Supreme Chef

Chapter 345 Doomsday Judgment

Chapter 345 Doomsday Judgment (2)

Although Raphael's size is not small, his speed is not slow at all, and the 1.5-meter broad sword in his hand is also dancing vigorously in his hands.

Raphael is a marquis, roughly equivalent to the high-level cultivation base of the ancient Chinese martial arts world. If you add the blessing of holy power, you should be able to match the top masters of the prefecture level, but it is only the same as the one who has just stepped into the prefectural level. The masters at the top of the level are evenly matched.

For those old monsters who have invaded the prefecture-level peak for decades, Raphael is not enough at all, which explains why the Holy See has not dared to break the rules for so many years and entered China half a step .

When Raphael came in front of Lin Shu, he slashed down with a sword.


When Raphael went down with his sword, the edge of the sword he brought up rubbed against the air, producing a piercing crackling sound.

Lin Mu looked at the broad sword that was getting closer and closer to him, and his eyelids didn't even twitch.

Seeing that Lin Mu despised him so much, Raphael yelled loudly, "You're courting death!"

The speed in Raphael's hands increased a bit, the holy power in his body surged, and the broad sword radiated bright light, which looked extremely holy.


When the broad sword was five centimeters away from the top of his head, Lin Mu suddenly stretched out two fingers and clamped the broad sword firmly.

Seeing that Lin Mu clamped his broadsword with only two fingers, Raphael's eyes were full of shock. This was something that seemed impossible to him, but it really happened in before his eyes.

However, Raphael was also experienced in many battles, and he didn't stop attacking the forest because of his own shock. On the contrary, Raphael exhausted all his strength, and at the same time, the holy power poured into the broad sword as if he didn't want money.

But no matter how hard Raphael exerted, the broad sword seemed to grow in Lin Shu's hand, and the holy power was like sinking into the sea, without even arousing a ripple.

"It's useless, don't bother." Lin Mu said lightly, holding Raphael's broadsword.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!" Raphael's eyes widened, and he shouted impossible.

"God's blessing!"

Just when Raphael and Lin Mu couldn't hold on, an old voice sounded behind Raphael.

Then Lin Mu felt that Raphael's power and holy power had nearly doubled.


Feeling the abundant holy power and strength in his body, Raphael also gave a loud drink, and then the holy power in his whole body poured into the broad sword as if he didn't need money.


The sudden increase of holy power made Lin Mu grunt, and his fingers were also shaken away.

Raphael, who had regained his mastery of the broadsword, rushed out with a straight thrust of the sword, intending to take the head of the forest tree.

Lin Mu bent his body backwards, stepped on the ground with his feet, and slid backwards for a distance of five meters.

Opening the distance between Raphael, Lin Mu stood still again, and also moved a little bit, his fingers that were a little numb from the shock of Raphael just now.

After this series of attacks, Raphael was also powerless to follow up, standing where he was, panting heavily.

After taking a few breaths, Raphael turned around, and bowed respectfully to an old man whose shriveled body was hidden in a brown robe, and said, "Archbishop Oliver."

Just now, it was Archbishop Oliver who helped Raphael behind him, so that Raphael instantly exploded to double his own strength.

Lin Mu frowned as he looked at Archbishop Oliver, one of the dying Holy See's twelve archbishops with sunken eyes.

Although this Archbishop Oliver's body is unusually surging with holy power, and his strength is almost comparable to that of a prefecture-level mid-level, but even so, it is not enough for Lin Mu at all.

However, the "God's Blessing" used by Archbishop Oliver just now is a bit weird. It can make Raphael burst out in an instant, doubling his real strength. There are many such spells in the cultivation world, but on Earth It was the first time for Lin Mu to encounter it, and Oliver obviously didn't use any spells.

"Young people from China, we are willing to give up all actions against you, and please leave the Holy See, we promise not to pursue you." Archbishop Oliver said to Lin Mu.

