Supreme Chef

Chapter 333

Chapter 333
It is more difficult for Zhao Qirui to say these three words than to let him die, but compared to his own life, Zhao Qirui finally chose to lose face.

"Yes... I'm sorry!" Zhao Qirui almost squeezed these words from between his teeth.

After saying these words, Zhao Qirui spit out blood in a 'pop', then his eyes were blackened, and he fainted directly.

Lin Mu had already achieved what he wanted to achieve, so he threw the gun in his hand on the ground, glanced at Zhao Qirui, and said, "You are really small!"

After a pause, Lin Mu glanced at Li Zongxing's ugly face and said. "It seems that I should not be welcome here."

Shen Siyun took a step forward, leaning on Lin Mu's arm, and said, "Since Big Brother Lin doesn't welcome us, let's go, I don't want to be annoying here."

At this time, Wen Ya also generously took Lin Mu's other arm, and used her proud twin peaks to clamp Lin Mu's arm tightly: "Take me too, I don't want to stay in this kind of place anymore .”

Feeling the friction from Wen Ya, Lin Mu was also distracted for a while.

"Do you want to come with me?" Lin Mu looked at the waitress and asked.

The waitress nodded silently, and followed Lin Mu and the others to leave here.

Li Zongxing looked at the four people who left, clenched his fists tightly, his face turned ashen for a while.

Lin Mu didn't slap himself directly in the face just now, but that made him feel more uncomfortable than slapping himself in the face.

"Li Shao, Zhao Qirui has lost a lot of blood, let's send him to the hospital quickly." One of Li Zongxing's subordinates whispered in Li Zongxing's ear.

The name Li Zongxing doesn't want to hear now is Zhao Qirui. If it wasn't for him, he wouldn't lose face so much today, but he can't just watch Zhao Qirui die: "Call an ambulance and find two people to take him to death." Send him to the hospital, inform his family by the way, don't say anything else."

"Yes!" The subordinate agreed, and then turned to do it.

After such a thing happened, it was obvious that the banquet could not continue, and every dude found an excuse to leave.

After Lin Mu and the others left the palace, Shen Siyun glanced at the waitress behind him and said, "Aren't you going to introduce this beauty to me?"

Lin Mu broke free with great difficulty, and under the attack of Wenya Shuangfeng, said: "She is Su Yao, a student of Binhai University, and a friend of mine."

After finishing speaking, Lin Mu introduced to Su Yao: "Her name is Shen Siyun, this is..."

Seeing that Lin Mu had forgotten her own name, Wen Ya gave Lin Mu a charming look, and said, "You have no conscience, you just forgot his name just after someone stood up for you, my name is Wen Ya."

People say that a person lives up to her name, but this gentle person's personality is too different from her name, no wonder Lin Mu can't remember her name.

"Hello!" Su Yao said timidly.

After all, Su Yao grew up in modern society, and the concept of hierarchy is still very strong.

Moreover, whether it is Shen Siyun or Wen Ya, they all come from famous families. There is no need to pretend to have the aristocratic atmosphere on them. It is normal for Su Yao to feel uncomfortable.

Seeing Su Yao's fearful look, Shen Siyun took Su Yao's hand and said, "You are brother Lin's friend, that is, my friend. How old are you, Su Yao?"

Su Yao said, "I'm 23."

Shen Siyun nodded and said: "I am older than you, you can just call me Sister Siyun from now on."

Wen Ya also came up at this time, took Su Yao's hand and said, "I'm 24 and older than you, so you can call me sister Wen Ya from now on."

Su Yao nodded, and called out twice timidly: "Sister Siyun, Sister Wen Ya."

Some things cannot be changed overnight. Su Yao is natural in front of Lin Mu because Lin Mu is familiar with her, and Lin Mu does not have that kind of natural nobility, which makes Su Yao feel very comfortable, but Shen Siyun is different from Wen Ya. People's nobility is innate, and it's normal for Su Yao to be unnatural.

After the three women got acquainted, Wen Ya began to attack Shen Siyun: "Sister Siyun, your elder brother Lin has such a prominent status, why didn't you tell me earlier, you made me look like a clown, and you still have to worry about your elder brother Lin?" Get ahead."

