Supreme Chef

Chapter 323

Chapter 323

Just as Lin Mu was thinking about how to deal with the Holy See, the phone rang suddenly.

Seeing that the call was made from Zhang Ye's base, Lin Mu also picked it up.

Before Lin Mu could speak, he heard Shen Siyun's cheerful voice, saying, "Is Instructor Lin free tonight? Let's come out to celebrate tonight."

Lin Mu said: "Celebrate? What are you celebrating?"

Shen Siyun said: "Shouldn't we celebrate this big victory?"

Lin Mu said: "Are Zhang Ye and the others going?"

Shen Siyun was full of confidence, and said: "I will do their work, and I will inform you first, at eight o'clock tonight, see you at Junhao Bar."

After speaking, Shen Siyun hung up the phone, never giving Lin Mu a chance to refuse.

Lin Mu smiled helplessly when he heard the busy tone on the phone.

With Shen Siyun around, Lin Mu wasn't worried at all that Zhang Ye and the others wouldn't go back, so he tidied up his mood and prepared for the evening celebration.

At eight o'clock in the evening, when Fumanlou was at its peak, Lin Mu told Yu Yaqing and the others, and went to Junhao Bar alone.

Located in the city center of Fengyang, Junhao Bar is one of the most famous nightclubs in Fengyang.

When Lin Mu arrived, a lot of luxury cars were already parked in front of Junhao Bar, and most of these luxury cars had military plates on them.

Glancing at these luxury cars with military plates, Lin Mu didn't curse in a low voice like an angry youth, but just glanced at them and stepped into the bar.

The world is inherently unfair, and it is unrealistic to pursue absolute fairness, and those who pursue absolute fairness are often those who live at the bottom of society and live among the poorest.

When Lin Shu entered the bar, he immediately felt as if he had come to another world. The place was full of feasting and extravagance. Although there was only one door, it completely divided the inside and the outside into two worlds.

"Instructor Lin, we are here!" After Lin Mu walked a few steps inside, he heard Shen Siyun's voice.

Shen Siyun, who took off his military uniform and changed into casual clothes, was even more dazzling.

The short sleeves that exposed the navel, paired with a pair of washed hot pants, perfectly presented Shen Siyun's uneven figure in front of the world.

Especially Shen Siyun's healthy wheat complexion stands out in this world full of white and BB cream.

Shen Siyun stood up and called Lin Mu, who attracted many wolf-like eyes, they all wished that their eyes could replace their hands.

Lin Mu walked quickly to Shen Siyunding's booth, looked at the imprisoned Zhang Ye and Tie Zhanshan, and couldn't help laughing: "I told you to come out and relax, not to let you go to the execution ground, why are you so unnatural?" ?”

Zhang Ye and Tie Zhanshan also had hardships that they couldn’t tell. They grew up in the military camp since they were young. No, the two of them had already left.

After all, Qiao Xuebing is a young man, and he has been to this nightclub several times, so it seems more natural.

Shen Siyun glanced at Zhang Ye and the others, and said, "That's right! I said the same thing about them just now. They come out to play to relax. Being so rigid really ruins the atmosphere."

After finishing speaking, Shen Siyun turned to Lin Mu and said, "Instructor Lin, let's not talk about them anymore, let's have a drink, I'll treat you tonight!"

After a few bottles of beer, Zhang Ye and Tie Zhanshan let go a little bit.

Obviously this is not the first time for Shen Siyun to come here, and he said to everyone: "Do you know why I chose to celebrate here?"

Lin Mu, Zhang Ye, and Tie Zhanshan all looked at each other and shook their heads. How do we know why you chose the place to celebrate?
Qiao Xuebing did not shake his head, but thoughtfully said: "I can guess a little bit."

Shen Siyun looked at Qiao Xuebing in surprise, and said, "You actually know this girl's psychology, so tell me, is it right?"

Qiao Xuebing said, "This place didn't seem to be called Junhao Bar, it seems to be called Junhao Bar. It is said that it was opened by a son of the head of our Northeast Military Region. As for the name change later, it seems that it was changed to Army bar.

