Supreme Chef

Chapter 328

Chapter 328 Tell the truth
Lin Mu ate up the cabbage in his hand, and said, "Your old man even told you about this?"

Shen Siyun said: "The old man didn't tell me about this, he knew that I was very curious, if he found out about it, he would definitely follow up, so he didn't tell me about it at all, I saw it secretly. "

After hearing this, Lin Mu laughed twice, and said, "It seems that your old man's security work is still not good. You have seen such a confidential matter."

Shen Siyun pouted, and said: "No matter how good his secrecy work is, it's impossible for him to stop me."

Lin Mu said: "That's true, as long as you use your coquettish magic skills to get some information from your old man's subordinates, it's not a problem at all."

Shen Siyun pouted, and said, "What are you talking about? Am I that kind of person? If I want information, I still need to be coquettish. Whatever my lady wants, they must obediently bring it to me."

Lin Mu nodded, and said: "That's true, as a military flower of the whole army, if she doesn't have this charm, then she is called a military flower."

Shen Siyun was furious, and said: "You mean, I confuse others with my appearance!"

Lin Mudao: "I didn't say anything, I just explained another fact, that's your own speculation."

Shen Siyun waited fiercely for Lin Mu. She knew that if she fought, she would definitely not be Lin Mu's opponent, so she could only vent her anger on the food in front of her.

After ravaging the food in front of him, Shen Siyun's anger subsided a lot, and he raised his head and asked, "Is that Jiangnan Ye family really that powerful? What kind of magic sect are they really? Destroy the ancient martial world?"

Lin Mudao: "You should have heard the saying that a man is innocent, but pregnant is guilty?"

Shen Siyun is not an idiot. As soon as Lin Mu said it, she understood: "You mean that people in the ancient martial arts world at that time valued the Ye family's cultivation skills?"

Lin Mu nodded and said, "It should be like this."

Shen Siyun asked more and more curiously: "What is so precious about the Ye family's cultivation method that it can attract the siege of the entire ancient martial arts world."

Lin Mu shook his head and said, "I don't know about that either, and I haven't seen their exercises before."

Shen Siyun is not Yu Yaqing and the others, of course Lin Mu will not tell her the truth.

After listening to Lin Mu's words, Shen Siyun's curiosity did not weaken, on the contrary, he became even more curious: "If I have a chance, I must bring the Ye family's exercises, take a good look, and see what kind of exercises actually caused such a phenomenon. There was an uproar."

Lin Mudao: "Didn't you just have a chance to see Ye Family's exercises?"

"What chance?" Shen Siyun blurted out.

Lin Mudao: "If you become a concubine for that Ye family boy, won't you be able to see Ye family's skills?"


Shen Siyun pointed at Lin Mu angrily, and in the end she vented all her anger on the fish balls, as if Lin Mu was the fish balls in her mouth.

Putting down the bamboo stick in his hand, Shen Siyun glanced at Youzai Youzai's trees, and asked angrily: "How did the Wang family get involved with the Ye family? What is their purpose?"

Lin Mu shrugged his shoulders and said, "Why did the Wang family get mixed up with the Ye family? You don't even know where I am going. But what is certain is that the two of them got mixed up, and it must not be for something good. "

Shen Siyun blurted out without thinking, "How do you know what they're plotting is not good?"

Lin Mu looked at Shen Siyun with a mentally handicapped look, and asked, "If your family was wiped out, would you still live in peace with your enemy now?"

Shen Siyun didn't care about Lin Mu's contempt for him, but was a little shocked, and said: "You mean, the Ye family's comeback this time is to take revenge on the entire ancient martial arts world?"

Lin Mu said: "I think any fool should be able to see this."

Shen Siyun said: "But the Ye family experienced the last devastating blow, there should not be many people left, even if everyone left is comparable to the peak of the prefecture level, but the entire ancient martial arts world, the strong peak of the prefecture level All together, they should surpass the Ye family, and there are so many prefecture-level masters, it is impossible for the Ye family to be the opponent of the entire ancient martial arts world."

Lin Mu said: "I think this is one of the purposes of the Ye family's cooperation with the Wang family. He may want to use this kind of cooperation to achieve a certain purpose of weakening the ancient martial arts world, weakening the government, or even seizing power. With government support, do you think so many prefecture-level masters are still a problem?"

After listening to Lin Mu's analysis, Shen Siyun's expression became more and more shocked.After all, she is just a child in her 20s, and her thinking cannot be compared with Lin Mu, an old man with more than 2000 years.

Shen Siyun took out the phone and was about to dial, but was held down by Lin Mu: "What do you want?"

Shen Siyun said: "I must tell the old man about such important information, so that the old man can prepare it in advance."

Lin Mu said: "Do you think that old fox in your family can't analyze these things? If he can't analyze them, he will try his best to investigate the Ye family's affairs?"

After listening to Lin Mu's words, Shen Siyun felt that it made sense. The old man in his family was smarter than a fox. He must have seen things that he couldn't see.

Thinking of this, Shen Siyun also put away the phone, and said, "Then do you know how my old man plans to deal with the Ye family?"

Lin Mu said: "I really don't know about this. Your old man is as shrewd as a fox. I can't guess what he's thinking. If you want to know, just ask him, isn't it over?"

Shen Siyun said: "I asked him, but he wouldn't tell me."

Lin Mu said helplessly: "If he doesn't tell you, then I have nothing to do, because he hasn't told me now either."

Shen Siyun said angrily: "Why is this old man like this?"

Complaining about his grandfather, Shen Siyun said: "I'm going back tomorrow, next Thursday all the ancient martial arts sects will come to Jinghua, my grandfather asked me to go back in advance to prepare, when will you go there next week."

Lin Mu thought for a while, and said, "Next Monday, I have other things to do when I go to Jinghua, so I should deal with them in advance."

Shen Siyun said: "Well, when you arrive next Monday, you must notify me. As the landlord, I will definitely entertain you well."

Lin Mudao: "As long as you don't use me as a gunman, I'm already very satisfied, let's forget about the hospitality?"

Shen Siyun pouted, and said: "I have explained why you are so stingy, what happened today is all the old man's attention, and has nothing to do with me."

After a pause, Shen Siyun seemed to have thought of something, and said: "By the way, I heard from Zhang Ye and the others that you gave them their exercises, and I can be considered your buddy now. Did you also give me a book of exercises?" Law."

Lin Mu said: "The exercise book your old man gave you is already very good, you just follow it."

Shen Siyun flattened her mouth and muttered, "Stingy!"

The two ate until late at night before going back separately, worried that the Wang family and the Ye family would fight back, so Lin Mu personally sent Shen Siyun to the cheetah's residence.

Standing at the gate of the station, Shen Siyun folded his hands behind his back, looked at Lin Mu with a sweet smile, and said, "Didn't you think you would be so kind?"

Lin Mu said, "I'm worried that you're dead, I can't explain to your old man."

Shen Siyun's expression changed, he pointed at the trees and said, "You..."

"Forget it! I don't have the same knowledge as you. If it was good at first, it will taste bad in your mouth."

Lin Mu said: "I'm just used to telling the truth."

"Hmph! You like to tell the truth so much, why don't you host a TV station!" Shen Siyun retorted with a snort.

Lin Mudao: "Does the TV station still have this program? If so, I can really try it."

Shen Siyun stomped her feet angrily, and said, "I'm so mad!"

After finishing speaking, Shen Siyun didn't say goodbye to Lin Mu, and ran back to the station angrily.

Looking at Shen Siyun's graceful back, Lin Mu also smiled knowingly.

(End of this chapter)

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