Shen Siyun said: "You didn't ask me, either? Besides, you stood up for him, not me, so it's not right for you to blame me."

For Wen Ya's willingness to stand up for herself at that time, Lin Mu was still very grateful, and said, "Anyway, I should also thank you for being willing to help me at that time."

Wen Ya looked at Lin Mu with winking eyes, and said: "Who made you handsome, you don't have to think hard about how to repay me, just come and stay with me for two days, and you will repay me."

Wen Ya's bold Lin Mu has already experienced it, but Wen Ya's words still make Lin Mu sweat for a while.

Looking at Lin Mu's embarrassment, Wen Ya laughed and said, "You're kidding, you are sister Siyun's man, no matter how coquettish I am, I will never lay hands on my sister's man."

Turning the subject, Wen Ya hooked Lin Mu's chin with her finger, and said provocatively: "But if sister Siyun doesn't want you someday, you must remember to come to me, I won't dislike you for being used."

In the past, it was Lin Mu who molested others, but today he was molested by someone, and Lin Mu felt that if Wen Ya and Xu Mei were to meet together, it would definitely be the kind that would lure people to death.

"Bitch! How dare you seduce Big Brother Lin in front of me!" Shen Siyun slapped Wen Ya's sensual buttocks and cursed with a smile.

Wen Ya laughed coquettishly twice, and said: "You call me a slut, there's nothing wrong with me seducing you Brother Lin."

Lin Mu looked at Shuangfeng, who was undulating like waves with gentle laughter, and swallowed secretly, and forcibly suppressed the evil fire in his heart.

Wen Ya glanced at Shen Siyun's Porsche, and said, "Your Porsche can't fit three people, everyone get in my car, I'll take you back."

Shen Siyun said: "Alright, I just saved money on gas."

Wen Ya said: "I said Sister Siyun, can you stop being so stingy."

Shen Siyun said solemnly: "The tradition of our army is hard work and plain living, how can I waste it."

The four talked and laughed all the way and got on Wen Ya's Hummer.

Lin Mu really didn't understand how Wen Ya, a weak woman, would like this kind of car.

Perhaps this is the nature of women. The more they can't control the things, the more they want to conquer.

In the car, Lin Mu asked why Su Yao came here.

It turned out that Su Yao happened to be assigned here because of the school's organization of internships.

But with Lin Mu making such a fuss, her internship must have been ruined.

Lin Mu looked at Su Yao, who was not in a good mood, and said: "Don't worry about the internship, I will explain it to Principal Gu later, and ask him to arrange it for you again. If it doesn't work, I can let you go to Fumanlou Internship, anyway, you just want an internship certificate."

Su Yao nodded and said, "thank you."

Lin Mu said: "By the way, I don't know where you live?"

Su Yao said: "we come to practice, and we live in the place where we practice."

Lin Mu smiled wryly, and said, "It seems that I made you homeless again, it's okay, you can just stay with me tonight."

Wen Ya heard Lin Mu's words, and said: "Brother Lin, you are doing it wrong. In front of our sister Siyun, you hooked up with a little girl and took her to live at your place."

Su Yao's face turned red when she heard Wen Ya's words, and she lowered her head shyly.

Shen Siyun spat: "Drive your car well, you don't need to worry about my wife's affairs."

Wen Ya said: "Sister Siyun, you are generous, I can't compare to you, I just need to drive hard."

When they arrived at the hotel where Lin Mu lived, Lin Mu and Su Yao got out of the car. Shen Siyun wanted to open the window and said, "I'll pick you up on Thursday morning."

Lin Mu nodded and said, "I see."

Lin Mu took Su Yao to his bedroom. After Su Yao settled down, Lin Mu wanted to go to Xu Mei's place and ask Xu Mei to open another room for him. Just halfway there, he ran into Wu Li.

"Uncle, you're back." Wu Li is Fang Nan's fiancée, so she followed Fang Nan in calling him Uncle Lin Mu.

Seeing Wu Li's complexion, Lin Mu asked, "What's the matter? Did something happen?"

Wu Li hesitated for a moment, and said: "Uncle, a woman came to look for Mr. Xu just now. Later, he didn't know what happened, so Mr. Xu locked himself in the room and never came out again."

(End of this chapter)

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