Supreme Chef

Chapter 337 The Ghost Valley Gate's Objection

Chapter 337 The Ghost Valley Gate's Objection
Lin Mu frowned when he heard Shen Siyun's words, and said, "What are the three of them going to do?"

Fortunately for those ancient martial arts sects, they all respect strength, so as long as I show super strength, I can naturally subdue them.

But the three major families of Zhang, Li, and Zhao are not ancient martial arts sects. The three of them may be afraid of their own strength, but they probably won't surrender because of their strength, because they have power in their hands.

Lin Mu can't destroy all three families, or become an enemy of the entire Huaxia government.

And the most important thing is that among the three families of Zhang, Li, and Zhao, Lin Mu has a feud with the two families. It is no wonder that they can support him. Even if they support him on the surface, they will secretly trip him up.

While driving, Shen Siyun said: "If you want to go to the Western Holy See, it's not enough just to get the support of those ancient martial arts sects. On the political level, you must also get support. Otherwise, if you go there and make a big killing , people directly report to the United Nations, it is not easy for us to deal with it at the diplomatic level.”

After listening to Shen Siyun's explanation, Lin Mu couldn't help but look up to the sky and sigh, and said, "It's just a fight, so why bother?"

Shen Siyun gave Lin Mu a white look, and said: "Do you think that this is the age of blood and blood, or the age of the Warring States, and you can hit whoever you want.

What's more, even during the Warring States period, when the two countries were at war, they had to find a reason.What's more, in modern society, the relationship between major countries is very delicate.There is nuclear deterrence between each other, and it is not easy to fight if you want to..."

Lin Mu interrupted Shen Siyun, and said: "I don't understand these reasons, and I don't worry about these things. These are things your old man should worry about. No matter whether he can understand these people, I must To the Holy See."

Shen Siyun said: "The old man really has the foresight. He guessed that you don't like these things, so tell me, as long as you get rid of those old stubbornness, it's fine, and leave the remaining three families to him."

Lin Mu said, "This is the best."

Shen Siyun drove all the way to the canyon where Lin Mu came every time.

Because of the soaring strength of Long Teng and Lin Mu, the God of Killing, the Ancient Martial Arts Realm really gave face this time. Except for the Tianya faction, every family sent representatives here.

"Benefactor Lin, we meet again." As soon as Lin Mu arrived at the venue, Abbot Zhichan of Jiuhua Mountain came up to say hello.

Lin Mu and Jiuhua Mountain also have a deep friendship, from Lin Mu's acquisition of Ziyan to Lin Mu's seal of the Tianya faction, and then Lin Mu's rush to help Jiuhua Mountain.It can be said that Jiuhua Mountain is the ancient martial arts sect that has dealt with the most since the trees came to the earth.

Lin Mu responded with a smile, "Abbot Zhichan is being polite."

In Jiuhua Mountain, Lin Mu can be called Zhichan's old bald donkey. In front of so many people, Lin Mu should give Zhichan some face.

"Old bald donkey, I didn't expect you and brother Lin to know each other." Lin Mu didn't bark, but Fan Wuji didn't care about it.

Obviously, it was not the first time Zhichan had dealt with Fan Wuji, and he didn't mind, so he chanted the Buddha's name and said, "Benefactor Fan."

Fan Wuji said: "Zhi Chan didn't expect you to be so hypocritical after so many years of absence, but our Iron Sword Sect was able to get out of crisis last time, and your magic weapon has also made a lot of contributions. I still want to thank you."

"Amitabha, benefactor Fan, you are being polite. Saving someone's life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. This is what I should do." Zhichan said.

Fan Wuji laughed loudly and said: "Old monk, I said that you talk about Amitabha every day, can your Buddha really hear it?"

Zhichan said: "The Buddha is in the heart, as long as there is a Buddha in the heart, the Buddha can hear it."

Fan Wuji waved his hand and said: "Okay, old monk, don't tell me the truth, I can't tell you the truth."

After Fan Wuji finished speaking, he looked at Lin Mu and said, "Brother Lin, Shi Jin has already told me the matter. I have long been disgusted with those foreign devils from the Western Holy See. I will definitely support you this time, brother. When you go to the Holy See, just don't forget to call me, and I will go with you to teach those foreign devils a good lesson."

Lin Mu smiled and said, "I appreciate Brother Fan's kindness. As long as you support me, Brother Fan, I'm enough to kill the Holy See."

Zhichan also expressed his position at this time, saying: "I, Jiuhuashan, will also firmly support Lin benefactor, and I, Jiuhuashan, have already contacted some second-rate sects to support Lin benefactor."

