Supreme Chef

Chapter 334 Xu Mei's Background

Chapter 334 Xu Mei's Background

Hearing Wu Li's words, Lin Mu frowned. Xu Mei would lock herself in the room. Obviously, this person meant a lot to Xu Mei. Otherwise, with Xu Mei's cheerful and optimistic personality, how could she lock herself in the room? .

Lin Mu said: "Do you know who it is?"

Wu Li shook her head and said, "I don't know, Xu always met with that person alone, and didn't let us be there."

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Okay, I see. I'll go and see Sister Mei. You can open a new room for me. I have a friend coming over."

Wu Li nodded and said, "Okay uncle, I'll do it now."

After Wu Li left, Lin Mu came to Xu Mei's door, knocked on Xu Mei's door, and found that Xu Mei's door was not closed.

Pushing open the door and entering, the strong smell of alcohol in Lin Mu's imagination did not appear.

In the room, Xu Mei was wearing a white shirt that could cover her buttocks, her feet were bare, and she was sitting on the balcony, not knowing what scenery she was looking at.

The gentle moonlight covered the entire room like mercury, covering Xu Mei's body, making Xu Mei look even more mysterious and pretty.Such a beautiful picture made Lin Shu stunned.

Lin Mu entered the house and closed the door casually, and walked in while smiling, "Sister Mei doesn't even close the door, so I'm not afraid of perverts coming in."

When Xu Mei heard Lin Mu's voice, she surprisingly didn't confront Lin Mu, but said indifferently, "You can ask whatever you want?"

Xu Mei was so quiet all of a sudden, Lin Mu was not used to it.

Seeing that Lin Mu didn't speak, Xu Mei said proactively, "The person who came is my sister, who is the current head of Xu's Catering."

Lin Mu knew that Xu Mei had a lot of things hidden in her heart and just needed a confidant, so she also sat opposite Xu Mei, preparing to be a good listener.

Xu Mei spoke intermittently, her voice was ethereal, as if coming from a distance, it sounded very nice.

Through Xu Mei's narration, Lin Mu knew that Xu Mei had such a family background.

The Xu family is considered to be a family of royal chefs. Although they are not obvious, there are very few people who really cook in China who don't know the name of the Xu family.

It can be said that the Xu family is an absolute king in China's catering industry.Countless super chefs go out from Xu's culinary school every year.Although Xu's Catering is not listed, it does not have much reputation.

However, he is indeed the big crocodile in China's catering industry. Xu's catering itself is not listed, but they control the entire China, all listed catering companies, 30.00% of the shares, which is already very scary.

However, Xu Mei was a different kind in Xu's family, she didn't follow the family's arrangement at all, and even boldly escaped marriage, Xu's family offended another big family because of this.

From then on, even if Xu Mei was completely expelled from the Xu family, even Qiao Xuebing, Xu Mei's cousin didn't know about this history.

As for the meaning of sister Xu Mei's visit to Xu Mei this time, it is also very simple.Because Fumanlou is now in the limelight, and it is almost the vane of the entire Huaxia restaurant.

And Xu Mei holds 30.00% of the shares in Fumanlou. Xu Mei's sister wants Xu Mei to give the shares in her hand to the Xu family unconditionally, and the condition that the Xu family gives Xu Mei is that Xu Mei can return to the family. among.

After listening to Xu Mei's narration, Lin Mu said softly, "Sister Mei, what do you think?"

Xu Mei shook her head and said, "I don't know, Fumanlou is the dream of all of us, I can't be so selfish and hand it over to others."

Xu Mei didn't finish her sentence, but Lin Mu finished it for Xu Mei: "But it's your wish to get everyone's recognition again when you go home, right? You opened the Green Bamboo Garden and invested in Fumanlou for this reason wish, right?"

Xu Mei didn't answer, but Lin Mu already knew the answer from her eyes.

Lin Mu patted Xu Mei on the shoulder, and said, "Sister Mei, maybe I don't know how the people in your family treat you, but think about it, since they were able to remove you from the family back then, they didn't care about you at all. They don't care if you are from the Xu family, they only care about the interests of the Xu family.

Now that they are looking for you to come back, I think it is also for the sake of benefit. Letting you go home is just an equivalent exchange condition they put forward for this benefit. "

After a pause, Lin Mu said: "However, what choice Sister Mei will make is your own business, and I will definitely support you. If you decide to return to the family, I will take care of the work of Sister Qing and Fang Nan. I think They will understand."

When Xu Mei heard Lin Mu's words, her delicate body couldn't help shaking. She raised her head and looked at Lin Mu who was also shrouded in moonlight. Xu Mei's eyes were filled with tears instantly.

Seeing the red circles of Xu Mei's eyes, Lin Mu smiled, and took the initiative to wipe away the tears from the corners of Xu Mei's eyes, saying: "I don't want to know Xu Mei who is not afraid of heaven and earth."

Feeling the warmth and friction from Lin Mu's palm, Xu Mei threw herself into Lin Mu's arms and said gratefully, "Thank you!"

Lin Mu put his arms around Xu Mei's delicate body, patted Xu Mei's back lightly, and joked: "You are my little lover, and you are so polite to me."

Xu Mei lay in Lin Mu's arms, nodded vigorously, but did not speak.

A sage once said that once a man and a woman hug each other for more than ten seconds, the nature changes completely.

Lin Mu and Xu Mei had been hugging for more than ten seconds. They both felt a little strange, but neither of them wanted to be the first to defend.

Feeling Xu Mei's delicate body with bumps and convexities, Lin Mu's evil fire, which had been aroused by Wen Ya, burned again.

And Xu Mei felt the temperature from Lin Mu's body, and her pretty face was slightly hot, and her body was also hot.

(End of this chapter)

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