Supreme Chef

Chapter 324

Chapter 324
Lin Mu glanced at Guo Jian lightly, and said: "If the Northeast Military Region is full of people like you, then I really shouldn't take the Northeast Military Region seriously."

When Guo Jian heard Lin Mu's words, he said angrily, "What did you say!"

Lin Mudao: "Can't you hear what I said? Could it be that now that the country has relaxed the policy, people with disabilities can join the army!"

Don't look at Guo Jian, who looks very reserved, but in fact, he simply can't stand being provoked by others.

With one step forward, he was about to grab Lin Shu's neck.

But there was one person who moved faster than him, and that was Qiao Xuebing.

Qiao Xuebing had already taken a step ahead and grabbed Guo Jian's wrist when Guo Jian just moved.

"Don't embarrass the Northeast Military Region here, get the fuck out!" Qiao Xuebing made Guo Jian retreat with a slight effort.

Guo Jian stretched his sore wrist, and said, "According to you, you are also from the Northeast Military Region?"

Qiao Xuebing said: "Yes! So don't lose face of the Northeast Military Region here, and hurry up and roll as far as you can!"

Guo Jian said angrily: "You belong to that unit, believe it or not, I will cut off your logistics support tomorrow."

Tie Zhanshan sneered when he heard Guo Jian's words, and said, "I really want to see who dares to cut off the support of my troops."

Guo Jian glanced at Tie Zhanshan who was calm and relaxed, and knew that Tie Zhanshan seemed to be a difficult person to provoke, but he also had a backer, so he was not afraid of Tie Zhanshan: "If you mess with me, I will Dare to cut off the support of your troops."

Tie Zhanshan said contemptuously: "Even your old man, Guo Zhonglin, would not dare to say that he cut off the supply of my army, and even if you dare to say that you cut off the supply of my army with a hair that has not grown, you are not afraid of the wind flashing your tongue! "

When Guo Jian heard Tie Zhanshan say his father's name, his expression changed slightly, and he said, "You know my father, which unit are you from?"

Tie Zhanshan said: "I'm in that unit, it's not your turn to ask, for your father's sake, I'll give you 1 minute to get out, otherwise even if your old man comes, he won't be able to protect you!"


Guo Jian's face turned livid from Tie Zhanshan's words, and he couldn't move forward or retreat when he stood still.

Just when Guo Jian couldn't move forward or retreat, and he didn't dare to get angry or leave, another tall young man appeared.

This young man is very self-cultivated. It seems that he has received a good family education, and he is obviously from a prominent family background.

The young man came between Guo Jian and Lin Mu, smiled very gentlemanly, and said to Shen Siyun: "Miss Shen, can you do me a favor today? Today's drink money is mine, and that's all." Is it alright?"

Shen Siyun shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and said: "I don't care, but I can't decide this matter, he didn't offend me."

Hearing Shen Siyun's words, the young man turned to Tie Zhanshan and said, "My friend, I am the owner of this bar, Wang Hanwen, and we all work together in the same pot. Let's just leave this matter as it is." ?"

Tie Zhanshan glanced at Lin Mu, obviously he had heard of this Wang Hanwen, and he also knew the background of this Wang Hanwen, and he probably couldn't afford to provoke this Wang Hanwen, so he looked at Lin Mu.

Lin Mu sat up straight, and said, "Of course it's fine, we didn't intend to make a big deal, as long as he gets away from us and doesn't delay our drinking."

Wang Hanwen looked at the trees up and down, wondering why Tie Zhanshan, who seemed to have a lot of status, looked at this young man who looked younger than himself at a critical moment.


Guo Jian was about to get angry again when he heard Lin Mu's words, but he was stared back by Wang Hanwen's eyes.

Guo Jian was obviously very afraid of Wang Hanwen. With Wang Hanwen's look in his eyes, he immediately calmed down.

Wang Hanwen looked at Lin Mu and said, "I don't know what to call this friend?"

