Supreme Chef

Chapter 322

Chapter 322
The five of Lin Mu left the ghost town and saw that their car was still parked where it was. Shen Siyun was a little surprised and said, "I didn't expect the car to still be there. I thought I was waiting for rescue?"

Qiao Xuebing said: "This is a ghost town, no one will come here at all, not to mention our car looks like a military vehicle, no one will ask for this trouble."

Shen Siyun glared at Qiao Xuebing and said, "Did I tell you to answer? Mind your own business!"

Just as Qiao Xuebing was about to open his mouth, Tie Zhanshan stopped him.They don't want to mess with Shen Siyun, a little witch, and they don't want to hear Shen Siyun chattering all the way, so their ears will be in trouble.

As soon as the five of them got into the car, Shi Jin called.

Lin Mu saw Shi Jin's call, glanced at Shen Siyun, and answered it.

"Congratulations to Instructor Lin for successfully resolving the crisis and eliminating a great harm for the ancient martial arts world." Shi Jin said with a beaming face.

Lin Mu rolled his eyes, and said: "You are well informed, but you are a good grandfather, you don't call me to let me know when you bring them here, and you don't remind me to protect your precious granddaughter when you bring them here. It's over now. You have called, and you are not afraid that your granddaughter has passed away."

Shi Jin laughed and said, "Instructor Lin, don't I believe in your character? I believe you can protect Siyun, so I don't have to make this call at all."

Lin Mu teased, "You know it won't work if you hit it, right?"

Shi Jin laughed dryly twice, obviously acquiescing.

Shi Jin paused for a moment, and said: "Instructor Lin, the people from Tiejianmen have contacted me just now, and they said that they will stand firmly on your side. If we win Tiejianmen, we will have a greater right to speak. They are going to invite the heads of these first-class ancient martial arts sects to the capital next week.

At that time, Instructor Lin, you will also come here together. I believe that as long as you come forward, there will be one or two who will choose to stand on our side.In this way, you can kill the Holy See however you want. "

Lin Mu nodded and said, "I see, I will attend on time next week."

As soon as the business here was finished, Shen Siyun snatched Lin Mu's phone and said to the phone, "Old man, I decided to practice with Brother Lin, and I won't be going back for a while, you don't need to send someone Come find me."

After finishing speaking, Shen Siyun didn't wait for Shi Jin's consent, and hung up the phone directly.

Zhang Ye and Tie Zhanshan looked at each other, but they didn't expect Shen Siyun, a little witch, to be so fierce to them, even to his own grandfather.I'm afraid that in the whole of China, there is still one person who dares to call Shi Jin an old man.

Shen Siyun looked at the stunned Zhang Ye and Tie Zhanshan, and said, "What are you looking at, drive!"

Hearing Shen Siyun's words, Zhang Ye and Tie Zhanshan, who dared to refute, started the car quickly.

This time when we came to Tiejianmen to destroy Guilingmen, except for Lin Mu who suffered a loss, the remaining four people gained a lot.

Zhang Ye successfully entered the elementary level of the prefecture level, Tie Zhanshan also entered the half-step prefecture level, Qiao Xuebing also successfully entered the peak of the mysterious level, Shen Siyun also got his wish and reached the high level of the mysterious level.

Although four people are not enough in Lin Mu's eyes, they are a great threat among other ancient martial arts sects. With these four people in Longteng, those ancient martial arts sects have to think about what they want to do. .

And the key point is that the ages of these four people are here. These four people are all in their prime. Zhang Ye is only 42 years old this year and he is already at the elementary level of the prefecture level. No matter how poor his qualifications are, he can still enter It's mid-level.

What's more, Zhang Ye was able to enter the prefecture level at the age of 42. How could his qualifications be poor? This is definitely a great deterrent to other sects.

Don't look at those first-class ancient martial arts sects, they all sit at the top of the prefecture level.But these old men at the top of the prefecture level are all near the end of their lifespan, and they will not make a move easily, and who can guarantee that Zhang Ye will not be able to become the top of the prefecture level in 20 or even 30 years.

You must know that behind Zhang Ye, there are advantages that all ancient martial arts schools do not have.That is Lin Mu. As a recognized heavenly master, Lin Mu can personally guide Zhang Ye. No matter how stupid Zhang Ye is, he will improve rapidly.