Moreover, this Junhao bar is the only one in Fengyang that doesn't need the underworld to watch the scene, because no one dares to make trouble here.I suppose that's why you chose to celebrate here. "

Shen Siyun snapped his fingers and said, "Correct answer!"

Lin Mu took a sip of beer and said, "I said that when I entered the door just now, I saw so many luxury cars with military plates on them. I thought they were bought by rich people. It seems that I was wrong. Those military badges should all be real."

Shen Siyun nodded, and said: "It is true that this is a place where many second-generation military members gather, so it is very normal to have some luxury cars with military plates parked outside."

Lin Mu glanced at Zhang Ye and said, "They drive luxury cars with military plates so blatantly, and your superiors don't care about it."

Zhang Ye said: "These things are not under the control of our cheetahs. These are the affairs of the military inspectors, but since this place has a military background, I think those inspectors will definitely not find it boring to come here to find fault."

After a pause, Zhang Ye said with some resentment: "If I had been in charge, I would have brought people here to destroy all these cars. I am working hard outside, but they are enjoying what they get. They are enjoying and ruining it."

Lin Mu smiled, and said, "Zhang Ye didn't expect you to have the potential of a cynical youth. It seems that I can really think about it and let Shi Jin take care of the supervision and inspection work."

Zhang Ye quickly shook his head, and said, "Let's forget it, it's too much of a shame to be so knowledgeable with these bastards, and I'd rather practice for a while than waste time on these useless second-generation and third-generation soldiers."

"Who are you calling useless?" Shen Siyun immediately became unhappy after hearing Zhang Ye's words.

Seeing Shen Siyun, Zhang Ye secretly complained.He was trying to have fun just now, but he forgot about the biggest three generations of the army in front of him.

Zhang Ye smiled apologetically, and said, "I'm talking about those trash, not including you, you are different from them, you are a talent among talents."

When Shen Siyun heard Zhang Ye's words, his face turned pale, and he said, "It's not too bad."

While the five were chatting, several young people in T-shirts came to Shen Siyun's booth.

No matter from the way they walk or their temperament, these people can tell that they are from the army, and they should be the so-called second or third generations of the army.

One of the young men with sharp brows and star eyes, quite heroic, held a wine glass in his hand, smiled at Shen Siyun, and said: "Miss Shen is bringing friends to play today, why don't you let me know in advance, so that I can let you know." Arrange it?"

Shen Siyun glanced at the young man who couldn't bear to talk, and said: "I'm just drinking with my friends, don't bother Mr. Guo, you can arrange it."

Although Shen Siyun was lukewarm towards this Young Master Guo, but this Young Master Guo didn't feel the slightest bit, and still smiled and said: "What did Miss Shen say, you come to Fengyang, and I, as a landlord, will do whatever you want. It's arranged, and besides, you brought your friends with you, as a landlord, if I don't express it, wouldn't it be too rude."

Shen Siyun snorted, and said: "Don't worry about it, if I have nothing else to do, I still want to drink with my friends, Young Master Guo please."

Young Master Guo didn't expect Shen Siyun to be so disrespectful, and his complexion also changed, but he didn't intend to leave, but looked at Lin Mu and the others, smiled slightly: "Several of them must be from the army, right? I don't know how many of them It’s from that unit, let’s get to know each other.”

Lin Mu and the others didn't pay attention to the second generation of the army who was hanging to the sky at all, so they didn't mean to talk to him at all.

Hitting the wall again, Young Master Guo's expression turned ugly, and he said in a blunt tone: "Since you guys don't want to introduce yourself first, let me introduce myself first. My name is Guo Jian, and I am from the Logistics Department of the Northeast Military Region. Director, the rank of major!"

After Guo Jian finished speaking, seeing Lin Mu and the others still did not respond, his face finally sank, and he said, "It seems that you don't take our Northeast Military Region seriously?"

(End of this chapter)

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