Supreme Chef

Chapter 316 False Sky Level

Chapter 316 False Sky Level

The dark cloud stopped above the heads of Lin Mu and the others, neither attacking nor retreating, just like this pressing on everyone's heads, and at the same time pressing on the hearts of Fan Wuji and Tie Jianmen.

This is a heaven-level master, not kidding, if Lin Mu is not his opponent, then he is completely finished with Tiejianmen.

"Aren't you from Iron Sword Sect?" A muffled human voice came out of the dark clouds.

Lin Mu looked up at the dark clouds above his head, and said, "It doesn't matter to you whether I am a member of Tiejianmen or not, but I don't like this dark cloud cover at all."

"You can decide whether you like it or not. A dying person shouldn't ask so much!" A voice came out from the dark clouds again.

"Really!" Lin Mu said lightly, "But what if I say no?"

"Then I can only help you and let you die early!"

As soon as the voice in the dark cloud fell, the dark cloud of nearly one square kilometer pressed down on the forest with the force of Mount Tai.

The billowing dark clouds pressed down like a substance, directly making Zhang Ye and the four of them breathless. If Lin Mu hadn't stood in front and withstood most of the pressure, the four of them would have been crushed by now. .

Seeing the dark clouds getting closer, the four of Zhang Ye all turned pale and clenched their fists nervously.

Lin Mu looked at the dark clouds above his head, and his eyes tightened.

This is indeed a celestial master, and Lin Mu did not expect that a celestial master would have such power, which is almost comparable to the cultivation base of the fourth floor of the foundation building, and even higher than his own cultivation base.

"L Dragon Fist!"

When the dark cloud was one meter away from the top of Lin Mu's head, Lin Mu let out a roar and flew directly to meet him.

At this time, if you fight for the real cultivation, Lin Mu may not be his opponent, but Lin Mu's body training is already comparable to the fifth level of foundation building, and the power of the Dragon Fist is not weak.

"court death!"

There was also a burst of shouting in the dark clouds, and the tumbling became more and more intense.


Lin Mu punched directly into the dark cloud. According to common sense, Lin Mu's punch should have directly blown the dark cloud away. However, Lin Mu's punch seemed to hit an iron plate. The black cloud just rolled violently. , showing no signs of breaking.

The trees kept agitating spiritual energy, and the dark clouds began to roll violently, and where the two touched, it was like a comet hitting the earth, with energy constantly swaying around.

Although the swaying energy does not seem to be much, it is not something that the disciples of the Ghost Ridge Gate can resist.



These swaying energies directly penetrated the bodies of the disciples of Guilingmen, leaving them without a chance to scream, and they died directly.

Seeing his companions fall down one by one, the surrounding disciples also hurriedly dispersed, and no one dared to touch the center of the storm again.

"Break it for me!"

With a loud shout, Lin Mu rushed forward, piercing the dark cloud straight like a sharp sword.

"Heaven-level! You are also a heaven-level master!" For the first time in the dark clouds, the emotional fluctuations came out.

Lin Mu landed gracefully, and said, "Do you think that in this world, you are the only one who can be a heavenly master?"

Hearing Lin Mu's words, Wu Yun rolled violently a few more times, and then said coldly, "Today I will let you off for now, but tomorrow I will come to take your life!"

After leaving this sentence, Wu Yun retreated in the same way as he came out just now.

The bosses have all left, and the rest of the younger ones naturally have no need to stay, and they also scattered like birds and beasts.

When Lin Mu brought the four of them back to Tiejianmen, all the people from the top and bottom of Tiejianmen looked at Linmu with indescribable fear.

"Old Elder Tiejianmen, Gongsun Wudi has met Senior Lin." Surrounded by the crowd, an old man who was at least two hundred years old came to Lin Mu and bowed respectfully.

The old man didn't come out before, obviously doubting Lin Mu's strength, thinking that Lin Mu is at most the same as himself, just the peak of the prefecture level, but after seeing Lin Mu's true strength, Gongsun Wudi can no longer sit still.

Lin Mu also saluted, and said, "Mr. Gongsun, you are being polite."

Gongsun Wudi got up and said: "I really thank Senior Lin for his righteous action just now, otherwise my iron sword sect's thousand-year foundation may be destroyed in one fell swoop."

Lin Mudao: "We are here this time for this purpose, so you are welcome, Mr. Gongsun."

Gongsun Wudi hesitated for a moment, but still asked: "Senior Lin, does the head of the Ghost Ridge Sect really possess the strength of heaven?"

This is the answer that everyone in Tiejianmen wants to know.

