Supreme Chef

Chapter 319

Chapter 319
When Fan Wuji heard Lin Mu's words, his body trembled involuntarily, and said, "Brother Lin, what do you mean, he has become a real prefecture-level master?"

Lin Mu shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know if I haven't beaten him before, but it's fine if he is a real prefecture level, as long as you do your own thing well, remember not to leave anyone behind!"

Fan Wuji said cruelly: "I know what it means to cut grass and roots, don't worry, I won't leave any trouble for myself!"

The ghostly aura is monstrous, covering the sky and blocking out the sun.In the ghost town, the sun has not been seen all year round, and it is more like the end of the world when it is blocked by this ghost.


Suddenly, the monstrous ghostly aura swelled violently, and then all the ghostly aura quickly gathered towards a certain point.

"Ghost Ridge Sect disciples obey the order, all those who stand in the way of my Ghost Ridge Gate will die!" A murderous voice that resounded through the world came from the deepest part of Senluo Ghost Creature, and reached everyone's ears clearly .

"Oh! Invincible Master!"

"The master is invincible!"

"The master will kill the world!"

The disciples of the Ghost Ridge Gate were naturally extremely excited when they heard this statement from their head.

On the side of Tiejianmen, everyone looked serious.Apparently they also knew that the head of the Ghost Ridge Sect who had re-exited this time was very different from the last time.


Suddenly, there was another shocking explosion among the Senluo ghosts and creatures.Tens of thousands of catties of boulders, like mud pellets, were blown around by the air waves generated by the explosion, and thousands of catties of boulders were blown directly into the sky like feathers.

"Where is the forest thief! This old man will take your life today!" The head of the Ghost Ridge Sect stepped on a dark cloud and roared arrogantly.

Lin Mu glanced at the head of Guiling Sect standing above the dark clouds, and said to Fan Wuji, "I'll deal with that old ghost."

"Brother Lin, be careful!" Fan Wuji warned.

Lin Mu laughed and said, "Don't worry, I haven't taken this old ghost seriously yet."

After talking about the trees, they also soared into the sky, and after a few ups and downs, they easily passed through the mountain protection formation of Guiling Gate.

All the disciples of Ghost Ridge Sect who wanted to come up to stop Lin Shu were thrown away before they could even get close to them.

After several ups and downs, Lin Shu appeared on the roof of Sen Luo Ghost Hall.

"Little thief Lin Mu, I never thought you would dare to come to die! This old man will fulfill you today!" The head of Ghost Ridge Sect looked down at Lin Mu and said with killing intent.

Lin Mu said lightly: "Remember what I told you? I hate the feeling of dark clouds covering the top, but you don't have a long memory."

"Little thief, today is the day of your death. This kind of tongue-in-cheek will only make you live a few more seconds!" the head of Ghost Ridge Sect said harshly.

Lin Mu didn't pick up on the words of the head of the Ghost Ridge Sect, but responded directly with actions.

Lin Mu jumped up, and attacked again with the same Dragon Rising Fist.

"The same tricks are useless to me!" The head of Guilingmen said contemptuously, then he also bent down and chose to confront Lin Mu head-on.


The collision between the two caused a violent explosion, and the roof of Senluo Ghost Hall was blown away.

The two did not stand in a stalemate this time, but after colliding, they both flew upside down.

The trees are down, and the head of the Ghost Ridge Gate is up.

Lin Mu's body pressed down on the Senluo Ghost Temple, and directly collapsed a huge Senluo Ghost Temple. Countless rubble flew around, and cut off all the visible vegetation. The disciples of Ghost Ridge Sect who were going to help out here hurriedly dispersed when they saw this.

And those who ran slowly were even more unlucky to be directly pierced by the rubble and lost their combat effectiveness.

The head of Ghost Ridge Sect was also uncomfortable. He was thrown upwards for nearly a hundred meters, and his withered arm was even slightly deformed.

