Supreme Chef

Chapter 346 Doomsday Judgment

Chapter 346 Doomsday Judgment (3)

Lin Mu had heard too much of Rafael's threats.

What's more, Raphael has completely lost his mind now, and there is no way to attack the forest.

Although there is no rules at all, it looks like a huge momentum.The holy power all over the sky is constantly rolling along with Raphael's movements, pressing on the tree, causing the tree's breathing to stagnate a little.

"Go to hell!"

Raphael shouted loudly, and the broadsword in his hand slashed down from top to bottom.

At the same time, Oliver also accelerated the speed of singing, and the pitch became higher and higher, and with his voice, the holy power became more and more violent, as if the world was about to boil.

Lin Shu, who was in the midst of the rioting holy power, shook his body slightly, relying on the power of his body to completely squeeze away the holy power oppressing him.

With a stride forward, Lin Mu aimed at Raphael's broadsword and punched it directly.


Just as Lin Mu's fist made contact with Raphael's broadsword, Raphael's broadsword snapped immediately.

"Impossible! Impossible! This is a sacred object bestowed to me by the Pope, how could it be broken!" Raphael looked at the broadsword in his hand, which was only half of it left, and couldn't believe everything in front of him.

Lin Mu didn't intend to give Raphael a chance at all. After breaking Raphael's broadsword, Lin Mu took advantage of the situation and punched directly on the breastplate on Raphael's chest.


With a muffled sound, Raphael's breastplate was completely blown away by the trees, and at the same time, the power passed along the breastplate into Raphael's chest cavity, directly blowing Raphael's heart.

Still immersed in shock, Raphael didn't even have time to let out a scream, so he died inexplicably.

Rafael Lin Mu looked at Oliver and said quietly: "I heard that you are one of the twelve archbishops of the Holy See. You said that if I kill you, when the dark forces attack the Holy See again, will there be less money?" an obstacle."

Hearing Lin Mu's threat, Oliver showed no panic or nervous expression, and said lightly: "Darkness will never defeat light. Even if I die, the dark forces will never be able to defeat the Holy See."

Lin Mu said: "Really? If the sun is covered by dark clouds, do you think the darkness will win or the light will win?"

Oliver simply ignored what Lin Mu said, and suddenly raised his hands up, and said loudly: "Doomsday Judgment, punish sinners who blaspheme God."

When Lin Mu heard Oliver's words, he also frowned. After fighting with these bird people for so long, Lin Mu knew these bird people more or less.

Every time these birdmen of the Holy See are preparing for a big attack, they will talk a lot of nonsense very piously.


Lin Mu frowned suddenly, then looked up at the sky.

At this time, in the sky above the Holy See, endless holy power was continuously gathering, and a huge group of light and shadow gradually formed in the air. The holy power in the light and shadow, even the trees looked a little startled.

The light and shadow are constantly squirming, not knowing what it wants to look like.

After looking at it, Lin Mu looked at Oliver and said sarcastically, "You guys are so generous, you just sent me a team leader to delay the time."

Oliver said: "We are all God's most devout servants. We have already given our lives to God, and we have already made preparations to dedicate everything to God."

Lin Mu said: "Since this is the case, then you should also go to see your god."

After speaking, the tree shook directly, and directly attacked Oliver.

Oliver was obviously prepared for this, a radiant holy power turned into a shield and blocked in front of him.

"You don't really think that I only attack with fists, do you?" Lin Mu said sarcastically with a look of disdain.

Hearing Lin Mu's words, Oliver's heart was startled, subconsciously waved his hands, and all the inexhaustible holy power in his body rushed towards the shield in front of him.

Lin Mu also sneered as he looked at the shield, which was more than twice as thick as before.

"Witch Emperor Fist!"

Lin Mu let out a loud cry, he didn't intend to save Oliver a life at all, and directly used the Witch Emperor Fist.

As soon as the Wuhuang fist was released, all the holy power around the forest was split by the fist wind.

Oliver looked at Lin Mu's fist, and his pupils tightened suddenly. Although he didn't know ancient martial arts, he didn't even know how to cultivate.But he knew that this fist was simply not something he could bear. At this moment, fear had already formed in his heart.

