Supreme Chef

Chapter 317

Chapter 317

Fan Wuji saw it in his eyes, but at the same time he was anxious in his heart. If his sect could really produce a heavenly master, even if it was a fake heavenly master, then the status and strength of the Iron Sword Sect would be qualitatively promoted.

In the era when celestial ranks became legends, the appearance of a real celestial rank or even a false celestial rank is the existence of commanding heroes.

A sky-level or pseudo-sky-level, that can't be compensated by your large number of prefecture-level peaks.

And even if you take ten thousand steps back, even if the Supreme Elder of your own sect can't break through to the heavenly level, just increasing the lifespan of so many decades is of great significance to Tiejianmen.

For these first-class sects, these supreme elders are the last guarantee of their sect.

In the past, it was okay to say that these Supreme Elders were all young, but it is different now.These Supreme Elders are all old, and all of them are dying, and until now, no one has broken through the heavenly level. It can be said that these Supreme Elders are waiting to die, and they are more alive than anyone else. Whoever lives longer will be more beneficial to which sect.

Fan Wuji saw that Lin Mu and the others had finished chatting, so he put on the bullet, went up with a wine glass, and said, "Brother Lin, I toast you!"

Although Lin Mu didn't like to drink, he would never refuse wine, so he raised his neck and drank the wine in the glass.

"Brother Lin, thank you so much this time..."

Lin Mu interrupted Fan Wuji, and said: "Brother Fan's words made my ears tingle today, I said that we came this time for this purpose, this is our mission, and it is also what we should do. "

Fan Wuji was also bold, and said: "That's good! I won't mention this in the future."

After hesitating for a while, Fan Wuji bit the bullet, a little embarrassed, and said: "Brother Lin, I have a heartfelt request, I hope Brother Lin can agree."

Lin Mu didn't take over, and waited for Fan Wuji to continue talking.

Fan Wuji gritted his teeth, and said: "Brother Lin, I would like to ask you to open the altar to give a lecture, so that you can give us some pointers on our cultivation. Of course, I, Tiejianmen, will unreservedly hand over our sect's Buddhist scriptures pavilion to Lin Brother, you are open."

After Fan Wuji finished speaking, he anxiously waited for Lin Mu's reply.

Lin Mu looked at Fan Wuji, pondered for a while, then suddenly laughed, and said, "Brother Fan, I don't think it's a big deal, I'll take care of this little thing."

Fan Wuji was overjoyed when he heard that, and said, "Thank you, Brother Lin! Thank you, Brother Lin!"

Gongsun Wudi looked at Fan Wuji's surprised expression from above, and he was also relieved, knowing that Lin Mu had agreed.At the same time, Gongsun Wudi was also happy. He had been stuck at the peak of the prefecture level for a long time, and all he needed was an opportunity.

Lin Mu waved his hand and said, "Brother Fan, don't thank me first, I don't have that much time to stay here, so I can't answer everyone's questions."

Fan Wuji said: "Brother Lin, I didn't want you to give advice to everyone. Even if you call my incompetent disciples, they may not be able to understand them. You just need to give us veterans a few pointers. gone."

At the same time, in the Senluo Ghost Hall of Guilingmen, the head of Guilingmen looked down with a gloomy expression. His palms with veins exposed showed the anger in his heart at this time.

"The head of the sect has already investigated clearly. Those five people were sent by Long Teng to help the Tie Jian sect." Elder Gu stood below and reported respectfully.

The head of the sect suppressed the anger in his heart, and said, "Does anyone know who that young man is?"

Elder Gu said: "The investigation has revealed some. His name is Lin Mu, and he is Long Teng's chief instructor. This person is very difficult to mess with. Back then, he forced the Tianya faction to seal the mountain with his own power. He didn't dare to come out half a step. Some time ago, one person quelled the riots in southern Xinjiang. Until today, no one can have a clear conclusion about his cultivation, it can only be said that it is unfathomable!"

The head said: "Did the three ghost elders, the first elder, and the elder Shi of our Ghost Ridge Gate all die at his hands!"

Elder Gu said: "This is still uncertain, but as far as my subordinates know, the only one Long Teng has the strength to kill the three elders of Guiling is Lin Mu."

After listening to Elder Gu's report, the head of the Ghost Ridge Sect's cold eyes continued to flicker fiercely. Finally, the head head slapped heavily on the seat made of unknown animal bones with the palm of his hand. Said: "I want him to die!"

Elder Gu hesitated a little when he heard the words of his head, but said: "Master, this forest is unfathomable, and we have captured a large area of ​​land, Master, do you think we are going to..."

"Shut up! My Guiling Gate has been suppressed in this ghost city for more than 200 years. How can a few second-rate sects satisfy our appetite and appease our grievances? I want everyone in the world to submit to my Guiling Gate from now on." .

How could a mere Dragon Teng instructor stand in the way of my Ghost Ridge Gate and conquer the world. "The headmaster said ferociously.

Elder Gu said: "But the head..."

The head of the sect gave Elder Gu a cold look, and said: "Elder Gu, I didn't ask you to comment on my decision, you just need to do as I say!"

"Yes!" Facing his own sect leader, Elder Gu didn't dare to resist at all.

"Go down!" The headmaster waved his hand casually.

After everyone retreated, the head of Ghost Ridge Sect put his palm on the armrest of the bone chair, squeezed it vigorously and whispered to himself, "I didn't expect Long Teng to have a heaven-level master. Absorbing the Ghost King's Ghost Pill completely is the time of your death!"

On the second day, Guilingmen didn't come to attack Tiejianmen, not even a decent harassment.

Ghost Ridge Gate suddenly stopped harassing, but Tie Jianmen wasn't used to it.

"Ghost Ridge Gate took the wrong medicine today, and there was no harassment at all?" Fan Wuji stood on the temporary watchtower, looking at the silent horizon in the distance, full of suspicion.

Lin Mu narrowed his eyes, looked at the distant horizon, and said, "Don't worry, they won't come these few days."

Fan Wuji asked puzzled, "Why?"

Lin Mudao: "Their leader is currently practicing, and when he thinks he can beat me, he will attack aggressively."

When Fan Wuji heard Lin Mu's words, he was also nervous for a while, and said, "Brother Lin, should we take the initiative to attack?"

Lin Mudao: "Do you know where the Ghost Ridge Gate is stationed?"

Fan Wuji said: "I know."

Lin Mu smiled and said: "Since you know, then don't be polite, let everyone have complaints and revenge, don't be polite to me, and by the way, improve the fighting morale of the disciples."

Fan Wuji said: "Okay! I'll make arrangements now."

"Brother Lin, how can we restrain the head of Guiling Sect and those ghosts?" Fan Wuji asked worriedly.

Lin Mu pondered for a while, and said: "If their masters dare to attack, I will deal with them. As for how to restrain their ghosts, it is easy to handle. You pick three masters, and I will let Zhang Ye and the other four cooperate with the three of them. Separate the disciples of Ghost Ridge Gate, so that your magical artifacts will be useful."

Fan Wuji said: "Okay! I'll arrange it now. This time I will personally lead the team. If there is any complaint, I will take revenge!"

(End of this chapter)

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