Supreme Chef

Chapter 335 I'm Passive

Chapter 335 I'm Passive

Xu Mei didn't know how many times she went to the clouds overnight.

"This time you are satisfied!" Xu Mei lay on Lin Mu's chest weakly, and said with a charming white look at Lin Mu.

Lin Mu's big hands dishonestly covered Xu Mei's buttocks, and said, "Sister Mei, I am passive."

Xu Mei pinched Lin Mu's waist fiercely, and said, "You'll be a good boy if you get the cheap price!"

After a pause, Xu Mei suddenly sighed and said, "It seems that I really can only be your lover this time."

Hearing Xu Mei's words, Lin Mu lowered his head and looked at Xu Mei seriously, and said, "Sister Mei, do you think I am that kind of irresponsible person? You gave me all of yourself, and I won't let you just be a lover. .”

No one is willing to just be someone else's lover, Xu Mei is the same, hearing Lin Mu's words, and seeing Lin Mu's serious expression, Xu Mei's heart is also warm, and she said softly: "With your words, my sister is already I am very satisfied, my sister is willing to stand behind you, my sister will not destroy your life, let alone destroy your relationship with Xiaoxiao."

Lin Mu straightened his face and said, "Sister Mei, I didn't want to have sex with you. I'm not a good person, but I'm a responsible man. I will tell Xiaoxiao what I have done for myself. , maybe I won’t say it right away, but I will say it, and Xiaoxiao will understand and accept you.”

Although Lin Mu's words did not conform to the traditional cognition of modern people, Xu Mei's eyes were still red.

Xu Mei stretched out her hand to wipe her eyes, raised her pink fist and hit Lin Mu's body, and said coquettishly, "It's necrotic, I must make him cry."

Lin Mu laughed and patted Xu Mei's buttocks lightly.

"Ah! You are going to die!" Xu Mei exclaimed, and said with a charming look at Lin Mu.

Lin Mu's big hand touched Xu Mei's buttocks lightly for a while, and said, "Let me tell you a secret."

When Xu Mei heard that Lin Mu was about to tell her the secret, her eyes widened.

Lin Mu said: "I'll tell you, but you can't be too surprised, and you must keep it secret."

Xu Mei nodded vigorously.

Lin Mudao: "Actually, I am an immortal. I was born in the Han Dynasty. Why did I appear on Earth? This matter is a bit complicated. I will explain it to you later."

Xu Mei stared at Lin Mu with staring eyes, and after about five seconds, Xu Mei suddenly laughed out loud, "You're lecherous and lecherous, why do you think I'm a three-year-old girl?"

Lin Mu had expected this to happen a long time ago, he shook his head helplessly, and then casually threw out a ball of foundation building fire.


Seeing this group of foundation-building fires, Xu Mei's laughter stopped abruptly, and she covered her small mouth with her small hand, trying not to let herself make a sound.

The goal has been achieved, and with Lin Shu's palm, the flame disappeared.

Lin Mu looked at Xu Mei whose jaw was about to drop in surprise, and said, "Now you believe it."

Now Xu Mei didn't know how to answer at all, she didn't know whether to nod or shake her head.

After a full minute, Xu Mei jumped up suddenly, threw herself on Lin Mu, and said in surprise, "You are really a fairy! Then can you fly!"

Lin Mu has heard such lines more than once.However, Lin Mu answered patiently.

After Xu Mei asked a lot of questions that she was curious about, she said with some expectation: "Then can I practice?"

Lin Mu smiled and gave Xu Mei a gentle slap, and said, "You are not allowed to practice, why am I telling you this?"

Xu Mei hugged Lin Mu's neck, kissed her hard, and said, "I love you so much."

Lin Mu hugged Xu Mei and said, "Sister Mei, your cultivation talent is actually better than Xiaoxiao's and the others. You are naturally charming and have the best aptitude for cultivating charming skills."

When Xu Mei heard Lin Mu's words, she pursed her mouth and said, "So I'm naturally skittish."

Lin Mu knew that Xu Mei had misunderstood the meaning of natural charm, so he also laughed and said, "Natural charm does not mean that you are easy-going, on the contrary, people with this system can practice charm skills several times faster than ordinary people. A person in the fairy world A powerful person is born with charming bones, her charming skills have almost reached the realm of transformation, and she is always at the top of the fairy world."

Xu Mei opened her eyes wide when she heard Lin Mu's words, and said, "It's really so good! Then I'll learn it now!"

Lin Mudao: "I don't have any special top-level charm skills in my hand now, but it doesn't matter, I will teach you a basic set first, and I will help you continue to search for it later."

Xu Mei doesn't know whether the exercises are top-notch, as long as she can practice, it is already a very great thing for her.

Lin Mu looked at Xu Mei's delicate red lips, and quickly reacted, saying, "Sister Mei, it's also very troublesome for me to teach you, do you want to make it up to me?"

Seeing Lin Mu staring at her red lips, Xu Mei also understood Lin Mu's meaning. She gave Lin Mu an ambiguous look, then slowly bent her body down, and her small mouth moved down slowly, and soon closed her eyes. Xiao Linmu swallowed it whole.

The two of them stayed tired all night before Xu Mei fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning, if it wasn't for Wu Li's call, Xu Mei wouldn't have woken up yet.

Xu Mei got up and looked at the time, got up in a hurry, began to wash and put on her underwear, Xu Mei blamed Lin Mu, and said: "It's all your fault, it's so late, today's signing will be delayed."

Lin Mu lay on the bed watching Xu Mei change clothes, and said with a smile, "It's okay if it's late, I'll let them wait a little longer."

Xu Mei said: "Why do you think it's opened by your family? You should hurry up and tidy up. We don't know the people over there, so you have to come forward."

Lin Mu said: "Okay."

After the two finished cleaning up, Xu Mei walked out of the room first, and only after making sure that there was no one outside, did Lin Mu come out.

Lin Mu looked at Xu Mei's sneaky actions, feeling so depressed in his heart, am I so sorry for the audience?

Just as Xu Mei and Lin Mu were going to the hall downstairs, Lin Mu suddenly remembered that Su Yao was still in his room, so he also told Xu Mei to call Su Yao.

After Lin Mu knocked on the door, Su Yao had already dressed.

Xu Mei saw that there was a beautiful woman hiding in Lin Mu's room, and her little hands also sneaked up on Lin Mu's waist, while pinching Lin Mu, she said with a smile on her face, "Return to the golden house to hide the beauty, it seems that last night Delay your good work."

Lin Mu laughed and said, "Sister Mei is a bit hard to explain. I'll explain it to you when we have breakfast."

After speaking, Lin Mu looked at Su Yao and said, "Let's go down for dinner together. I'll call Principal Gu later and ask Principal Gu to arrange for you again."

Su Yao blushed and nodded, and went downstairs with Lin Mu and Xu Mei.

(End of this chapter)

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