Supreme Chef

Chapter 329 Colleague Relationships

Chapter 329 Colleague Relationships
A week passed quickly, and on Monday Lin Mu and Xu Mei got into Xu Mei's car and rushed to Jinghua.

The reason why Xu Mei was sent was because Fengyang's Fumanlou couldn't leave people, so Fang Nan could only stay, and Yu Yaqing didn't have any experience in such purely commercial negotiations, so it was obviously inappropriate for her to go. So Xu Mei and Lin Mu could only go together.

Xu Mei and Lin Mu were the last to leave. The three managers and six assistants of Fumanlou had already arrived in Beijing one step ahead of Xu Mei and the others, and they had already arranged the place to live.

"From your expression, it seems that you are unwilling to go with your sister." Xu Mei said while driving, squinting at Lin Mu.

Lin Mu laughed along, and said, "Sister Mei, how can I, I can't wait to go with you, why can't I be reluctant?"

Xu Mei curled her lips and said, "Okay, don't think that I don't know your little thoughts. Do you really hope that Yu Yaqing is driving now, so that you can help me?"

Lin Mu made a stern face on purpose, and said, "Sister Qing, what you are talking about here, why would I think so, Sister Qing and I are just colleagues."

Xu Mei said: "Okay, then don't explain to my sister, my sister's eyes are not out of anger, if you can't even see this, it will be in vain."

After a pause, Xu Mei said: "However, you are quite powerful. You can make Yu Yaqing and Fan Xiaoxiao get along so well without mentioning your beauty."

Lin Mu explained seriously, and said, "Sister Mei, how can you look at me like that, I am a person who is very dedicated to feelings."

Xu Mei gave Lin Mu a white look, and said, "If you are dedicated, even sows will climb trees."

Lin Mu said with a bitter face, "Sister Mei, we still have a long way to go, are you going to hit me all the way like this?"

Xu Mei said: "Why don't you hit me? Do you still let you do something to me? Besides, I just let you do something to me. Do you have the guts?"

Lin Mu said: "Sister Mei, you said this, if I do something, you mustn't be angry."

Xu Mei said charmingly: "I promised to be your little lover, why would I be angry?"

Lin Mu said: "This is what you said, then I will not be polite."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, his hands were very dishonest, and he put his hands directly on Xu Mei's beautiful black silk-clad legs, and from time to time, he moved towards the mysterious place deep in Xu Mei's thighs.

Xu Mei didn't expect that Lin Mu would really dare to do anything, she was also startled, her hands trembled, and she almost rear-ended the car in front of her.


Xu Mei slammed on the brakes, parked the car on the side of the road, and said with wide-eyed eyes: "Take your hands away!"

Lin Mu withdrew his hand resentfully, and said aggrievedly: "You said you weren't angry, so I did it!"

Seeing Lin Mu's aggrieved look, Xu Mei not only didn't have any sympathy for Lin Mu, but became even more angry.

"I tell you to do it and you do it. If I tell you to die, why don't you die!" Xu Mei said angrily.

Lin Mu suddenly had a playful smile on his face, and said, "I know Sister Mei will definitely not be willing to let me die."

Seeing Lin Mu's heartless smile, Xu Mei was also annoyed, and warned Lin Mu, "I'm driving now, so don't mess around with me anymore."

Lin Mu nodded aggrievedly, and said, "Okay!"

Xu Mei moved closer to Lin Mu, and said softly, "Don't worry, as long as the contract with Jinghua goes well this time, my sister will not treat you badly."

Lin Mu lowered his head, just in time to see Xu Mei's upright snow-white, and said, "Then how are you going to reward me, Sister Mei?"

Naturally, Xu Mei knew that when Lin Mu looked there again, she proudly stood up her majestic whiteness, and said, "It depends on your performance, brother."

It's not the first time Xu Mei has teased Lin Mu like this. Lin Mu is more or less immune, and said: "Sister Mei, you tease me so much every day, I'm not afraid that one day I really can't help it, and I peel you off and eat you." .”

