Supreme Chef

Chapter 331 I am the people

Chapter 331 I am the people

Lin Mu left suddenly, attracting the attention of everyone in the Women's Army.

At this time, in the center of the banquet hall, a dandy was grabbing the hair of a beautiful waitress and walking out, cursing and talking dirty.

"Your elder brother Lin is going to be a hero to save the beauty, won't you be jealous?" the exaggerated beauty poked Shen Siyun and said.

Shen Siyun frowned a little at this time, she also wanted to know why Lin Mu had to go there, but she was the leader of these women's army, so naturally she would not show weakness, said: "Don't you think a brave man is the most trustworthy man?" And entrusted?"

The beautiful woman with an exaggerated figure said: "Sister Siyun, it seems that you are really in love with your brother Lin, but you have never spoken for anyone, especially a man."

At the same time, Lin Mu had already walked quickly to the center of the banquet hall, and grabbed the hand of the dandy who was dressed even more than a gangster.

Dandy's hand was suddenly controlled, and he turned around to see Lin Mu, but Dandy didn't get angry immediately, after all, Lin Mu came in with Shen Siyun: "What are you going to do?"

Lin Mu said: "I want you to let go."

Dandy said: "Why?"

Lin Mu glanced at the arrested waitress and said, "Because she is my friend."

At this time, the waitress who was caught by the dandy was also a little surprised, she never thought that she would run into Lin Mu here.

Dandy looked Lin Mu up and down, and then said disdainfully: "She is your friend, so it seems that you are not in our circle, how much Shen Siyun spent to hire you, I will pay double the price to get you out of here! "

"Hey, brother Lin who won't help you, this bastard, I was recently promoted to the director of the Ninth Bureau of the National Security Bureau. It's the time when the limelight is in full swing, and your brother Lin may suffer."

Shen Siyun looked at Lin Mu, with a gentle and beautiful arc on the corner of his mouth, and said: "I believe that no one in this room will make him suffer."

"Look at your elder brother Lin is quite strong, that bastard may not be your opponent in a fight, but what about the background?"

Shen Siyun smiled slightly, and said: "There will be no one in the background room to be his opponent!"

The women's army around Shen Siyun looked at Shen Siyun curiously, wondering why Shen Siyun had such confidence in this man.

"Is 1 yuan enough to let you go!" Seeing that Lin Mu didn't let go, the dandy took out a wad of money from his body with the other hand, and said braggingly.


Before Wan Dan could finish his sentence, he let out a scream, and subconsciously let go of the hand that was holding the waitress.

"You dare to hit me!" Dandy was pinched by Lin Mu, and like an enraged bull, he rushed towards Lin Mu, and at the same time threw the wad of money in his hand directly at Lin Mu.

For this kind of pampered dude, Lin Mu originally didn't want to have the same knowledge as them, but some people are shameless, so you can only slap him in the face severely.

As soon as Lin Mu stretched out his hand, he grabbed the wad of money directly in his hand, then stretched out his other hand, and directly grabbed the dandy's neck, then moved his palm up, and directly stuck it on the dandy's cheek, forcing him to open his mouth. mouth, and then stuffed all the wad of money in his hand into the mouth of the dude.

"It's so handsome! Your brother Lin is so handsome!"

The women's army around Shen Siyun all burst into nympho-like cries.


The dude's mouth was stuffed with money, and he let out an indistinct cry, but judging from his bruised expression and the constant waving of his fists, it was obvious that he was not saying anything good.

The fight here naturally attracted the attention of other dandies and princelings.

However, none of these dandies and princelings came up to help break up the fight, everyone was watching the fun with their shoulders crossed, and they even wished that the incident would get bigger.

Others can watch the fun, but Li Zongxing can't just watch, as the master, he has to come out to mediate.

Li Zongxing came in front of Lin Mu and the two, and said: "Mr. Lin, please give me a little bit of noodles and let him go first, okay?"

After all, Li Zongxing is the master, and he has always been polite to him, so it is not easy for Lin Mu to reach out and hit the smiling face.

