Supreme Chef

Chapter 349 The Depressed Pope

Chapter 349 The Depressed Pope

Lin Mu sneered when he heard the words of the six red-clothed archbishops, and said, "Okay, since you are going to work hard, just come up and see if it's you old men with tough bones, or my sky thunder is hard enough."

The Pope stared at the trees, not knowing what to calculate in his heart.

"Except for those two conditions, I can agree to any request you have." The Pope finally chose to compromise.

Lin Mu chuckled and said, "What you said is true?"

The Pope nodded helplessly and said, "Really."

Lin Mu said: "Okay, just give me the scepter in your hand, and I can give up the two conditions I put forward."

"No! The scepter is a symbol of the pope, and it cannot fall into the hands of others." The archbishop in red, who had always advocated a war, retorted again.

The pope did not expect that Lin Mu would take a fancy to the scepter in his hand.

Lin Mu's expression darkened, and he said, "I have already made the biggest concession, but you are still pressing so hard, it seems that you still want to fight!"

The pope is really depressed now and wants to vomit blood.

What does it mean that we press every step of the way? You are pushing us from the beginning to the end, and the demands you put forward are unacceptable to the Holy See. In the end, it seems that we are unreasonable.

The Pope said: "The scepter in my hand is the symbol of the Pope, and it is a sacred object passed down by previous Popes..."

Lin Mu interrupted the Pope and said, "You don't need to talk nonsense to me. Except for the two conditions you just said, any conditions are fine. If you admit that what you said is farting, I can pretend you didn't say anything!"

"My lord pope, let me kill him!" The most irritable archbishop in red took a step forward and said angrily.

"Hehe, what a lively scene, the Pope has even appeared."

Suddenly a burst of laughter came from behind, and then more than 20 people in suits walked in from outside the door.

"dark power!"

The archbishop in red who advocated for a fight was also shocked when he saw the leader Shrek.

"Hello, Huaxia's ally!" Shrek came to Lin Mu's side and greeted him warmly.

Lin Mu needs an ally at this time, although this ally has some intentions to fight the autumn wind, but Lin Mu doesn't care anymore: "Hello."

Shrek heard Lin Mu's dissatisfaction from Lin Mu's flat tone, so he said: "Mr. Lin, in fact, we have already set out on the road, but we encountered the obstruction of the Holy See along the way, so we came late, but Mr. Lin, don't worry, we are not We are here to take advantage, we are here to support our allies."

Shrek really knows how to be a human being, Lin Mu's heart is also very comfortable after these few words.

Although the pope thought that Shrek and the others would come, he didn't expect them to come so fast, and dared to enter the depths of the Holy See.

"Sinners, you have blasphemed God's place, and God will not forgive you!" The archbishop in red angrily shouted at Shrek and the others.

Shrek chuckled, and said: "I really hope your bullshit god won't forgive us, but now it seems that you are the ones who don't forgive us. Forsaken by your gods."

Shrek paused for a moment, and said: "Also, I am not as generous as my allies. There are more than 100 lambs waiting to be slaughtered in front of me, and they have all given up. If my allies are really ready to give up, I will not be polite." I took all the bills."

The Pope knew that it was Shrek threatening him again, but at this time he had absolutely nothing to do.

"Take it!" The Pope gritted his teeth and threw the scepter in his hand violently.

When Lin Mu saw the scepter thrown over, he laughed, copied it, and took it.

The scepter has been passed down by 25 generations of popes, and has already produced a little sense of self-reliance. When it is in Lin Mu's hands, it is not honest and wants to break free.

However, this weak self-awareness is nothing in Lin Mu's eyes.

Lin Mu went straight with a sword of divine consciousness, directly smashing the weak self-consciousness.

Seeing the scepter, the pope was completely honest in Lin Mu's hands, and his last hope was also shattered.

Lin Mu held the scepter in his hand, only then did he realize that the scepter was more complicated than he thought.

Lin Mu knew less than a tenth of the layers of prohibitions and formations in the scepter, and the scepter was far more than a high-grade spirit treasure.

"It's such a pity. Let the pearl be covered with dust, and put it in the hands of these birdmen, it's a waste of money!" Lin Mu thought secretly while stroking the scepter.

"You may leave now?" said the Pope.

Lin Mu said: "I am a person who keeps my word, since you have given me the scepter, I will naturally leave."

