I, Tiejianmen, will never turn back."

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Definitely! Definitely!"

Lin Mu did this to prepare himself to kill the Holy See.

In fact, if Lin Mu suppressed them with his own strength, Tie Jianmen might help him, but it is not as good as what he is willing to do now, and he will definitely leave the earth before Yu Yaqing and the others, and have more friends. Take it easy.


While Lin Mu was chatting with Fan Wuji, bursts of piercing voices resounded like grinding teeth, and then behind the Ghost Ridge Gate, a large black cloud with a square kilometer rose up.

The dark clouds billowed, like black ink that could not be melted.At the same time, a coercive aura that overwhelmed the audience and made everyone shudder swept across the entire area. Even the disciples and the head of the Iron Sword Sect who were hiding in the mountain guarding formation could feel a sense of coercion. A deep sense of powerlessness.

Heaven level!

This is the only thought of everyone in Tiejianmen at this moment.

Although they have a guess about the ghostly mountain master, but guessing and actually seeing them are completely different things.

At this moment, when they saw that there were really heaven-level masters from Ghost Ridge Gate, the faces of the people from Iron Sword Gate became paler and paler.

In the era when the sky level became a legend, they knew very well what the appearance of a sky level master meant.

The dark cloud moved quickly, and soon they arrived at Tie Zhanshan and the others who were fighting above the battlefield. Under the oppression of this dark cloud, they couldn't even raise any thoughts of resistance.

"you dare!"

Lin Mu suddenly shouted loudly, pointed his toes, and rushed out like an arrow.

"Brother Lin..."

Fan Wuji originally wanted to remind Lin Mu that he hadn't activated the mountain guarding formation yet, but before he could say it, he saw Lin Mu go through the formation forcefully, allowing Fan Wuji to force his back into the formation. Half a sentence was swallowed back.

"Brother Lin, it really is unfathomable, and his cultivation may have already surpassed the earth level!" Fan Wuji said to himself in shock as he looked at Lin Shu's tall figure.

Lin Mu came outside the formation and directly protected Zhang Ye and the others behind him.

Although there is only one person in Lin Mu, it is incomparable to the dark cloud of that square kilometer, but it is Lin Mu who makes the dark cloud unable to move forward half a step, and Lin Mu alone is like a sharp sword, as if to pierce the dark cloud Same.

(End of this chapter)

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