Lin Mu said lightly: "I'm sorry, I don't think we should be friends yet, I don't have the habit of telling my name to people who are not friends."

"Why are you talking to the prince? I think you don't want to be in the military anymore!" Guo Jian finally got the chance and immediately stood up and said.

Lin Mu gave Guo Jian a cold look, and said, "Just because I don't do it doesn't mean I don't dare to do it. Don't try to challenge my bottom line. You still have ten seconds to disappear from my sight."

When Lin Mu didn't give himself face so much, Wang Hanwen's face became a little ugly. In this bar or in the entire Northeast Military Region, no one dared not give Wang Hanwen face.

"My friend, you are being aggressive by doing this. This is my place, and I don't want to see any discordant things happen." Wang Hanwen's tone also became stiff.

Lin Mu stared at Wang Hanwen and said, "So you are ready to stand up for him?"

Wang Hanwen looked at Lin Mu, and didn't answer Lin Mu's words, but he stood there still, which had already expressed his attitude.

"Okay, ten seconds is up, the student throws him out, don't let him get in the way!" Lin Mu said.

"Yes!" Qiao Xuebing got the order, stood up from the sofa, and was about to walk towards Guo Jian.

Guo Jian had already tried Qiao Xuebing's skills just now, and knew that he was no match for Qiao Xuebing at all, so he subconsciously took a step back.

Seeing that Lin Mu didn't give himself face at all, Wang Hanwen turned cold and said, "This is my place, anyone who dares to fight here is my enemy of Wang Hanwen!"

Lin Mu said indifferently: "I never thought of being friends with you at all, not to mention that you came out to fight sideways from the beginning, so it is even more impossible for me to be friends with you."

It is true that Wang Hanwen has been interrogating Lin Mu and the others since he came out, and he did not ask Guo Jian at all. Obviously, he was on Guo Jian's side from the beginning.

"Students do it!"


Qiao Xuebing responded excitedly, stepped past Wang Hanwen, and came directly in front of Guo Jian.

Seeing that his threat had no effect on Lin Mu, Wang Hanwen was also angry from his heart, and shouted: "I see who dares to attack my territory today!"

But before he finished speaking, Guo Jian was thrown out by Qiao Xuebing.


Guo Jian was thrown out by Qiao Xuebing, and directly knocked over the opposite booth, all kinds of drinks and cigarette ashes were scattered all over him, making him look more and more embarrassed.

Wang Hanwen looked at Guo Jian who was in a state of embarrassment, his face turned ashen with anger.

The voice on my side has not yet fallen, but Qiao Xuebing has already made a move on the other side. This is not a slap in the face or something.

"If you dare to fight here, you will never get out of this bar today!" Wang Hanwen said angrily.

Lin Mudao: "Of course I won't leave here until I finish spending. When I finish spending, no one can stop me if I want to leave."

Wang Hanwen looked at Lin Mu coldly, and said, "You think Cheetah and Iron Fist can protect you, but Shen Siyun can protect you."

Lin Mu chuckled and said, "It seems that you really know who we are, you came here to find fault, if I guessed right, you probably didn't come to find fault with us, you probably came to find fault with her! "

Lin Mu was surprised just now, he and the others were having a good time here, why did Guo Jian come out all of a sudden, and he was deliberately provocative, and he and the others didn't know him at all.

Moreover, Wang Hanwen happened to come out just when the others were about to teach Guo Jian a lesson. This was too coincidental. If it wasn't a coincidence, it was planned in advance.

But it was the first time for the few of us to come here, so Wang Hanwen probably didn't know the four of us, so since it wasn't the fault of the few of us, it must be the fault of Shen Siyun.

Wang Hanwen didn't answer Lin Mu's words, but this was tantamount to acquiescing.

Wang Hanwen didn't speak, but Lin Mu opened his mouth and said, "Tell me why you are not going to let us go out, are you going to compete with us in background, or are you going to compete with us in force!"

(End of this chapter)

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