Supreme Chef

Chapter 336 The Way to Shut Up

Chapter 336 The Way to Shut Up

When I went downstairs to have breakfast, Lin Mu finally explained Su Yao's affairs to Xu Mei clearly.

Seeing her pretty face and simple look, Xu Mei felt joy in her heart. She took Su Yao's hand and said, "Sister Su Yao, are you interested in working in Fumanlou? We just want to open one in Jinghua Branch, if you like it here, how about staying here?"

Su Yao didn't answer Xu Mei, but took a look at Lin Mu.

Lin Mu smiled and said, "You can decide on your own, don't look at me, you can stay here if you like, if you don't like it, you can go back to Fumanlou in Binhai."

Su Yao said: "Actually, I want to stay in Jinghua, because my father will come over after a while."

Lin Mudao: "In this case, then you can stay in Jinghua, I will talk to President Gu, and you don't have to worry about other things."

Xu Mei also said, "in this case, then Su Yao will go with us today, so let's get acquainted with some of the working procedures of Fumanlou."

Seeing Su Yao's timid look, Xu Mei took Su Yao's hand and said with a smile, "we will be colleagues from now on, and we will be our own people. Don't be so shy."

After breakfast, Su Yao made a car with other assistants, and Lin Mu still took Xu Mei's car.

In the car, Xu Mei said to Lin Mu: "I have already decided, I will not sell the shares of Fumanlou, you are right, they don't care about me at all, whether I am from the Xu family, they just care about Fumanlou That's all for the benefit."

Lin Mudao: "Sister Mei, you don't have to think about it for so long. Why did they let you return to the family? By then, Fumanlou will really grow. We can buy the entire Xu family. Then you can buy it." It’s the Xu family’s authenticity, and they ask you to let them return.”

After listening to Lin Mu's words, Xu Mei also let out a deep breath, then patted the steering wheel, and said, "You are right, everyone is the descendant of the Xu family, why are they the only ones who are the authentic Xu family? The same is fine."

Seeing that Xu Mei had completely untied her knot, Lin Mu was also happy for Xu Mei, and said, "Sister Mei, is that right?"

An hour later, Xu Mei and the others arrived at the agreed signing place.

For this kind of negotiation that has already set the tone before, there is no difficulty at all.

On Lin Mu's side, when negotiating quickly.In a private hospital in Jinghua, Zhao Qirui, who was shot and wounded by Lin Mu last night, was lying pale in the high-care ward.

Outside the ward, a middle-aged man with a face similar to Zhao Qirui's, with a gloomy complexion, clenched his fists tightly. Looking at his pale son in the ward, he felt that he had no place to vent his anger.

"The director has investigated the matter clearly. It was Lin Mu who rewarded Qirui last night." One of his subordinates reported to Zhao Qirui's father.

"Lin Mu! Who is he?" Zhao Qirui's father was angry, but he was able to sit on the position of director of the Ninth Bureau of National Security, which proved that he was at least not an idiot.

The subordinate said: "The investigation has been clear. Lin Mu's background is very deep. On the surface, he is just a cook in Fumanlou, but in fact he is the most mysterious unit in the military, the chief instructor of Longteng, and also a member of the Huaxia Political Department. Deputy director, lieutenant general rank.

And according to the investigation, he was the one who caused the Wang family to leave Jinghua.Moreover, there is also information that the Zhao family also had some unpleasantness with him in Binhai that day, but in the end the Zhao family chose to swallow their anger. "

Zhao Qirui's father was slightly shocked after hearing the report from his subordinates.

According to the data, Lin Mu is only in his 20s. A young man in his 20s can become the chief instructor of Longteng and the deputy director of the Huaxia Political Department. This is not only something that can be done with a background.

Zhao Qirui's father was silent for about a minute after listening to his subordinate's report, then narrowed his eyes, and said in a serious tone: "Li Zongxing, you want me to be the first bird, you are still young, since your Li family is not benevolent, Then you can’t blame me for being unrighteous.”

After finishing speaking, Zhao Qirui's father said, "You don't need to let anyone know about what I asked you to investigate today, and you don't need to tell anyone."

"Yes! I know!" The subordinate bowed his head and said.

Zhao Qirui's father paused for a moment, and continued: "From now on, you will try your best to collect all the information about the Li family, regardless of size, but don't let the Li family know, and hand over all the collected information directly to the Li family." I don't want anyone's hands."

The subordinate said: "I know."

Zhao Qirui's father waved his hand and said, "Okay, you can go down."

After his subordinates went down, Zhao Qirui's father looked at his son in the ward again, and said in a low voice, "Qirui, the father who hates you, will avenge you. His Li family wants our father and son to be the first birds, and I won't let the Li family Fortunately, I can't afford to provoke Lin Mu, and his Li family can't afford to provoke Lin Mu either, so I will let his Li family experience the feeling of being humiliated."

At this time, Li Zongxing didn't know what kind of troubles his stupid action had caused for his Li family. He was still immersed in his anger at this moment.

Although Li Zongxing is a talent, his biggest shortcoming is that he is very extreme, he never looks for problems in himself, he will attribute all problems to other people, and think that everyone is Designing him on purpose.

Just like now, after Li Zongxing's careful 'analysis', he came to a conclusion about yesterday's incident.

The conclusion is that everything that happened yesterday was a plan specially designed by Shen Siyun and Shi Jin for him, and their purpose was to make himself ashamed and lose his position in the Li family.

Li Zongxing sat on the dragon chair in his Golden Palace, shaking the red wine glass in his hand, and said darkly: "Shen Siyun, since you plot against me, don't blame me for counterattacking you."

Lin Mu was enjoying the thrill of the negotiation at this time, and he didn't know that last night, what he considered to be insignificant things had turned Jinghua's originally calm stagnant water into an undercurrent.

It didn't take a day for the two business negotiations to be completed in total.

These two negotiations were the smoothest for Xu Mei since she was in business. Xu Mei was also very happy that the two business negotiations were completed.

After the successful signing of the contract, Lin Mu had to stay in Jinghua because he was going to attend the ancient martial arts gathering organized by Shi Jin the day after tomorrow. Xu Mei and the others wanted to tell Fang Nan and the others the good news earlier, so they went directly to Feng Yang returned, and Su Yao also left with Xu Mei.

Everyone left, Lin Mu originally wanted to find Ouyang Yan, but after calling Ouyang Yan, Ouyang Yan had already gone out to interview, Lin Mu could only stay in the hotel for a day with nothing to do.

On Thursday morning, just after six o'clock, Shen Siyun had already arrived at Lin Mu's hotel downstairs and waited for Lin Mu.

Shen Siyun was driving a military vehicle today, after Lin Mu got into the car, Shen Siyun said: "Don't blame me for not telling you, those old antiques are not easy to deal with, you'd better be prepared to fight with tongue-in-cheeks."

Lin Mu said indifferently: "I want to fight against Confucianism, but unfortunately they are not Confucianists, they are all human beings."

Shen Siyun said: "They are indeed human beings, so we need to be more careful."

Lin Mu said: "Do you think it's enough to be careful with those people? To them, as long as you behave better than them, they will shut up obediently!"

Shen Siyun suddenly remembered something and said: "By the way, I have some bad news for you. The Li family, the Zhao family and the Zhang family will also send people to attend."

(End of this chapter)

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