When the Pope heard that Lin Mu was finally willing to leave, he was also relieved, and said, "Then please leave immediately with your allies."

Lin Mu smiled sinisterly, and said: "I have no problem leaving, but whether my allies will leave or not has nothing to do with me, we are just allies, and I am not the leader of the alliance, so I cannot command them.

Moreover, we Huaxia people pay attention to the fact that a drop of water should be repaid by a spring, and my allies came all the way to support me.If they don't want to go, I will fight for them too. "

"You're despicable!" The pope's old face was livid.

If Shrek doesn't know how to grasp such a good opportunity, then he deserves to be suppressed by the Holy See.

Shrek looked at the more than a hundred bishops who were limp on the ground, and licked his lips bloodthirstyly: "My friends, we came all this way, we can't leave empty-handed, everyone, move freely now!"

After Shrek finished speaking, he was the first to pounce on the bishop who was closest to him.

When the others saw Shrek's movements, they rushed forward one by one.

They have been suppressed by the Holy See for too long, and they are full of anger in their hearts. How could they let go of such a great opportunity? Naturally, each of them is revenge and revenge.

The Pope and the six archbishops in red, of course, would not just watch. The people of the dark forces killed all their bishops, and jumped down from the high platform one by one to fight with the people of the dark forces.

Lin Mu kept his promise very much, and kept standing behind the battle, and did not take a step forward.

After killing twenty or thirty bishops, members of the holy knights of the Holy See also rushed over, and at the same time, the remaining eleven archbishops also rushed back from various places.

Seeing that there was no more benefit to be gained, Shrek also waved his hand, and all of them withdrew from the Holy See.

"Mr. Lin, thank you for standing up for us just now, you will always be the best ally of our Shrek family!" Although Lin Mu didn't do anything, Shrek had to say that, after all, Lin Mu's strength lay there.

Lin Mu smiled, dealt with it very hypocritically, and said: "We are allies, and we should help each other."

Shrek said: "Mr. Lin, we were able to achieve such a great victory this time, thanks to Mr. Lin's help. I want to invite Mr. Lin to my house, so that I can show my kindness as a landlord."

Lin Mu said: "No need, there are still people waiting for me at home, I will go back today."

Of course Shrek knew that Lin Mu would not be a guest at his house, so he didn't hold back, saying: "Mr. Lin, my private jet is parked at the airport outside Sandis. Mr. Lin can be my plane and go back."

Lin Mu smiled and said, "If that's the case, then I won't be polite."

Shrek took everyone together to send Lin Mu to his private jet, until the plane was far away, Shrek and the others made their own planes to go back.

This time they achieved an unimaginable victory against the Holy See, and even almost reversed the balance of power between the two parties. They must rush back to their respective families immediately and seize all the time to occupy the territory.

After a thirteen-hour journey, Lin Mu returned to Huaxia again.Shrek's plane, due to air traffic control, did not land in Binhai, but landed in Jinghua.

But whether you go to Beijing or to Binhai, it's the same for Lin Mu.

As soon as Lin Mu came out of the airport, the man in black beside Shi Jin appeared at the exit of the airport.

"Instructor Lin!"

Lin Mu was not surprised by their appearance, and he also knew that Shi Jin must have endured a lot of pressure for himself this time, so he didn't refuse, and just followed them into the car and left.

Arriving at the place where Shi Jin lived, when Shi Jin saw Lin Mu, he began to complain to Lin Mu with a mournful face.

After Shi Jin finished complaining, Lin Mu took a sip of tea and said, "Okay! Okay! Don't pretend, old fox and me. I know you helped a lot this time. I promise you to do one more thing for you." That's it."

Shi Jin's purpose was exactly this, and when he got Lin Mu's answer, Shi Jin immediately returned to his shrewd appearance.

Lin Mu looked at Shi Jin and said with a smile: "People say that women can change faces faster than turning pages, and you are faster than women!"

Shi Jin said, "When will you learn to respect the old and love the young? After all, I am also your elder."

Lin Mu said: "If you've got it, don't rely on the old to sell the old. If I had an elder like you, I would have been killed by a headshot."

Shi Jin rolled his eyes, and then asked excitedly, "Tell me, what did you gain from going to the Holy See this time?"

Although Shi Jin didn't pay much attention to the Holy See, the Holy See has always been a hidden worry in Shi Jin's heart, so if he can inflict some serious damage on the Holy See, Shi Jin would be very happy to see it.

(End of this chapter)

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