Lin Mu looked at Oliver and sneered, and said, "I'll leave if you let me go, then I'll lose face."

Archbishop Oliver said, "What is it about young people that you are willing to leave my Holy See?"

Lin Mudao: "Can I interpret your appearance as the Holy See's submission to me?"

Oliver said: "The Holy See will never compromise with any enemy of God, we just don't want to see your life wasted here, and we have an agreement with Huaxia, we don't want to break the agreement and let innocent people be implicated. "

After hearing Oliver's words, Lin Mu broke his mouth and said, "I have seen hypocrisy, but I have never seen anyone more hypocritical than your Holy See. Since you are not willing to give in, let's continue. Let me take a look at your Holy See, what else is there?" How many people can I kill."

Oliver said, "Young man, if you go on like this, the only thing waiting for you is the doomsday judgment. You'd better leave quickly."

Lin Mu spat and said, "Don't be silly, or you come, or let him come, or you two come together, I'll take care of both of you together."

Hearing Lin Mu's provocation, Raphael also took the initiative to fight, saying: "Archbishop Oliver, let me kill this enemy of God and let him go to hell forever to wash away his crimes."

Archbishop Oliver glanced at Raphael, moved his lips, but did not make any sound.

Archbishop Oliver used a method similar to voice transmission to transmit what he wanted to say directly to Raphael's ears.

But how could this kind of trickery be able to hide it from Lin Mu.Although Oliver sent the information in his own language, Lin Mu had already used his divine sense to forcibly break through the sea of ​​consciousness of a clergyman, and had already learned their language.

After listening to Archbishop Oliver's voice transmission, Lin Mu also laughed loudly: "It turns out that your backyard is on fire, no wonder you are so anxious to let me go."

"You can hear Archbishop Oliver's divine voice!" Raphael said, looking at the trees in horror.

Lin Mu said disdainfully: "Don't be your gods, when your grandpa is playing such tricks, your gods don't know where to pee and mud?"

"You dare to insult God, I will fight with you!" Raphael roared, and rushed towards the forest again.

Oliver also didn't expect that Lin Mu could not persuade Lin Mu to leave after hearing his words, because he also knew that even if he persuaded Lin Mu again, Lin Mu would not leave.

Behind Raphael, Oliver silently sang something that even the trees could not understand.

But Oliver obviously didn't sing casually, because with every syllable of his, the scattered holy power in the world will gather in Raphael's body.

With the backing of Oliver, Raphael attacked even harder. The broadsword was in his hand, wide open and closed, completely reckless.

With the support of Archbishop Oliver, Lin Mu didn't dare to push too hard, and chose to avoid the edge temporarily.

"Huaxia dog, you are fighting, why are you just hiding now." Seeing Lin Shu blindly avoiding, Raphael also sarcastically said.

When Lin Mu heard Raphael's ridicule, his expression turned cold, and he said: "Since you are looking for death, I will grant you. I wanted to touch your Holy See. What is so strange about it, but it seems that it is not necessary now."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he no longer dodged, but directly dodged, using his speed to quickly approach Raphael.

Raphael also knew that his speed was not as fast as Lin Shu, so he also swung the iron sword in his hand round, protecting his whole body and preventing Lin Shu from approaching.


Although Raphael protected well, his speed was still much slower than Lin Mu. Lin Mu saw the opportunity and directly punched the side of the broadsword.

Lin Mu's fist collided with the broad sword, making a sound of gold and stone colliding.

And as Lin Shu's fist hit the broadsword, Raphael was forced to stop.

Raphael looked at the completely deformed broadsword under the punch of the tree, and his heart was bleeding.

Raphael's holy sword had been blessed by the Pope, and it was a sacred object of the Holy Knights, but at this time it was almost turned into a piece of scrap iron under Lin Shu's fist.

"Ah! I'm going to kill you!" Raphael roared, swung the broadsword that was almost scrap iron, and slashed towards the forest again.

(End of this chapter)

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