Supreme Chef

Chapter 320 Detonating Ghost Qi

Chapter 320 Detonating Ghost Qi
The head of the Ghost Ridge Sect watched a large cloud of ghosts descending, his eyes showed a fierce look, and he said viciously: "I hope you are not dead this time!"

The ghost aura covered an area with a radius of about 200 meters, and outsiders could not see what happened under the ghost aura.

The disciples around the Ghost Ridge Gate waited for about 1 minute, but no tree came out, and everyone shouted excitedly: "The master is invincible!"

"The master is invincible!"


The head of the Ghost Ridge Gate, standing on top of the dark cloud of ghost energy, also enjoyed this feeling very much.

But before the smile spread on his face, he saw the ghostly aura covering the trees under his feet, and he rolled violently.

Seeing the change of ghost energy below, the face of the head of Ghost Ridge Gate also changed. He pressed his palm down and quickly formed a handprint. At the same time, he quickly chanted incantations that outsiders could not understand.

As the head of Ghost Ridge Sect spoke faster, the ghost energy below seemed to be calm.

Seeing that the ghost aura below was somewhat calm, the head of Ghost Ridge Sect finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Witch Emperor Fist!"


The head of Ghost Ridge Sect heard Lin Mu's roar, and before he could react, he saw Lin Mu's figure, pierced through the thick ghost energy, and rushed out.

Moreover, these ghost auras were not only pierced by the trees, but all the ghost auras were scattered away under the action of the forest's fist wind.


The head of Ghost Ridge Sect watched the ghost energy dissipate, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

But it wasn't because the ghost energy dissipated and he was implicated, but he vomited blood from the heartache.

This is half of the ghost qi that I have refined, and these are ghost qi produced by the ghost king, not those produced by ordinary little ghosts.

Lin Mu blasted away the ghost, and also took two big breaths.

The Witch Emperor Fist is an attacking move in the Witch God Body Refining Technique.

There are a total of three boxing techniques recorded in the Witch God Body Refining Technique, which are Wuhuang Fist, Wu Sheng Fist, and Witch God Fist.

The three kinds of boxing techniques correspond to the three realms of heaven, earth and man. Of course, with the improvement of cultivation base, the power of these three boxing techniques will also be improved accordingly.

The Wuhuang Fist that Lin Mu is using now is the only boxing method that can be used by a cultivator in the human realm.

It's just that the power of the fists recorded in the Witch God Body Refining Technique is quite considerable, and the consumption is also quite large. Take Lin Mu as an example now, after this punch, Lin Mu feels that the strength of his whole body is as if it has been taken away. Like drained.

"The power is really powerful, but it really can't be used casually!" Lin Mu thought secretly while adjusting his body.

Don't look at this Witch Emperor Fist that just blows away the ghost energy, it doesn't seem to have much power.But if the punch just now was not on the ghost, but on a [-]-meter-high hill.

Just one punch is enough to knock half of this hill down.


The head of Ghost Ridge Sect's beard and hair were all stretched out, and he let out an inhuman shout, and jumped directly from above the dark clouds.

He only had a little bit of ghost energy left, and he didn't want this bit of ghost energy to be blown away by Lin Shu.

Lin Mu also sneered when he saw that the head of the Ghost Ridge Sect gave up his advantage and jumped off the dark clouds, wanting to confront him head-on.

He stood on it, and Lin Mu may have less ways to deal with him. After all, Lin Mu is now on the third floor of the foundation, and he cannot fly to the sky to fight him, but if you jump down from the sky, it is equivalent to sending yourself to the door.

Before the head of the Ghost Ridge Sect fell to the ground, Lin Mu rushed out and kicked the head of the Ghost Ridge Sect directly in the stomach.

The head of Guilingmen didn't expect that Lin Mu's speed was so fast, so he didn't react at all, and he actually got Lin Mu's kick.

Although his body has been tempered to be harder than steel, but Lin Shu's kick is not to mention steel, even a steel mountain forest tree can be broken by him.


