Supreme Chef

Chapter 321

Chapter 321

Lin Shu also frowned as he watched the ghostly aura that was rolling over his head and was about to be detonated.

If such a large cloud of ghost energy was detonated, he would definitely be able to survive, but what about Zhang Ye and the others?What about the disciples of Iron Sword Sect?
They obviously couldn't survive.

"Quack! Die with me!" the head of Ghost Ridge Sect hugged Lin Shu's thigh and said with a piercing laugh.

Lin Mu lowered his head and took a look. The disciple of Ghost Ridge Sect, who was getting less and less breath due to the complete loss of essence and blood, sighed and said, "I didn't want to do this at first, but you insisted on forcing me."

Hearing Lin Mu's words, the head of Ghost Ridge Sect was taken aback for a moment, and then burst out laughing.Said: "I have already used my blood essence to ignite the Ghost King's Ghost Qi, what else can you do?"

Lin Mu said: "I'll let you die to understand, let you see what I can do!"

After talking about Lin Mu, he began to frantically improve his cultivation.

Feeling the imposing manner on Dao Lin Mu's body, the head of Guiling Sect was also suppressed, and said: " didn't show your full strength."

While improving his cultivation, Lin Mu said contemptuously, "Do you still have to show your full strength to you?"

The cultivation base has almost improved, Lin Mu glanced at the dark clouds that were constantly condensing above his head, and quickly pinched a hand formula to control the thunder.


Just as the thundercloud formed, a thunderbolt as thick as a baby's arm struck down.


The head of the Ghost Ridge Sect stared at him with wide eyes, and the thunder above his head shouted in shock.

Tianlei is the nemesis of ghosts. It doesn't matter whether you are a lonely ghost or a ghost king, as long as you encounter Tianlei, there will only be one result, and your soul will be scattered.

"You are able to attract thunder from heaven, you are not an ancient martial arts practitioner!" Only at this time did the head of Guiling Gate know Lin Mu's true identity.

Lin Mu snorted coldly, and said, "I just found out now, don't you think it's a bit late! But fortunately, you can help me share some of the power of the thunder!"

Seeing that Tianlei was about to hit him, Lin Mu's hand formula changed, Tianlei turned directly, and struck into the dark clouds condensed with ghost energy.

The sky thunder is indeed the biggest nemesis of ghosts. When the sky thunder enters, almost one-third of the ghost energy has dissipated.

However, Lin Mu's current cultivation base is too low. Although this method of lightning control can lure most of the sky thunder away, some of them still entered Lin Mu's body.

Lin Mu is now depleted of essence and blood. If Lin Mu is allowed to resist alone, he will definitely not be able to resist, but fortunately, there is a natural conductor under Lin Mu's feet, allowing him to help Lin Mu bear part of it.

Lin Mu guided the thunder along his body and directly into the body of the head of the Ghost Ridge Sect.


After a crackling sound, the body of the head of the Ghost Ridge Sect turned into a piece of black charcoal, but luckily he didn't finish playing right away, his mouth was still open, and there was still some vitality.

"Hey! It's pretty good, but it's just right, so I have to find another stepping foot."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, another thunderbolt struck down.

Lin Mu once again used the technique of lightning control to lead Tianlei into the ghost energy.


This time, the ghost energy has been reduced by more than half. What is left now is less than ten square meters. Even if it explodes, it will not pose much threat.

Seeing that there was only so little of the ghost king's ghost energy that he had collected after all the hard work, the head of the Ghost Ridge Sect really wanted to cry.

Originally, he thought that he had devoured the ghost pill of the ghost king, and with the ghost aura of the ghost king, he could completely rule the world and become the only king in the world.

But who would have imagined that he would die before leaving the teacher, and he would be wiped out by Long Teng, whom he despised the most before.


There was another explosion, and the head of the Ghost Ridge Sect was directly burned inside and out.

And he finally died, no longer having to endure this inhuman torture.


The third sky thunder fell, and Lin Mu used the lightning control technique again to dispel the last bit of ghost energy.


The ghost energy was dissipated, and Lin Mu's face flushed for a while, and he opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood.

"It's really a big loss this time!" Lin Mu said as he wiped away the remaining blood from the corner of his mouth.

Originally, Lin Mu's body had lost too much essence and blood because of subduing the Taoist temple. This time, he was struck by Tianlei again. Although his cultivation base did not regress, it hurt his meridians, and it would take at least a month to adjust.

"I won't let you go, how much hatred do I have with you!" Lin Mu took a look, and was still holding on to the head of the Ghost Ridge Sect, who was still holding on to his calf. Black charcoal, turned into toner.

"The boss is dead!"

"The head was killed by him!"

"We want to avenge the head!"

