Supreme Chef

Chapter 327 News from Jiangnan Ye Family

Chapter 327 News from Jiangnan Ye Family

Shen Siyun looked at Wang Hanwen who looked like he had eaten fly droppings, but couldn't help laughing wildly for a while.

"Instructor Lin, let's go!"

When passing by Guo Jian, Shen Siyun said: "Do you think you are stronger than me in force or in background, if neither, I hope to see your application for retirement tomorrow!"

When Guo Jian heard Shen Siyun's words, his face turned pale for a while.Even Wang Hanwen was no match for Shen Siyun and the others, and it was even more impossible for him to be a match for Shen Siyun and the others.

Lin Mu and five people came outside, and Shen Siyun couldn't help laughing there alone.

"Brother Lin really had a great time today! When I think of Wang Hanwen's appearance, I just want to laugh." Shen Siyun said excitedly.

Lin Mu said: "You enjoyed it, but you used the four of us as a gun, do you think this is very interesting?"

After Lin Mu finished speaking, Zhang Ye and the others also looked at Shen Siyun with hostility.

Shen Siyun turned his head, looked at Lin Mu and the others with an aggrieved look, and said, "Why are you looking at me like that? I don't want such a thing to happen, and I didn't cause this disaster. Does it have anything to do with me?"

Seeing Shen Siyun like this, the four of them released it even if they were angry.

Lin Mu wanted to ask Shen Siyun alone, so he said to Zhang Ye and the others, "The three of you go back first, I have a debt to settle with this little girl alone."

Zhang Ye and the others nodded and said, "Well, let's go back first."

Lin Mu nodded and watched Zhang Ye and the others leave.

After Zhang Ye and the others left, Shen Siyun showed a scared expression and said, "Brother Lin, you don't really want to settle accounts with me, do you? I know I was wrong this time, and I promise I won't do it next time." .”

Lin Mu said: "Come on, stop pretending, everyone has left, let's find a place to sit."

Shen Siyun said: "I know there is a very good place to buy boiled skewers here, let's go there and have a try."

Lin Mu said: "Yes!"

The two walked two streets and came to an open-air stall. After Shen Siyun ordered a lot of food, he sat opposite Lin Mu and said, "Brother Lin, I know what you want to ask. This time it is indeed me. I brought you here on purpose, Wang Hanwen has been at odds with me, and Wang Hanwen is a member of the Wang family. After the Wang family was driven out of the capital by you, they have always held a grudge.

But they didn't dare to take revenge on you, so they put the blame on the old man, and I was naturally implicated as well.And don't look at the Wang family being kicked out of the capital by you, but the power of the Wang family is still there. During this period of time, they have caused trouble for the old man, and of course they have also caused trouble for me.

And the old man knew that the Wang family was kicked out of the capital in such a respectable manner, so he would definitely not give up.I will definitely seek to come back, so I have been keeping a close eye on them.Recently, it was discovered that the Wang family had hooked up with a mysterious family, and I was ordered to find out the bottom of the Wang family today! "

After Shen Siyun finished speaking in one breath, he said: "This is what happened, and what happened is what happened. If you want to blame it, don't blame me. Blame the old man. I am also following the old man's order."

Lin Mu looked at Shen Siyun, smiled, and said, "You are honest, and you pushed things away."

Shen Siyun said: "Don't think that I'm trying to shirk responsibility. What I said is the truth. It is true that the old man asked me to come here to find out. He also came up with the plan."

Lin Mu said: "Then you don't have the slightest desire to take revenge?"

Shen Siyun smiled embarrassedly, and said: "Actually, it's a little bit too much. This Wang Hanwen has never been in the Wang family in the past. This time, the connection between the Wang family and that mysterious family is also due to Wang Hanwen. Now he is the most popular in the Wang family. For a period of time, I didn’t suffer less from him.”

Lin Mu laughed and said, "For the sake of your honesty, I won't pursue this matter."

Shen Siyun took a bite of the fish balls and said, "I knew I was telling the truth. Brother Lin, you definitely wouldn't blame me. The old man also asked me to lie to you. How could I drive out such a thing."

Lin Mu said: "Okay, don't get cheap and act good. I came here not for this matter. Do you know the origin of the mysterious family that is in contact with the Wang family?"

Shen Siyun also ate the remaining fish ball on the bamboo stick, and said: "I don't know about this, and neither does the old man. The old man just said that the origin of this family is very mysterious, and the government has no records at all. The old man also Tell me, let me be careful of this family and try to avoid conflicts with them, the old man said that this family may be very dangerous."

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Your old man is right, that family is indeed very dangerous."

When Shen Siyun heard Lin Mu say the same, instead of being afraid, he asked excitedly: "Brother Lin, you also said that he is dangerous, so is he more dangerous than the first-class ancient martial arts school?"

Lin Mu said affirmatively: "If he is really a huge family, and if there are many people in this family, then let alone the first-class ancient martial arts sect, even the entire ancient martial arts world may not be the opponent of his family alone. .”

Shen Siyun said: "Brother Lin listened to what you said, you seem to know their origins?"

Lin Mu said: "I just have a guess, but I'm not sure if my guess is right."

Shen Siyun suddenly remembered something, and said: "Just now you stood in front of me and prevented me from fighting that young man, is it because he comes from that family!"

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Not bad!"

Shen Siyun was a little curious, and said: "What is so good about him? Am I really not his opponent?"

Lin Mu said: "I can't describe to you how powerful he is, but I can tell you responsibly, if I hadn't stood in front of you just now, that blow just now would have killed you."

Shen Siyun shrank his neck and said, "Brother Lin, don't scare me, I'm a coward."

Lin Mu said, "Do you think I'm scaring you?"

Shen Siyun stared at Lin Mu's face for a few seconds, and then said: "It's not like, then I should walk around when I see their family members in the future, I don't want to die at such a young age."

After a pause, Shen Siyun asked curiously, "Brother Lin, do you think that if I enter the prefecture level, can I compete with that young man just now?"

Lin Mu casually picked up a bunch of cabbage and said, "When you reach the peak of the prefecture level, you may still be able to compete with him."

Shen Siyun stuck out his tongue and said, "Is he really that powerful? If their family is really so powerful, how could there be no rumors about their family in the world?"

Lin Mudao: "Do you think there will be a lot of information about the family that has been destroyed once?"

"Destroyed once?" Shen Siyun asked puzzled.

Lin Mu said: "You can ask your old man about this after you go back. I won't explain it to you. It's too troublesome to explain this matter."

Shen Siyun leaned on his head and thought about it for a long time, then suddenly remembered something, and said: "Brother Lin, you mean the person who is in contact with the Wang family, maybe it is the Jiangnan Ye family!"

(End of this chapter)

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