"Aren't you ready to dedicate your life to your god? Why, are you afraid?" Lin Mu saw the fear in Oliver's eyes and said mockingly.

Hearing Lin Mu's words, Oliver's spirit also froze a little.

But when he was stunned, Lin Mu's fist had already made direct contact with his holy shield.

Lin Mu's fist smashed into the holy power shield, and the holy power shield was torn from the middle immediately, unable to stop Lin Mu's fist at all.

Seeing Lin Mu's fist tearing his shield apart, Oliver also showed despair on his face.


After tearing the shield apart, Lin Mu's fist still didn't stop, and hit Oliver's shriveled body directly.

The violent punching wind obviously exceeded the capacity of Oliver's shriveled body. Oliver was torn to pieces before he could even utter a scream.



After tearing Oliver apart, Lin Mu also panted heavily, and at the same time quickly recovered his physical strength.

The power of the Wuhuang Fist is great, but it just consumes too much energy.

While recovering his strength, Lin Mu looked at the ever-changing light and shadow in midair: "What the hell are you going to turn into?"

Lin Mu couldn't help being curious as he looked at the holy power that still didn't stop rolling.

However, Lin Mu's question didn't last long before it was solved, because the holy power in the sky had gradually taken shape, turning into a tall figure with a pair of light wings and a blurry face.

"What the hell is this?" Lin Mu looked at the midair, something neither human nor bird said to himself.

Although Lin Mu didn't know this thing, everyone outside the Holy See who saw this light and shadow knelt down on the ground devoutly.

"Angel! Is there really such a bird?" Lin Mu stared at the light and shadow for a long time, and finally remembered what kind of bird it was.


The light and shadow took shape, and there was suddenly a huge sound wave inside the Holy See, making people want to kneel down and confess their sins when they heard it.


Lin Mu snorted coldly, and with a slight movement of the spiritual energy in his body, he blocked all the sound waves outside.


In the Holy See, there was another wave of sound, and then the angel of light and shadow was seen, holding up a lightsaber completely condensed with holy power.

On the tip of the lightsaber, a ball of light brighter than the sun is rapidly condensing and growing.

Lin Mu felt the violent energy in the light cluster, and his brows were also furrowed.The energy in the light cluster is continuously superimposed, and it has already surpassed the maximum energy that the trees on the third floor of the foundation can exert.

"Damn it! Could it be that those four old bastards also fucking favor one another and only changed the rules of China's world." Lin Mu couldn't help cursing as he looked at the light group whose energy was still rising.

But after thinking about it, Lin Mu felt that his idea was obviously impossible.

If the Four Great Immortal Emperors are really trying hard to change the rules of China's world, it is better not to change them.

But if this is the case, then why the energy of the light group has completely surpassed the limit, but it has not yet come down from the sky.

After a little thought, Lin Mu figured out the reason.

This angel of light and shadow was definitely not summoned by one person.It must have been summoned by a group of people from the Holy See.

In this way, if the limit of transcending energy is equally divided, a single individual will not exceed the limit.

After thinking about this, Lin Mu scolded again: "You four old bastards, when you made the changes, why were you so careless and left such a big loophole in the rules."

In fact, the Four Great Immortal Emperors were wronged enough, they only targeted Lin Shu, so they would care about other people.

Lin Mu looked at the condensed light cluster, and also gave a sinister smile, and said, "Since you can't cause Heavenly Tribulation, I'll help you attract Heavenly Tribulation, and let you see how your gods are scorched. "

After speaking, Lin Mu quickly took out some jade stones, and quickly set up a lightning array.

After setting up, Lin Mu directly broke the limit and quickly improved his cultivation.

After a few times of experience, Lin Mu's control over this catastrophe is also very smooth. The arrangement of the Four Immortal Emperors against him has now become Lin Mu's trump card.

I don't know if the Four Great Immortal Emperors would be so angry that they would vomit blood if they knew about this matter.

The cultivation base of the trees is rapidly improving, and the dark clouds above the head are also forming rapidly. The huge coercion of the catastrophe makes everyone in the entire Sandis breathless.


Someone pointed to the dark clouds above their heads and shouted in horror.

Heaven's punishment is indeed heaven's punishment, but it is not aimed at the trees, but at the incomparably lofty God in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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