Xu Mei's face was not red and her heart was not beating, her eyebrows and eyes were like lightning, and she said, "I already knew that I would not be able to escape from your palm, so what am I afraid of, I am afraid that you will be useless at that time."

Whether or not Lin Mu is Xu Mei's opponent, he was defeated and said, "Sister Mei, let's drive hard and get to Jinghua early so that we can sign a contract."

While starting the car, Xu Mei said, "Brother, you can't wait any longer, you want to get the reward sooner."

Lin Mu smiled wryly, and said, "I really can't wait, but sister Mei, your reward is not easy to get, I'd better do things honestly."

Xu Mei tilted her chin proudly, and said, "You're smart!"

For the rest of the journey, the two of them were very quiet.

At six o'clock in the evening, the two of Lin Mu arrived in Jinghua.

Lin Mu and Xu Mei arrived at the pre-arranged hotel, Xu Mei called the five people who had arrived at Fumanlou together, and began to discuss some matters about the signing and delivery tomorrow.

Lin Mu was not interested in these things at all, so he just watched TV in the room boredly.

Just as Lin Mu lamented that the current TV programs are too homogeneous, the phone rang.

Lin Mu glanced at the phone number and picked up the phone.

"Brother Lin, have you been to Beijing yet?" Shen Siyun asked straight to the point.

Lin Mu smiled and said, "It's already here."

Shen Siyun said, "Where are you? I'll go to find you now and take you to a fun place to welcome you."

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Are you going to cleanse me up, or are you going to use me as a pawn again?"

Shen Siyun said: "No, this time I will really take you to a fun place. You tell me where you are, and I will pick you up."

Lin Mu told Shen Siyun his address, and turned off the TV casually.

Lin Mu was not a quiet person in the first place, and now he has no way to cultivate, so Lin Mu really couldn't bear to let Lin Mu stay in the hotel for one night.

When he went out, he told Xu Mei that he wanted to go out, and went directly to the lobby on the first floor to wait for Shen Siyun.

Three or ten minutes later, Shen Siyun appeared in the lobby of the hotel wearing a purple fringed skirt and a pair of black fingerless high-heeled sandals.

Shen Siyun's attire immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the hall.

The purple fringed skirt and Shen Siyun's wheat-colored complexion complement each other perfectly. With the high-heeled shoes, the tall figure looks even more slim. With a small purple handbag, Shen Siyun's outfit looks like a wealthy family no matter how you look at it Miss Qianjin.

Shen Siyun walked in lotus steps, came to Lin Mu with a smile on his face, and called sweetly: "Brother Lin, let's go!"

Lin Mu looked Shen Siyun up and down, and said: "Now I believe that you are not using me as a weapon, you are really going to take me to a fun place, and this place should be very luxurious."

Shen Siyun said: "He originally wanted to take you to a fun place, to welcome you, how can you doubt his kindness?"

Lin Mu glanced at his casual attire, and said, "Then do I have to change into clothes that match you?"

Shen Siyun said: "That's right, there is still time, we can just pick out the clothes you are wearing."

After speaking, Shen Siyun couldn't help but pull Lin Shu up from the sofa, then very calmly held Lin Shu's arm, and left the hotel under the fiery eyes of everyone who almost melted Lin Shu.

After getting into Shen Siyun's Porsche, Shen Siyun directly brought Lin Mu to the largest shopping mall in Jinghua.

Coming to a men's clothing counter where Lin Mu didn't know a single letter, Shen Siyun directly made for Lin Mu and picked out a suit worth 12 yuan.

Fortunately, Lin Mu is rich now, otherwise a suit today would be enough to embarrass Lin Mu.

People rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles, and Lin Mu's figure is close to perfection. With such a suit, it immediately attracted the eyes of all the salesmen who were infatuated.

Shen Siyun was also very satisfied with Lin Mu's attire, and said, "Brother Lin, it's a pity that you don't become a celebrity. If you become a celebrity, you will definitely become a veritable girl killer."

(End of this chapter)

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