Fan Wuji looked at Zhichan and said with a smile: "The Great Monk didn't expect you to rob me of all my lines. Brother Lin and I, Tiejianmen, have also contacted some second-rate sects. I will firmly support you, Brother Lin, and I will give you back Several first-class sects that I have made friends with from Iron Sword Sect also sent letters, and they expressed their support for you."

Lin Mu didn't expect that Fan Wuji would send letters to those first-class ancient martial arts sects. He was also a little surprised and moved. He cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Brother Fan."

Fan Wuji supported Lin Mu, and said: "Brother Lin, if you do this, you are scolding me again. My Tiejianmen's millennium foundation was saved by you, Brother Lin. If I can't do this little favor well, I will be in vain. .”

"Masters, please take your seat first, the meeting will begin immediately." Shi Jin stood on the rostrum and said loudly.

When the heads heard Shi Jin's words, they each found their own seats and sat down.

This time, apart from the Tianya Sect, all the top-ranking martial arts schools in the ancient martial arts world have sent representatives, a total of 24 first-class ancient martial arts sects, and the key this time is to get the support of these first-class ancient martial arts sects.

Those second-rate ancient martial arts sects, except for a few very special existences, most of the rest are attached to these first-rate ancient martial arts sects, and their opinions can basically be ignored.

Of course, although they are both first-class sects, they are also divided into three, six or nine ranks. A sect like Tie Jianmen, which survives in harsh environments all the year round, is naturally very strong.

Among all the 24 first-class sects, Tiejianmen is strong enough to rank in the top five, and of course Jiuhuashan is also in the top five.

Jiuhua Mountain can enter the top five not only because of its superior strength, but also because of the magic weapon of Jiuhua Mountain. Offered as a treasure, the top magic weapon of Jiuhua Mountain is regarded as the treasure of the town by many third-rate sects.

Because the meeting was held by Long Teng, Lin Mu, as the chief instructor, also stood on the rostrum.

Seeing Lin Mu approaching, Shi Jin couldn't hide his joy, and said: "Before the meeting, I received news from nine other first-class sects, and they expressed their support for us. These are all thanks to Tiejianmen and Jiuhuashan. Since then, we have already received the support of twelve first-class ancient martial arts sects, and this matter is basically a certainty."

Lin Mu nodded and said, "This is the best way, it saves me trouble."

Of course Shi Jin knew what Lin Mu meant, and he also said: "In this case, force can be used, and it is better not to use force."

Lin Mu said: "I see, by the way, the three big families, how are you talking?"

Shi Jindao: "Actually, I have reached a consensus with the Zhang family and the Li family before, but what happened with you and Siyun in the Jin Palace two days ago made the Li family feel very embarrassed, and their attitude is a bit vacillating now."

Lin Mu said disdainfully: "They are vacillating, so don't worry about their attitude. If they want to leave Jinghua like the Wang family, I am very willing to help."

Shi Jin smiled wryly, and said: "Although they are vacillating, they are not so confused as to oppose you. Don't worry."

Lin Mu said: "This is the best."

Lin Mu and Shi Jin exchanged a few more words, and the meeting officially started.

These ancient martial arts sects are not politicians, so Shi Jin didn't need to talk so much nonsense, and said straight to the point: "You must already know why I called you this time, I won't say anything redundant, I just want to hear Everyone's opinion?"

As soon as Shi Jin's words fell, Fan Wuji was the first to stand up and said: "It's nothing to say, the bastards of the Western Holy See broke the rules first, we must fight back resolutely, so as not to forget us, thinking that China is easy to bully .”

"Sect Leader Fan said that we must resolutely fight back!" As soon as Fan Wuji finished speaking, he was immediately echoed by some second-rate and third-rate ancient martial arts sects attached to Iron Sword Sect.

"Amitabha, I, Jiuhua Mountain, also agree with Master Fan's opinion." Zhi Chan also got up and said the Buddha's name.

When Jiuhuashan and Tiejianmen made such a statement, those first-rate sects who had been notified by the two sects all responded one after another, plus some second-rate and third-rate sects, there were also many responders at once, far more than half.

What Shi Jin watched on the stage was also comforting, thinking that he had never summoned these stubborn old people in the past, but there were no trees at that time, let alone dealing with him, there were not enough people to come.

"I, Guigumen, have a question and want to ask Commander Shi!" Just as everyone was responding, a discordant voice suddenly rang out.

(End of this chapter)

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