Supreme Chef

Chapter 344 Doomsday Judgment

Chapter 344 Doomsday Judgment (1)

Within 5 minutes, Lin Mu knocked the two teams, members of the Holy Knights, to the ground.

After finishing off the two teams, Lin Mu slammed the horse's stomach with his legs, and went straight to the depths of the church.

Lin Shu walked less than 100 meters forward and encountered resistance again.

The resistance this time was more powerful than last time. Three priests led the resistance, and there were about fifty clergy behind them.

However, no matter how many priests there are, it will basically have no impact on the trees, because the cultivation base of these priests is only equivalent to the yellow rank, and no matter how many yellow ranks there are, it is impossible to make up for the gap in quality.

Moreover, if these priests are really one-on-one, they will not be the opponents of those yellow-level masters in the ancient martial arts world. After all, the only thing they rely on is their holy power. Master, the means of attack is not only holy power.

Lin Mu got off his horse, stood in front of the people of the Holy See, and said slowly, "Get out of the way or die!"

When the three priests heard Lin Mu's words, their bodies hidden under the priest's robes trembled involuntarily.

It is true that they are priests, but they are not gods, and they still have instinctive fear in the face of death.

Moreover, Lin Mu's previous killing had already reached their ears. None of the people who fought against Lin Mu was alive.

However, they dare not disobey the pope's order. They must stop the trees here and buy time for the bishops to attack.

Lin Mu waited for a long time, seeing that no one moved out of the way, he didn't talk nonsense with them, and directly sprinted into the crowd.

It takes time for the people of the Holy See to prepare to release the holy power, and the more powerful the holy power attacks, the longer it will take.

But Lin Shu's speed was too fast, and there was no time for them to prepare.

Lin Mu rushed into the crowd, completely relying on his own body, using his body as a weapon, and ruthlessly crushed the people of the Holy See.

These low-level priests of the Holy See did not cause any obstacles to the forest. It took only one minute for three priests and fifty priests to fall to the ground.

After finishing these people, Lin Mu stood where he was, looked into the depths of the church, and said to himself, "I want to see how much of this kind of rubbish you have come to die!"

Before coming, Lin Mu had been with Shi Jin and obtained some basic information from the Holy See.

There may be hundreds of millions or even more believers of the Holy See in the world, but among these hundreds of millions of people, there may be only 10,000+ people or even less.

As for the priests above the clergy, there are even fewer priests. Basically, a hundred priests can produce one priest, which means that there are only a few thousand priests at most.

As for the bishops who are above the priests, there are even fewer bishops. According to the information obtained by Lin Mu, there are only 200 bishops in the entire Holy See distributed all over the world.

There are only 12 archbishops above the bishops, and only six red-clothed archbishops.

So although the Holy See looks very huge, it is actually a paper tiger.

Otherwise, the strength of the Holy See is really so strong, the world has long been owned by the Holy See, and they don't have to be afraid of China's ancient martial arts world, let alone the attack of dark forces.

Lin Mu stepped towards the inside, while the members of the Holy Knights were rushing towards the church wave after wave.

At the same time, the information in the Holy See is also spread from the Holy See to all directions in various ways.

"Master, Lin Mu has reached the depths of the Holy See. The Bishop of the Holy See is preparing for the final judgment." The butler of the Shrek family said to Shrek, putting down the information he sent.

Shrek's expression was a little moved after hearing the steward's words: "Doomsday! It seems that the people in the Holy See are really in a hurry."

The steward nodded and said, "Yes, the Holy See has lost four priests, more than 100 priests, and two small groups of Holy Knights."

Shrek was stunned for a moment when he heard the loss of the Holy See, and then sighed, saying: "The realm of the forest is beyond what we can imagine. We have fought against the Holy See for so many years, and we have not caused such a big loss to the Holy See. He alone People can accomplish things that our entire family cannot accomplish.”

The butler didn't speak, but his heart was also shocked.When he was in Huaxia that day, he still had some doubts about Lin Mu's ability, but now he has no doubt about Lin Mu's ability at all.

Shrek put down the wine glass in his hand, stood up from the sofa, and said: "Contact the other four and tell us that we are going to attack the Holy See in an all-out way."

The housekeeper said, "Should we discuss such a big matter with the old master?"

Shrek said: "Grandpa is retreating to sprint to the Duke, we can't disturb Grandpa at this time, and such opportunities don't come along all the time, we must seize this opportunity and strive for more benefits."

After listening to Shrek's words, the butler felt that what Shrek said made sense.Opportunities like this do not come around all the time. If you miss this opportunity, you don’t know how long it will be before a lunatic like Lin Mu appears, who dares to kill himself in the Holy See, and can turn the people killed by the Holy See on their backs.

The steward pondered for a moment, still a little worried, and said, "But the final judgment..."

Shrek interrupted the butler, showing infinite confidence, and said: "I believe in Lin Mu. In the last judgment, the Holy See will be judged, not Lin Mu."

The housekeeper said: "But what if the other four families don't do anything?"

Shrek sneered, and said: "Have you ever seen cats that don't steal fish? They may reject our proposal, but do you think they will refuse when they see the benefits?"

The butler nodded and said, "I see, I will notify you now so that everyone is ready to attack."


Lin Mu continued to walk towards the inside of the Holy See, but after walking more than 100 meters again, Lin Mu was blocked again.

This time it was a big man over two meters tall who looked like a savage.

Lin Mu looked at him, who was more than two meters tall, holding a one-meter-long broadsword in his hand, and said, "It's not bad at all to say that you haven't fully evolved, even the savages have come up."

The savage on the opposite side heard Lin Mu's words, and said in blunt Chinese, "I am Raphael, the leader of the Holy Knights. My subordinates never kill unknown people."

Lin Mu knew that what this savage said about not killing the unknown people was all nonsense. It was because the Holy See wanted to know the origin of himself, the Chinese people who were massacring all over the place in the Holy See.

Lin Mu sneered, and said, "You sent people to Huaxia and hunted me down for so long, don't you know who I am?"

After listening to Lin Mu's words, Raphael lowered his head and pondered for a while, and then he knew who the Chinese man standing opposite was: "You are Lin Mu! With the Shrek family, destroy Lin Shu of the Norman and Roddick families!"

Lin Mu said: "Finally, I've been recognized. I'm still worried. When I kill your pope, no one will know who did it. What a sad thing that will be."

Raphael's eyes turned cold, and he raised the iron sword in his hand high, saying: "Chinese people who work with the devil, I will use your blood to wash away the stains of the Holy Knights."

Lin Mu looked at Raphael and said, "You talk a lot of nonsense, hurry up if you want to fight, and die if you don't fight, grandpa has no time to waste you here."


With a roar, Raphael rushed directly towards the forest with a body like a hill.

Seeing Raphael rushing towards him, he also nodded: "Finally, there is a decent opponent. It is really difficult to break through."

(End of this chapter)

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