Lin Mu's punch directly kicked him out, and the head of Guiling Gate bowed his body and flew out like a prawn.


The body of the head of Ghost Ridge Sect collided with a broken wall not far behind him, directly collapsing the broken wall that was as tall as a person.


This time he was kicked by Lin Shu and vomited blood, not out of anger.

Falling to the ground, the head of the Ghost Ridge Sect felt a little regretful, he still had some advantages up there, but when he fell to the ground, he really had no advantage at all, or he was completely at a disadvantage.

But now he may not be able to go back if he wants to go back. Lin Mu has completely locked him in. As long as he makes a move to go back, he believes that Lin Mu will definitely not give him a chance and beat him down in all directions.

The head of the Ghost Ridge Sect is feeling a little bit of a bitter fruit now.

"If you can't get up, then you can take care of yourself, so you won't get my hands dirty!" Lin Mu said contemptuously, looking at the head of the Ghost Ridge Sect who was lying on the ground and couldn't get up.


The head of the Ghost Ridge Sect snorted heavily, slapped his palm on the ground, and jumped up, with the soles of his feet on the ground, he rushed directly towards the forest.

If it was someone else, or it could be said that he rushed towards the forest like a sword.

But the head of the Ghost Ridge Sect is at most a dead branch, because his figure is really unflattering, the whole person is skin except bones, he really doesn't have any sense of flesh, and he seems to be worried about him It might break after something.

But I have to say that this dead branch is indeed strong enough, not to mention that it is fast enough, just the metal-like light shining on his palm will make people terrified.

Lin Mu didn't dare to be careless when he saw him rushing over.Although he came down from the sky, he had no advantage, but after all, he was a master who could compete with him, and being careless would mean death.

Lin Mu leaned forward, grasped the dead tree-like wrist of the head of the Ghost Ridge Sect with both hands, and then slammed to both sides.


With a crisp sound, Lin Mu directly took off his two arms, and then kicked his legs without being idle.



Going down with two feet, the two legs of the head of Ghost Ridge Gate were also broken by Lin Shu.

An unbroken twig might be a bit of a threat, but a broken twig can only be used as firewood or trash.

Lin Mu grabbed his wrist and threw him out like throwing garbage.

Throwed out by Lin Mu, just as he was about to use ghost energy to connect his broken hands and feet, Lin Mu had already stepped on his chest.

"Despicable!" The head of Ghost Ridge Sect saw Lin Mu's foot stepping on his chest, and squeezed out these two words from between his teeth.

"Haha! You still say mean!" Lin Mu laughed loudly as if he had heard some joke.

"You attack without waiting for me to recover, what are you mean?" said the head of Ghost Ridge Sect, gritted his teeth.

Lin Mu said: "It's really funny, who stipulated that I must wait for you to recover before attacking you. Could it be that if you lose, I have to wait until you can surpass me before attacking you?
I am not a disciple from a decent school, and you don't want me to fight you fairly like they are so pedantic. My goal is to kill you. "

The head of Ghost Ridge Gate didn't know how to refute Lin Mu's words.It is true that no one stipulated that Lin Mu had to wait for him, but he had fought too many decent families with the earth, so he felt that Lin Mu should do the same.

"Since you want my life, let's die together! All of you will be buried with me, and I will earn money too!" The head of Guilingmen suddenly burst into flames, holding Lin Shu's foot tightly with his hands. legs on his chest.

Then he bit his own archery sharply, and a mouthful of blood shot out directly.

Lin Mu twisted his upper body and easily dodged the brown blood arrow.

However, the head of Ghost Ridge Sect obviously didn't expect to use this blood arrow to kill Lin Shu.

Because this blood arrow is to detonate the dark clouds and ghosts above his head.


After Lin Mu dodged, he also realized what he was going to do, and also secretly said.

"Hu rumbling!"

The ghost qi absorbed the blood arrow, as if it was boiling, it rolled violently, and at the same time, its volume continued to expand, as if it was about to explode.

(End of this chapter)

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