Supreme Chef

Chapter 330

Chapter 330

After changing into a suit, Lin Mu looked more compatible with Shen Siyun. They were a match made in heaven, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

When he came outside, Shen Siyun threw the car keys to Lin Mu.

Lin Mu looked at the delicate Porsche car key in his hand, and said, "What is this for?"

Shen Siyun said: "You can't let me, a big beauty, drive you, a handsome guy, around? You don't think it's embarrassing, but I don't think I have face?"

Lin Mu said: "But I don't have a driver's license yet."

Shen Siyun pointed at the military plate hanging on her car, and said, "Don't worry, we have this."

Lin Mu said: "Then you are not afraid that I will scratch your car?"

Shen Siyun said: "It's okay, you can scratch it casually, the car is not mine anyway."

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Then I can rest assured."

Lin Mu got into the car, started the Porsche, kicked the accelerator, and the speed soared to over [-] kilometers. The afterglow left by the two taillights could only make the cars behind sigh.

According to Shen Siyun's instructions, the Porsche passed through countless streets and alleys, and finally stopped in front of a super luxurious courtyard with gilded gates.

The two got out of the car, Lin Mu looked up and saw a plaque with the words 'Golden Prince's Mansion' hanging on the mansion, and said, "This is the fun place you mentioned?"

Shen Siyun nodded, explained, and said: "It used to be a residence of a prince's mansion, but it was later bought by the boss of the Second Generation Party, and then it became a gathering place for the Second Generation Party and some dudes in the capital."

Lin Mu said: "I'm not in the mood to play with you little brats, I think I'd better go."

Shen Siyun took Lin Mu's arm step by step, and said: "It's already here, why don't you have to sit inside, besides, if you leave now, it would be embarrassing for me not to have a male companion."

Lin Mu said, "So you still use me as a weapon?"

Shen Siyun said: "Why is this a spearman? He brought you here to play with good intentions."

Lin Mu said: "Okay then, I'm not interested, I'll go first!"

Shen Siyun didn't expect Lin Mu to be so disrespectful, so he could only give in and said: "Okay, I admit that I can't find a male companion, so I will pull you over to support me."

Lin Mu smiled, and said: "If you said so earlier, it's over. If I help you this time, it will be considered that you owe me a favor."

Shen Siyun gritted her teeth and said, "I really can't imagine that you are so stingy as a big man."

Lin Mu said: "No one has stipulated that men should not be stingy."

Shen Siyun gave Lin Mu a hard look, and said: "Forget it, I don't have the same knowledge as people like you, let's go in quickly, I don't want to be treated like a panda."

Shen Siyun took Lin Mu's hand and entered the gate of the palace. Under the guidance of a waiter, the two came to the main hall of the palace.

Although the outside of the main hall still maintains the original style, the inside has been remodeled, and the inside is completely remodeled in the form of a banquet hall. The splendor is in great contrast with the ancient buildings outside, but it also brings people Strong visual impact.

Shen Siyun, as a military beauty in the Chinese army, coupled with an unparalleled military background, and power in the capital's dandies and second-generation party circles, is also a man of the hour.

Shen Siyun used to come alone, but today he suddenly brought a male companion, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Seeing Lin Shu's distinctive temperament, the people below all began to quietly guess the identity and origin of Lin Shu.

"Princess Shen can visit my Jinwangfu, it really makes my Jinwangfu full of glory." A handsome man in a dress and a bow tie, with a friendly smile on his face, came to Shen Siyun and Lin Mu , said very politely.

"Young Master Li is too polite. I can't bear the word princess." Shen Siyun also responded with a slight smile.

At this time, Shen Siyun, no matter how she talked or acted, was very ladylike, which was in great contrast to her performance on the battlefield.

Li Shao smiled and said: "You are a military flower in our Huaxia army. If you can't bear the word "princess", I really don't know who else in our huge Huaxia can take on these two words." .”

Shen Siyun was not polite any more, just smiled slightly.No matter how polite you are at this time, you will be regarded as a hypocrite.

