Supreme Chef

Chapter 347

Chapter 347

Heaven's Punishment appeared in the sky above Sandis, which aroused everyone's nerves.

In the depths of the Holy See, an old man whose age is different from everyone else's robes, looked up at the thick dark clouds above his head, and his face full of grooves also showed a thoughtful expression.

"God's Punishment! Could it be that this boy really attracted it? Could it be that he has really attracted the attention of God!" the old man murmured while looking at the Heaven's Punishment above his head.

"Young Master, Heaven's Punishment has appeared in the sky above the Holy See. The situation is unknown. Should we continue to attack?" The butler of the Shrek family also told Shrek the news immediately.

Shrek frowned tightly when he heard the steward's words: "God's punishment! Are you sure it's God's punishment?"

The housekeeper also looked serious, and said: "Yes, young master, the punishment of heaven is exactly the same as in the legend. I am afraid that it will be difficult for Lin Mu to survive under the punishment of heaven. Shall we continue to attack?"

Shrek frowned, thought for a long time, and said: "Notify the attacking troops in front, stop the attack, and make the next step when the situation becomes clear."

"Yes!" The butler agreed, and disappeared into the darkness again.


"It's coming!" Lin Mu roared, and the aura of his whole body suddenly rose again.


With the skyrocketing cultivation base of the trees, Jieyun also rolled violently, and then a thick robbery thunder also fell on the head.

Jie Lei was as thick as a forearm, and he slashed straight at the trees.

Everyone in the Holy See was stunned when they saw that the thunderbolt was hitting the trees. Although they had guessed that this day's punishment was aimed at the trees, but when the day's punishment really fell, and it was really hitting the trees, Everyone in the Holy See was still a little dazed.


Just when Jie Lei was still five meters away from Lin Mu, Lin Mu suddenly showed a strange smile.

Fortunately, there are no people from the Holy See here, otherwise if someone sees Lin Mu smiling, the people from the Holy See will definitely be cold from the heart to the outside.


Just when Jielei was about to hit the forest, he suddenly made a 180-degree turn, turned in one direction in the air, and slashed towards the light ball in midair.

All of this happened so suddenly that no one in the Holy See could react.


Heaven's Punishment struck directly into the light and shadow.

Tianlei entered into the light and shadow, directly splitting the light and shadow for a while.

"Heaven's punishment is actually against the gods!"

Although there were worshipers outside the Holy See, they were stunned when they saw the sudden change.

Heaven's Punishment is a punishment from the heavens. Not only did they fail to kill the blasphemers, but they even dealt with the envoys of God. They simply couldn't turn this corner.

"Could it be that the gods split it crooked?"

But as soon as this idea appeared, the second thunder struck into the light and shadow again in the same way.


The light and shadow were scattered for a while, as if they might disappear at any time.

This time, everyone confirmed that the Heaven's Punishment was not misunderstood, but that what it really dealt with was the messenger of God.

"Heaven's Punishment actually dealt with God's messenger!"

"Did we do something wrong, this is the guidance given to us by God!"

"Is he sent by the gods to remind us of our repentance?"


Everyone who saw this scene had different thoughts in their hearts, and some even began to doubt the necessity of the existence of the Holy See.


Shrek also jumped up from his chair in shock when he heard the butler's report.

Heaven's Punishment was specially used by the Holy See to punish their dark forces in the past, but now it has changed its direction and dealt with the messenger of God.

"What's going on here?" Shrek leaned on the table, his eyes were full of puzzlement and shock.

"Master, what should we do next?" the butler asked.

Shrek forced himself to calm down, and said: "No matter what is going on, this matter is a good thing for us, we must seize the opportunity, and when everyone is shaken by the Holy See, try our best to occupied territory."

The butler nodded and said, "It's the young master!"

"Wait!" Shrek suddenly stopped, the butler who was about to leave.

"Young master, do you have any other orders?" the butler asked after stopping.

Shrek said: "Help me contact the other four families, and at the same time contact as many other families as possible, just say that I am going to Sandis and invite them to go with me."

The butler couldn't help being moved when he heard Shrek's words, and said, "Young master, this is not acceptable. The Sandis is well-defended. Even if the trees hold back most of their strength, it is not something we can occupy."

Shrek said: "I never thought of occupying Sandis, I just want to go to Sandis and leave the footprints of our dark forces in the place they think is absolutely holy."

After listening to Shrek's words, the butler also understood what Shrek meant.

Shrek didn't want to occupy Sandis, he just wanted to use this opportunity to shake the holy and noble image of the Holy See in people's hearts once again.

Doing so may not play a decisive role, but it can plant a seed for the future and shake many people's belief in the Holy See.

After thinking about it, Shrek also nodded and said, "Alright young master, I'll make arrangements now."


When the two lightning strikes struck, the light and shadow were indeed scattered a lot, but the trees were not feeling well. Although there was the help of the Lightning Array, it was after all a sky thunder and it was not a joke. Even a trace of energy exposed was enough. Lin Shu can bear it.

Fortunately, Lin Mu had the experience of relying on lightning to break through before, and the damage caused this time was much smaller than last time. Otherwise, if the two thunders came down, the light and shadow would not be scattered, and Lin Shu would have fallen first.

"My lord Pope..." An elderly cardinal came to the old man deep in the Holy See, and was about to speak when he was interrupted by the old man waving his hand.

"Needless to say, I already know."

"My lord pope, how could he manipulate the punishment of heaven! Who the hell is he?" the cardinal asked in shock.

The pope's deep eyes seemed to see the past, his eyes jumped twice violently, then he sighed, and said: "If I'm right, he should be recorded in the ancient books left by God. An oriental cultivator who has killed gods."

"People who have killed the gods! Aren't the gods supreme and never die?" The archbishop in red asked with a face full of disbelief.

The pope said: "Nothing in this world is eternal. Even the gods will perish. What's more, in the land of the East, there have been many things that we can never imagine."

The archbishop in red said, "But the East has only 5000 years of history, and the things left by our gods are far more than 5000 years old. Obviously, our gods have to surpass the history of the Eastern people."

The Pope made a self-deprecating statement, saying: "The history of 5000 years has been recorded and not recorded. Neither you nor I know how long it is. It's just that this period of history has been artificially erased. , but many signs have shown that there are many prehistoric civilizations on the eastern land, and these are existences that we cannot imagine."

The archbishop in red was also deeply shocked when he heard the Pope's words. He didn't know these histories, because only the Pope had the right to read many confidential books of the Holy See.

"Let's go!"

The Pope finally said something helplessly.

"Where are we going?" asked the cardinal.

The Pope sighed, and said, "We have already lost, do we have to wait for the dark forces to fight Sandis before going out to clean up the mess?"

(End of this chapter)

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