Lin Mu also pondered for a while, and said: "I have never seen a real heaven-level master, but I can guarantee that the head of the Ghost Ridge Gate is definitely not a heaven-level strength. Because it is not particularly stable, otherwise he would not use the dark clouds just now to bluff."

Hearing Lin Mu's words, everyone in Tiejianmen breathed a sigh of relief.As long as it is not a real heavenly level, then Iron Sword Sect will still have a fight. After all, the background of a first-class sect that has produced real heavenly level masters is also very extraordinary. Facing the real heavenly level, they may not be able to fight back. , but facing a pseudo-celestial level, they still have the strength to fight.

Gongsun Wudi looked at Lin Mu. In fact, he still had another question in his mind, that is, the head of Guiling Sect is a pseudo-celestial level, so what kind of cultivation is Lin Mu?

However, Gongsun Wudi still didn't dare to ask such a sensitive question. If Lin Mu had other thoughts, then the anger would not be bearable by Tie Jianmen.

Although the strength of Tiejianmen is slightly stronger than Tianya faction, but it is just stronger, Lin Mu can force Tianya faction to seal the mountain, what more does he have in Tiejianmen.

"Everyone, don't stand outside, go into the hall to rest, I haven't cleaned up brother Lin yet?" Fan Wuji came out to smooth things over and said.

Returning to the main hall of Tiejianmen, everyone in Tiejianmen looked at Lin Mu and his group with respect, and even that genius disciple didn't dare to show any hostility towards Lin Mu and the others.

Lin Mu can defeat even a pseudo-celestial-level master, and if he wants to deal with a high-level Xuan-level disciple of himself, it is not as simple as crushing an ant to death.

"Instructor Lin, is that old ghost just now really a pseudo-celestial?" Zhang Ye asked in a low voice beside Lin Mu.

Hearing Zhang Ye's question, the other three also pricked up their ears.

Lin Mu nodded and said, "It should be."

After Zhang Ye and the others listened, they did not breathe a sigh of relief like Tie Jianmen did, but took a deep breath and said, "The false Heavenly Level already possesses such power, so what will happen to the real Heavenly Level?" of."

Zhang Ye and the others were all trained by the army. They have never seen what a real sky-level master is, and they have never even seen some records about sky-level masters.

In fact, from their point of view, sky-level masters are only one level higher than earth-level masters, and their abilities are much higher, but they should also be controllable and much higher.

But they finally know today that the sky level and the earth level are completely two concepts.

A pseudo-celestial level in Guiling Gate has already done all kinds of things that are beyond the reach of human beings. Isn't it true that the real celestial level is really going to dominate the world.

Lin Mu glanced at the four people who were a little depressed, patted Zhang Ye on the shoulder, and said, "You four don't need to lose heart, the old monster at Guiling Gate is at least two hundred years old, and the oldest one here is only 40 years old. As long as you are willing to work hard, I guarantee that you will surpass him before you are a hundred years old."

When Zhang Ye and the others heard Lin Mu's words, their eyes lit up, and they exclaimed excitedly, "Is it really possible?"

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Do you think I'm lying to you? But the premise is that you have to endure hardships that ordinary people can't bear."

Zhang Ye and the others patted their chests and said, "Instructor Lin, don't worry, we can't do anything else, but there is absolutely nothing to say about suffering."

Shen Siyun pulled Zhang Ye away, sat on the edge of the tree, and said, "Instructor Lin, I have decided, I will follow you every day from now on, so that you can train me every day."


This time Qiao Xuebing and the three of them couldn't hold back, they all spit out the wine in one gulp.

It is not enough to train once or twice, but also to train every day.

Shen Siyun gave Qiao Xuebing and the three of them a look, and said: "I know what you three dirty guys are thinking, don't think I really don't understand. I'm willing to let Instructor Lin teach me what's wrong?"

The three of Zhang Ye immediately retreated after hearing this.Originally, they really thought that Shen Siyun didn't understand.

Unexpectedly, Shen Siyun understood everything and could speak so confidently, which was really incomparable to the three of them.

The people from Tiejianmen, seeing Zhang Ye and the others chatting enthusiastically with Lin Mu, all of them were envious.

Lin Mu is said to be a heaven-level existence, if he can get a few words from Lin Mu, it will be more direct than how many years they have been practicing hard.

In fact, none of these people are as keen-eyed as Gongsun Wudi. Gongsun Wudi has been stuck at the peak of the prefecture level for 40 to [-] years.

Moreover, a breakthrough in cultivation not only means an increase in strength to him, but also an increase in lifespan.

(End of this chapter)

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