Looking at his slightly deformed arm, the head of the Ghost Ridge Gate was also very shocked.

During the three days of retreat, he had completely absorbed the ghost pill of the ghost king.His body has long since become a bit harder than the hardest thing in the world. In his opinion, there should be nothing in this world that can hurt him, but he didn't expect the tree to come up and give him such a big body. a surprise.

There was a ghostly aura in his right hand, and Lin Mu put his palm on his deformed arm.

Ghost energy flickered, and the deformed arm returned to its original shape.

This is a new ability discovered by the head of Ghost Ridge Sect after he entered the heavenly level.

"How dare you hurt me, the old man will take your life today!" the head of Ghost Ridge Sect, with a fierce light flashing in his eyes, gritted his teeth and said viciously.

Standing in the ruins of the Senluo Ghost Palace, Lin Mu was also a little surprised.

His body was already comparable to the fifth floor of Foundation Establishment, such a forceful shock did not cripple the opponent's arm.

"Boy, I want you to die!" The head of Ghost Ridge Sect stood on a high place, staring at Lin Shu, and uttered these six words one by one.

Lin Mu responded with a smile and said, "Many people miss me dead, but I'm still alive and well."


The head of Ghost Ridge Sect gave a cold snort, and waved his hands directly. From the dark clouds under his feet, he emitted streaks of ghostly aura around him, attacking the trees.

Lin Mu frowned when he saw the chains of icy, gloomy ghost energy.

Lin Mu can ignore the general ghost aura, but this is different from the general ghost aura. From this ghost aura, Lin Mu feels a strong sense of danger.

Seeing the ghostly aura approaching him, Lin Mu was also fully alert.

The first ghost energy approached him, Lin Shu pointed directly like a sword, a flash of spiritual energy, Lin Shu directly cut off the first chain of ghost energy with ease.


The head of the Ghost Ridge Gate was also a little surprised to see his own ghost energy cut off by the trees.

This is the ghost energy cultivated by using the ghost pill of the ghost king.

The cultivation of a ghost king is not as simple as just feeding a ghost.

If a ghost wants to become a ghost king, it needs a lot of tempering, and there are great restrictions on the ghost's lifetime.

This person must be born in a cloudy year, a cloudy moon, and a cloudy time before he was alive, and he must die in a cloudy year, a cloudy moon, and a cloudy time when he died, and if he is a man, he must be the same as 81 when he dies. A virgin had sex to death, but if it was a woman, she would be gang-raped to death by ninety-nine 81 virgins!
Only in this way will he generate monstrous resentment, and be qualified to become the ghost king, and this is only to be qualified to become the ghost king. Become the king of ghosts.

The ghost king of Guilingmen finally became the ghost king after more than ten generations of ancestors' support, and the head of Guilingmen also endured the unbearable pain of ordinary people in order to absorb the ghost king's ghost pill. achievement today.

From the point of view of the head of the Ghost Ridge Sect, the ghost energy condensed by the dark cloud under his feet does not need all of it, only half of it can directly slaughter a city with a population of one million, and this is also the bargaining chip he is planning to negotiate with the government .

However, what he thought was a bargaining chip could not do anything to Lin Mu, which surprised him.

Just as the head of Ghost Ridge Gate was thinking wildly, Lin Mu had already cut off all the chains of ghost energy.

Looking at those chains of ghost energy that were cut off and turned into nothingness, the head of Ghost Ridge Gate felt his heart was bleeding.

These ghost auras were cultivated by him after a lot of hard work, but they were cut off one by one by the trees.

"Die to me!" The head of Ghost Ridge Sect yelled again, and with a wave of his hand, a large cloud of ghost energy was pushed down.

The ghost aura pressed down, and the ghost hall that had been turned into rubble was turned into powder directly, and the vegetation turned into balls of black charcoal in an instant.

Lin Mu had to take it seriously when he saw such a large area of ​​ghostly aura.

(End of this chapter)

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