It was another day and night when Lin Mu and the others returned to Fengyang. Originally, Shen Siyun planned to follow Lin Mu all the time, but her identity was more sensitive. It would be inconvenient to follow Lin Mu like this, so they had to choose to go back to the camp with Zhang Ye and the others.

Moreover, Shen Siyun's breakthrough this time does need time to digest and stabilize his cultivation.

Lin Mu got off the car at the place closest to Fumanlou, while Zhang Ye and the others went straight back to the camp.

After all, they had just experienced a fight, Zhang Ye and the others didn't have the ability of Lin Mu, they were still covered with sunshine after killing people, and their bodies were full of murderous aura, it would be no wonder if such a group of people entered Fumanlou, they didn't scare them away.

Lin Mu wobbled into Fumanlou, everyone in Fumanlou was no stranger to Lin Shenchu ​​who disappeared for a while from time to time.

"Miss Qing!"

Lin Mu came behind Yu Yaqing, who was inspecting the work, and yelled with a smile.

Hearing Lin Mu's voice, Yu Yaqing was startled too, turned her head and gave Lin Mu an angry look, and said, "You want to scare me to death!"

After a pause, Yu Yaqing said, "Why don't you say hello in advance when you come back?"

Lin Mu smiled and said, "It's not the first time I've traveled far, so do I need to say hello?"

Yu Yaqing turned around and asked the lobby manager a few words, and said to Lin Mu: "Sister Mei has been thinking about you for the past two days, and the loan we applied for from the bank has already been approved, and we are planning to let you take a line to buy land in the capital."

Lin Mudao: "I happen to be going to the capital next week, so let's go there together."

As Yu Yaqing walked forward, she said, "That's good too, if you settle things early, you won't have to change anything."

Lin Mu followed behind Yu Yaqing, and said in a low voice: "Sister Qing, I have already collected all the medicinal materials for refining the Foundation Establishment Pill. When Xiaoxiao comes back, I can start the furnace to make alchemy."

Yu Yaqing naturally knew the deep meaning of the trees, and her jade face was flushed, she bit her lip, and agreed in a weak mosquito-fly way.

When the two came to the manager's office, Xu Mei and Fang Nan were talking about Lin Mu: "Our Master Lin's Chef is really amazing. Other restaurants have a chef's recommendation every day, so we are lucky. , I have gained fame, but it would be nice to have a recommendation from the chef every half a month."

"Isn't it good for Sister Mei to speak ill of people behind their backs?" Lin Mu said as he opened the door with a smile.

Xu Mei got up and gave Lin Mu a white look, and said, "What do you mean by speaking ill of people behind their backs? I dare to say such things in front of you."

When Fang Nan saw Lin Mu come back, he also had a happy face, and said, "Uncle, we have already collected enough funds, and we can go to Jinghua to sign the contract at any time."

Lin Mudao: "Sister Qing, you have told me just now that I will go to Jinghua next week, and then you can go with me."

Fang Nan said happily: "That's a good relationship. If we sign it earlier, we can rest assured earlier."

After a pause, Fang Nan said, "Uncle, the three of us have discussed it. The price this time is so reasonable. We are going to buy two places at once."

After speaking, Fang Nan also looked at Lin Shu with some apprehension.

Lin Mu looked at Fang Nan's apprehensive look, and said with a smile, "You can buy as many lands as you want, even all of them, as long as you have money."

Fang Nan said: "No need! No need! Two yuan is enough. I still understand the principle that you can't eat too much. If you expand too fast, it will definitely affect the quality."

Lin Mudao: "This is something you have to consider, I just want to make connections."

As soon as Lin Mu came back, Fang Nan didn't let Lin Mu cook immediately, so today Lin Mu is like a holiday.

Sitting bored in the office, Lin Mu also began to plan his trip to the Holy See.

The forests of the Western Holy See must teach them a lesson. The Western Holy See is different from the Naihe family in the East.

The Naihe family has been relatively quiet recently, so Lin Mu has temporarily given up his plan to go to the East, but the people of the Holy See have lost so many masters one after another, and they are planning to do something to the people around them, so Lin Mu must not let them go.

Some people are cheap, if you slap him on the left cheek, he will stick to the right cheek, and he still doesn’t feel good after slapping him on the right cheek, and you have to ravage him hard, so that he can feel the pain, the Holy See That's how those people felt.

(End of this chapter)

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