The thunder cloud and the ghost energy dissipated, and the disciples of the Guiling Gate saw Lin Mu standing there in good order, so they naturally knew that their master was dead, and all of them had red eyes, wanting to come up to avenge their master.

However, although Lin Mu suffered a little injury, it is not a problem to deal with such a few shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

Moreover, Fan Wuji saw that Lin Shu was safe and sound, so he raised his iron sword and roared loudly: "The head of Guiling Sect is dead, everyone follow me, and destroy this scum of the ancient martial arts world!"


Hearing Fan Wuji's words, all the disciples of the Iron Sword Sect rushed forward waving their iron swords as if they had been beaten to death. As long as they saw someone who was not from their sect, they would slash and kill.

Seeing the fallen disciples one after another, Elder Gu, who was fighting Zhang Ye, knew that the Ghost Ridge Sect was over. From now on, there would be no more Ghost Ridge Gate in the ancient martial arts world.

"How dare you be distracted when the old ghost fights with me!" Zhang Ye saw the opportunity, and directly punched Elder Gu's heart.


In this defenseless state, Zhang Ye directly punched Elder Bone's heart, and Elder Bone died immediately.

At the same time, Qiao Xuebing and the others dealt with their opponents separately.

The head of the sect is dead, and although the rest clamored for revenge, they had no intention of fighting for a long time.

It took about an hour, under the leadership of Fan Wuji, Tie Jianmen and Zhang Ye, they wiped out all of Guilingmen, and not a single fish slipped through the net.

The ghosts kept by the Ghost Ridge Gate also became ownerless because they lost the control of their masters.

Although Tiejianmen doesn't know how to keep these ghosts, but after fighting with Guilingmen for so many years, they still have a lot of experience in how to eliminate these ghosts, so they didn't take much effort to clean up these ghosts.

"Brother Lin, what you hit just now was really thrilling, you even attracted the thunder." Fan Wuji's scalp went numb when he thought of the thunder that was as thick as a child's arm that he saw just now.

Fortunately, the thunder struck the ghost energy that day, if it struck me, it wouldn't take much.Just one is enough to kill him.

Lin Mu smiled wryly, and said, "I don't have the ability to attract thunder from heaven, maybe his actions were too angry, so God sent down punishment?"

Since the head of Guilingmen can tell through the thunder that he is not an ancient martial arts practitioner, who knows if Fan Wuji can?

Don't say that I have suffered internal injuries now, even if my body recovers, if the ancient martial arts practitioners in this world unite and press for my secret, Lin Mu is not an opponent, so this matter cannot be admitted for the time being.

Fan Wuji was inexplicably relieved when he heard Lin Mu's words.At such a young age, Lin Mu already has a heaven-level cultivation, which is enough for Fan Wuji to be hit. If Lin Mu can still attract thunder, then it will not let them live in the ancient martial arts world.

"This is really what people are doing and the sky is watching. It seems that the gods can't stand this kind of scumbag." Fan Wuji didn't continue to ask, but said happily.

After thoroughly clearing the battlefield, Fan Wuji led his people back to Iron Sword Gate.

Because Lin Mu promised to give a sermon to Tiejianmen for three days, he stayed in Tiejianmen for three more days.

However, in the past three days, Lin Mu was not idle except for preaching.

The spiritual energy around the Iron Sword Gate is still very abundant, so Lin Mu also took advantage of the convenience of preaching to directly drain the spiritual energy from the thousands of miles around the Iron Sword Gate.

But fortunately, the ancient martial arts practitioners use the vitality of the heavens and the earth to cultivate, and they don't need such things as aura, otherwise, Tiejianmen would have to fight Lin Shu desperately.

The day after the sermon was over, Lin Mu and the others left Tiejianmen.

During the three days when Lin Mu preached, the elders, including Gongsun Wudi, benefited a lot, so knowing that Lin Mu was leaving, all the senior leaders of Iron Sword Sect, headed by Gongsun Wudi, came out to see him off.

"This time, our Iron Sword Sect was able to save the day. Thanks to Instructor Lin's help, I, Tiejian Sect, have nothing to repay. These are some elixir that my Tiejian Sect has accumulated for thousands of years. Please, Instructor Lin, don't give up. You are polite." Prosecutor Wudi said as he handed over the most precious elixirs he had selected to Lin Mu.

Of course, trees are not polite to elixir, and among these elixir, there are several auxiliary medicinal materials that are necessary for refining Jidan, and trees are even more rude.

Seeing that Lin Mu had put away the elixir, Fan Wuji also came up and said, "Brother Lin, don't worry, this time you saved my Tiejianmen, from now on, I will only follow you, Brother Lin."

In fact, this sentence is more important to Lin Mu now, Lin Mu said: "Brother Fan, you are being polite, everyone will help each other in the future."

After another thank you, Lin Mu and the others finally left Tiejianmen.

(End of this chapter)

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