After greeting Shen Siyun, Young Master Li turned directly to Lin Mu, stretched out his hand and said gently, "Hi, my name is Li Zongxing."

Li Zongxing is very good at being a man, and also very understanding of the world.He didn't ask Shen Siyun who Lin Mu was.Instead, from the very beginning, he treated the trees as equal to himself and others.

In this way, no matter whether Lin Shu has a deep background or has no background at all, he will leave a good reputation for Li Zongxing.

If Lin Mu's background is very deep, then Lin Mu will naturally have a good impression on him, even if Lin Mu has no background, he will still leave an impression on outsiders that Li Zongxing is approachable, no matter what he makes money.

These brats might not be able to see Li Zongxing's little trick, but Lin Mu could see it clearly.

Looking at Li Zongxing's warm smile, Lin Mu also knew why he became the leader of the Second Generation Party in Beijing.

Lin Mu also smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and said, "My name is Lin Mu!"

Li Zongxing obviously had never heard of Lin Mu, but he didn't show any strangeness just because he had never heard of Lin Mu's name, but still shook hands with Lin Mu calmly.

"Miss Shen, please drink something casually first, I have to entertain other guests, so I will excuse you first." Li Zongxing said politely.

Shen Siyun said: "It's okay, we will take care of ourselves."

After Li Zongxing left, Shen Siyun took two glasses of white wine from a waiter and said, "This Li Zongxing is from the Li family, and is also recognized by outsiders as the successor of the third generation of the Li family. One of the four major families in China, although not as strong as the Wang family in ancient martial arts, but the strength of the Li family on the scene, the Li family can be said to be the strongest in China.

It is no exaggeration to say that the members of the Li family have the absolute right to speak in China.It's just that few people know about this matter. After all, the four major families have to be outside, giving people a sense of unity. "

Lin Mu looked at Li Zongxing who kept a gentle smile, and said, "So the Li family is Infernal Affairs?"

Shen Siyun said: "It can be said that, but because of the Wang family's departure, this situation of infernal affairs is likely to be destroyed, because the other two families no longer trust the Li family."

Lin Mu said: "So what if the other two families don't believe them, anyway, they have already got everything they want."

Shen Siyun took a sip of wine and said: "Why did you say exactly the same thing as my old man? My old man also said the same thing and warned me to stay away from the Li family. The old man doesn't like the Li family very much."

Lin Mudao: "In this world, I believe there must be people who are willing to give without asking for anything in return, but they will definitely not appear among people like them."

"Sister Shen, who is this handsome guy next to you? I don't even want to introduce him to my sisters when I come here." As soon as Lin Mu finished speaking, he was surrounded by a group of women soldiers.

These women's soldiers have no male companions, they used to come to play alone, and they all centered on Shen Siyun.

"He called Lin Mu is my friend!" Shen Siyun introduced.

A sexy beauty with very avant-garde and sexy clothes and a pair of proud twin peaks came to Lin Mu, and said frivolously: "Little handsome guy looks at your face, it's not the girl that Sister Shen found just now, right? But it’s not bad to have someone like you, you can make a price, I’ll take care of you tonight.”

"Cough cough!"

When Lin Mu heard such blunt words, he also coughed twice.

Those who can enter the Jinwangfu are all people with status and background.Dressing so sexy and revealing was beyond Lin Mu's expectations, and Lin Mu was even more surprised when he opened his mouth to say such explicit words.

But this made Lin Mu understand a sentence, instead of breaking out in silence, he would become abnormal in silence.

These people, usually in front of outsiders, must be goddesses who are superior, but being a goddess is also very tiring, so they need to have a reasonable vent, obviously this is the most suitable place.

Shen Siyun knocked off the sexy beauty's hand, and said very domineeringly: "Brother Lin is mine, I warn you not to hit his attention."

"Yo! Yo! Brother Lin, you are so affectionate. It seems that this is not the son of our Miss Shen, our Miss Shen is really in heat!" Another person said as if he was booing.

But when these women's soldiers were chattering around Lin Shu, Lin Mu suddenly broke free from Shen Siyun's hand, squeezed through the crowd of various shapes, and walked quickly to the center of the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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