"I can let go, but can you guarantee that he won't do it?" Lin Mu said.

Li Zongxing said: "I can guarantee it."

"it is good!"

Lin Mu agreed and let go of his hand.

As soon as Lin Mu let go of his hand, Dandy grabbed the money stuffed into his mouth, slammed it on the ground, and rushed towards Lin Mu like a bull.

When Li Zongxing saw that the Wandan was about to make a move, he had already stepped in front of him, but the Wandan was already completely enraged, so it didn't matter who was standing in front.


Lin Mu wouldn't just stand and wait for you to hit me, and he kicked the dude's knee cleanly and neatly.


Dandy's feet were unsteady, and he rushed out in a posture of dog eating shit.

Dandy's fall was not light, his nose was bleeding, and his forehead was also swollen a lot.

But Dandan had completely forgotten the pain at this time, got up from the ground, and was about to rush towards the forest again.

But this time Li Zongxing didn't give him a chance, the first time it was a mistake, if he rushed over the second time, it would be a slap in the face.

Li Zongxing stood in front of the dude, and said coldly: "Zhao Qirui is my place, if you want to make trouble, I can only ask you out."

Li Zongxing still has some status among these dudes. Zhao Qirui didn't continue to do anything when he heard what Li Zongxing said, but he still stared at Lin Shu fiercely, as if he wanted to tear the tree into pieces.

Lin Mu has seen more vicious eyes than this, and he would care about the threat of a dude.

Lin Mu stood in front of the beautiful waitress, protecting her behind him.

Li Zongxing saw that Zhao Qirui didn't do anything anymore, so he asked, "What's going on?"

Zhao Qirui said viciously, "I want to teach a waiter a lesson, and then this little boy came out of nowhere and beat me."

After Li Zongxing finished listening, he turned to Lin Mu and asked, "Is this the case with Mr. Lin?"

Lin Mu didn't deny it, and nodded directly.

Li Zongxing said: "Mr. Lin, if this is the case, I'm afraid I can't help you. It is true that you are at fault in this matter."

Lin Mu said indifferently: "I didn't expect anyone to help me, I just saw my friend being bullied, so I came up to help my friend."

Li Zongxing glanced at the pretty waitress behind Lin Mu, and seemed to understand a little more in his heart.

Li Zongxing said: "Mr. Lin, are you saying that this young lady is your friend?"

Lin Mu nodded, but did not answer Li Zongxing's words.

Li Zongxing looked at the waitress and said, "Miss, do you know Mr. Lin?"

The waitress glanced at Lin Mu, then at Li Zongxing, then nodded timidly.

After Li Zongxing got the answer, he said, "Mr. Lin, even if she is really your friend, you shouldn't hit her, right?"

Lin Mudao: "I shouldn't hit people, can he do it?"

Zhao Qirui said viciously: "She is just a waiter, she serves me, I am not satisfied, I will punish her, does this have anything to do with you!"

Lin Mu showed a suddenly realized expression, and said: "Oh! If you follow your logic, then in my opinion, you are also my waiter, and I am also dissatisfied, so I will punish you too."

Zhao Qirui said angrily: "Blind your dog eyes!"

Li Zongxing also frowned, and said: "Mr. Lin, Zhao Qirui is my guest, not the waiter here. Mr. Lin, your reason just now is a bit too far-fetched, isn't it?"

Lin Mu said: "Is it far-fetched? I don't think it's far-fetched at all. He should be working in a government department, right?"

Zhao Qirui said proudly, "I am from Guoan."

Lin Mu nodded and said, "That's right. Since you are working in the government, it means that you are a public servant of the people. It just so happens that I am the people. You, a public servant, serve me. I don't think you serve well. Is it wrong to punish you?"

"Ha ha!"

Hearing Lin Mu's explanation, the dandies around burst out laughing.

"Sister Siyun, your brother Lin is so interesting, please let me go!" the exaggerated beauty begged, pulling Shen Siyun's arm.

Shen Siyun directly chose to ignore this kind of request, and her eyes never left Lin Shu's body.

(End of this chapter)

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