Supreme Chef

Chapter 326

Chapter 326
It never occurred to Wang Hanwen that the young man, who in his opinion was already inhuman, would be scared away by Lin Mu's two words.

Wang Hanwen's current complexion is uglier than eating a fly.

"Hu rumbling!"

Just when Wang Hanwen didn't know what to do next, a large number of soldiers broke in suddenly outside.

"What's going on here?" A leading officer came to the front of the two groups of people and asked loudly.

Shen Siyun said: "What's going on, can't you see it?"

The officer said coldly: "Don't you know the internal regulations of the Huaxia Army? As soldiers, how can you come to such a place?"

Shen Siyun said: "We are all from the Special Operations Brigade of the military region, so you shouldn't be able to control it, right?"

The officer said: "The Special Operations Brigade should lead by example. If you know the law, you will be given a higher level of crime. I will take them all away!"


The soldiers behind the officers were ordered to arrest them.

"Slow! We know the law and break the law, so what are they? They drive a luxury car with a military plate in violation of the regulations, and they fight in such a public place." Shen Siyun said in front of the officer.

"Miss Shen, I'm really sorry. I forgot to tell you. I retired last month. I am not from the military. It is reasonable and legal for me to open this bar. All the procedures are complete. Now you are here Big fight." Wang Hanwen said with a smile on his face.

Shen Siyun glanced at Guo Jian and said, "You retired, what about him? He should still be an active soldier, right?"

Wang Hanwen glanced at Guo Jian and said, "He is an active soldier, but does this matter have anything to do with him?"

Shen Siyun said: "The incident happened because of him, do you think it has something to do with him!"

Wang Hanwen chuckled twice, and said, "If you say there is a relationship, it is. Is there anyone here who can prove it?"

"We didn't see anything, we just saw them picking on the prince and beating him up!" A person behind Wang Hanwen booed.

"That's right! That's right! We can all prove it!" The rest of the people also booed.

Shen Siyun stared at Wang Hanwen coldly, gritted his teeth and said, "Wang Hanwen, how dare you play tricks!"

Wang Hanwen smiled slightly, and said, "Miss Shen, I can definitely sue you for defamation if you say that."

Shen Siyun looked at the smile on Wang Hanwen's face, and really wanted to punch him in the face.

But now the inspector of the military region is here, even if Shen Siyun is Shi Jin's granddaughter, there are still some rules that must be followed, and this is a public place, if you really do it yourself, you will definitely be used by someone who wants to attack your grandfather of.

Not everything in China can be solved with fists.


Shen Siyun didn't make a move, but Lin Mu did, and directly punched Wang Hanwen's delicate face.

In an instant, two nosebleeds flowed down, and all the teeth in his mouth were knocked out by Lin Mu's punch.

"What are you doing!" The inspecting officer saw that Lin Mu dared to do something in front of him, so he shouted angrily, and at the same time ordered his subordinates to arrest him.

As soon as the inspectors made a move, Qiao Xuebing and the three of them also got up and protected the forest in the middle.

"Why do you want to rebel?" The inspector officer snapped.

Lin Mu narrowed his eyes and glanced at the inspecting officer, walked over with one step, grabbed his neck, and lifted him abruptly.

"Let go of the chief!" Seeing Lin Mu attacking his chief, the surrounding soldiers all took out their weapons and aimed at Lin Mu.

"Now I suspect that he is treasonous. Whoever dares to move will be punished with him!" Lin Mu glanced at the surrounding soldiers and said with a cold snort.

"What right do you have to say that! The chief is the inspector of the Central Military Commission's inspection team!" A major stood up and stared at Lin Mu.

Lin Mu glanced at Zhang Ye and said, "Tell him, what right do I have to say that?"

Zhang Ye stood at attention and said, "Yes!"

After Zhang Ye responded, he turned to the major and said, "Lieutenant General Lin is the deputy director of the Huaxia Political Department. He has the right to supervise all officers of all Chinese armies, and he has the right to kill first and then act!"

Hearing Zhang Ye's words, the major's face also changed a few times.

Because of the information they got, the only person who might pose a threat to them was Zhang Ye, the director of the Political Department of the Northeast Military Region. It was precisely because of this that they invited the military commission's supervisor from the Military Commission.

The inspector of the Military Commission who was stuck by the tree rolled his eyes when he heard Lin Mu's words, and his head also turned purple from being suffocated due to blood congestion.

Obviously, Wang Hanwen didn't expect that Lin Mu still had such an identity, and his expression also changed a few times.

"It seems that your background is not as strong as ours!" Shen Siyun said proudly.

Wang Hanwen said with a livid face, "Even if you belong to the Huaxia Political Department, you can't just doubt a major general. Even if you want to doubt, you have to go through the Central Military Commission!"

Lin Mu sneered, "Do you think the Central Military Commission will appeal for a dead person?"

"No...don't!" Hearing Lin Mu's words, the major general also began to dance and struggle, and at the same time made a vague sound in his mouth.

Lin Mu let go of his hand, put the major general down, and said, "I didn't hear what you said just now!"

"Huh! Huh!" The major general panted for a long time, looked at Lin Mu with some fear, and said, "I'm not treasonous, you can't slander me!"

Lin Mu patted the major general on the shoulder and said, "Of course I don't want to wrong a good man, but your appearance here makes me think of treason."

The major general naturally understood what Lin Mu's words meant, his face changed a few times, and finally he gritted his teeth and said to the major behind him, "Let's go!"

"Boss, we..."

The major wanted to say something, but he was stared back by the major general, and said, "I said let's go!"


The major didn't dare to disobey the major general's wishes, so he could only obey.

After the brigade left, Shen Siyun looked at Wang Hanwen and said, "You say you're not good at writing or martial arts, so why are you running this bar? What if someone makes trouble and smashes your bar?" What do you propose?"

After Shen Siyun finished speaking, she patted lightly on the bar counter seemingly casually.


When Shen Siyun went down, the solid wood bar was split in two.

"You..." Seeing Shen Siyun tearing down the stage directly, Wang Hanwen's expression also became very ugly.

Shen Siyun looked careless, and said: "Yo! Yo! Why is this bar so weak, Mr. Wang? Are you being cheated by someone? Do you want me to help you find someone from the industry and commerce to come over and have a look!"

Wang Hanwen shook his hands fiercely, and said, "Shen Siyun, don't push yourself too hard!"

Shen Siyun said: "My lord, you can also speak out, so why didn't you know how to forgive and forgive others just now?"

Wang Hanwen said: "Go away, I don't welcome you here!"

Shen Siyun casually patted another place on the bar, and said: "I will leave if you don't tell me, I will definitely not come to this kind of rotten bar in the future."


Just as Shen Siyun left the bar, the entire bar collapsed.

Shen Siyun looked back at the bar which had turned into a pile of rotten wood, looked at Wang Hanwen and said, "It seems that you have really been cheated, it's best to contact the dealer quickly so that no one will run away!"

(End of this chapter)

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