Supreme Chef

Chapter 338

Chapter 338

There was a sudden noise from the Ghost Valley Gate, and Shi Jin was also somewhat unexpected.

Guigumen is also one of the top five existences in the ancient martial arts world.The real strength is a bit ahead of Tie Jianmen.

Lin Mu frowned when he heard Guigumen's sudden voice.

Lin Mu and Guigumen had also crossed paths. When he was in Cheetah, Lin Mu once abolished the dantian of a man named Shang Haohann, who was from Guigumen.

But later, Guigumen didn't come to him, Lin Mu almost forgot about it, and later Lin Mu knew that Shang Haohann was just an outer disciple. Inner sect disciples would not be sent to Cheetah either.

And at that time Zhang Ye also told himself that the head of Guigumen was already at the peak of the earth level, and there might be a heavenly level elder.

But now it seems that it was just because Zhang Ye didn't reach the prefecture level at that time, he misjudged Guigumen.

However, the cultivation level of the head of Guigumen is indeed not low, he is already a high-level prefecture-level, and may reach the peak of prefecture-level at any time.

But Lin Mu doesn't know whether the Guigu Gate is raising the issue now because of what happened back then, or if they really have a problem, but one thing is certain is that the Guigu Gate has problems at this time, which is obviously not a good thing.

Although Shi Jin knew that Guigumen didn't act kindly at this time, he couldn't stop Guigumen from talking: "Master Tian, ​​please tell me something?"

Head Tian was not polite, and said directly, "Commander Shi, I would like to know whether it is really for the benefit of all of us that we are summoned to deal with the Holy See this time, or because of someone's personal interests."

Shi Jindao: "Of course it is for everyone's benefit. The Western Holy See has sent people to invade China, and has even threatened the safety of our Chinese citizens. This is already a serious violation of the rules."

Head Tian glanced at Lin Mu intentionally or unintentionally, and said: "But as far as I know, it doesn't seem to be the case. It's just because of one of us that we were called together."

Shi Jin's expression also changed when he heard the words of Head Tian.It was not a secret that Lin Mu was being targeted by the Western Holy See, but Shi Jin raised the matter to national righteousness, and everyone deliberately avoided the matter of Lin Mu, no one mentioned it.

But now that head Tian raised it, the nature has completely changed.

Lin Mu's expression turned cold when he looked at Tian Zhangmen.

When the audience was silent, Lin Mu's phone rang suddenly.

Lin Mu took out the phone, took a look and saw that it was Gu Meiru who called him.

Gu Meiru has never called herself before, Lin Mu was also a little surprised when she saw Gu Meiru calling, but Lin Mu still picked it up.

As soon as Lin Mu picked up the phone, Gu Meiru said in a crying voice: "Uncle, Xuanxuan has been kidnapped, they want you to get money to redeem Xuanxuan."

"What!" Hearing Gu Meiru's words, Lin Mu was also startled suddenly, the murderous aura in his body instantly filled the whole room, making everyone shudder subconsciously.

Tian Zhangmen of Guigu Gate felt the murderous aura on Lin Mu's body, and his face changed a few times. He had only heard that Lin Mu was powerful before, but he never thought that Lin Mu was really so powerful.

Everyone didn't know why Lin Mu had such a change, and everyone looked at Lin Mu, wanting to know what happened to Lin Mu.

"Did they say anything else?" Lin Mu asked coldly.

Gu Meiru cried and said: "They didn't say anything, they... want you to redeem someone yourself."

Lin Mu pondered for a while, and forcibly suppressed the murderous aura in his heart, and said, "Okay, I understand, I'll go back immediately."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Mu looked down at the eyes looking at him.Also stood up from the chair.

Lin Mu walked to Shi Jin's side step by step, and at the same time forcibly suppressed the murderous aura on his body.

Although Lin Mu didn't have any murderous look on him at this time, everyone looked at Lin Mu and felt that Lin Mu was much more terrifying than before.

If Lin Mu just now was an angry lion, then Lin Mu now is a ferocious beast that has already identified its prey. Although there is no murderous aura on him, the moment Lin Mu makes a move is fatal.

Lin Mu looked around at the people below, and said word by word: "Going to the Holy See this time is my personal matter. If you are willing to support me, you will be my friend of Lin Mu. If you don't want to, then you can leave now."

After saying these words, Lin Shu soared into the air, and the aura of his whole body was released without reservation, directly suppressing all the people below without being able to breathe.

Everyone looked at the forest that had turned into a small spot in the air, and everyone was surprised and couldn't say a word.

"Has he really escaped, the gravity of the earth?"

A disciple below stammered.

But it was obviously impossible for him to get an answer, because no one could answer his question.

"Heavenly level! Could this be the power of heavenly level?" Fan Wuji murmured while looking at Lin Shu.

Tian Zhangmen of Guigumen also became very ugly at this time.Lin Shu's toughness obviously exceeded his expectations.

Shi Jin looked at Lin Mu who had completely disappeared, and also wanted to know what it was that made Lin Mu so angry.

After 5 minutes, Shi Jin calmly said, "What's your opinion now?"

Lin Mu's performance just now had conquered everyone, and if anyone dared to object, even Head Tian just opened his mouth, and finally didn't say a word.

After Lin Mu left Shi Jin's place, he was looking for that kind of deep mountains and old forests. He used his full speed and headed towards Binhai.

Lin Shu's full speed is no worse than that of the high-speed rail.Two hours later, Lin Mu arrived at Binhai. After arriving in the city, Lin Mu also slowed down, stopped a car, and rushed to Gu's house.

When he arrived at Gu's house, Lin Mu looked at the gloom and gloom of the whole Gu family's house, and felt guilty all over his face.

"You're here, uncle!" Niu Jianguo was the first to see the trees, and he stood up quickly and shouted.

Hearing Niu Jianguo's voice, the others also looked towards the door.

Standing at the door, Lin Mu bowed deeply to everyone in the Gu family, and said, "I'm sorry! I'm the one who got everyone in trouble!"

Seeing Lin Mu like this, Gu Bingxian quickly went up to support Lin Mu, and said, "Brother Lin, what are you doing?"

Gu Bingxian was able to help Lin Mu up: "Brother Gu, in comparison, I am the one who is sorry for you!"

Seeing Lin Mu like this, Gu Bingxian sighed in his heart, and let go of his hand, saying: "Oh, brother Lin, you have helped my Gu family a lot, and I can't completely blame you for this matter, and you don't want to see it like this." things happen."

Gu Meiru also came to Lin Mu and said, "Uncle, I am also responsible for this incident. If I could pick up Xuanxuan earlier, such a incident would not have happened."

Lin Mu stood up straight and said, "Meiru, I will definitely bring Xuanxuan back safely."

Niu Jianguo said, "Uncle, I have mobilized the police force from the whole city to conduct a thorough investigation. They will definitely not be able to escape."

Lin Mu nodded, and said, "Meiru, do you have Xuanxuan, the ones you used this morning or the ones on her body?"

(End of this chapter)

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