Supreme Chef

Chapter 350

Chapter 350
Lin Mu did not hide the matter of his going to the Holy See, and even if Lin Mu concealed it, he couldn't hide it. This matter has already been spread all over the sky.

After listening to Lin Mu's words, Shi Jin was also hooked.

Although Shi Jin has never experienced that catastrophe a hundred years ago, as a soldier, this Qiu Shijin has never forgotten it. If it weren't for the modern international environment, if Shi Jin was not allowed to act recklessly, Shi Jin would have sent the army long ago Called over.

But now that Lin Mu is making such a fuss, he is also venting his anger on Huaxia's behalf.

Shi Jin rubbed his hands together, and said, "I heard that you brought the Pope's scepter, too?"

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Well, he gave it to me."

Shi Jin rubbed his hands vigorously again, and said, "Can you show me?"

Lin Mu didn't hide or hide it, and took out the scepter generously.

Shi Jin looked at the exquisitely crafted Pope's scepter, his eyes were also shining, and he subconsciously stretched out his hand to the scepter in Lin Mu's hand.

Seeing that Shi Jin's hand was about to touch the scepter, Lin Mu moved his hand and took the scepter back.

"Don't be so stingy, show me, and it's not bad!" Shi Jin said with a lot of enthusiasm.

Lin Mu said: "You just said look, now you have seen it, it's fine."

Shi Jin rolled his eyes like a child, and said, "It's really stingy, and I can't let you see it badly."

Seeing that Shi Jin was acting like an old urchin, Lin Mu also laughed, and generously handed over the scepter to Shi Jin.

Shi Jin took the scepter, stroking the scepter with his bright-eyed hands.

"This is the sacred object passed down by the Western Holy See. If the dead Pope knows the sacred object passed down by them, if they come to China, I don't know if they can be revived." Shi Jin laughed loudly.

Lin Mu said: "They were revived by anger, and when they saw their disciples and grandchildren like birds, they also had to be angered to death. It's better to just die there honestly than to die."

"Yes! Yes!" Shi Jin said excitedly.

"Old man, what is this? Such a big gem!" Shen Siyun appeared out of nowhere, snatched the scepter from Shi Jin's hand, and looked at it carefully.

"Be careful, this is a holy relic inherited from the Pope of the Western Holy See, don't break it." Shi Jin told Shen Siyun.

Shen Siyun shook the scepter vigorously, and said: "If it is broken so easily, there is no need to inherit it."

Seeing Shen Siyun shaking so vigorously, Shi Jin was terrified, took the opportunity to grab it, and handed it back to Lin Mu, saying: "Instructor Lin, you should take care of this."

Lin Mu wasn't worried that Shen Siyun would break the scepter at all, if it was broken so easily, it wouldn't be worthy of his fancy.

Without the scepter, Shen Siyun entangled Lin Mu directly: "Brother Lin, I heard about what you did in the Western Holy See, tell me about it?"

Lin Mu said: "I've already told your grandpa, let your grandpa tell you."

Shen Siyun took Lin Mu's arm and said, "No, what the old man said is not vivid at all, but you, brother Lin, who have experienced it vividly."

Lin Mu glanced at Shi Jin, and said, "But your grandpa still has something to do with me?"

Shen Siyun turned his head, looked at Shi Jin viciously, and said, "Old man, do you have anything to do with Big Brother Lin?"

Shi Jin didn't dare to offend this little witch, so he hurriedly said, "It's okay, you two go out and play, I have to deal with those old stubborn diplomats."

Shen Siyun excitedly agreed, and said, "Old man, I drove out in your car."

After speaking of Shen Siyun, like a gust of wind, he grabbed Lin Mu and left Shi Jin's room.

After the two left Shi Jin's room, Shen Siyun directly pulled Lin Shu to the front of an antique army green jeep.

"Is this your old man's special car?" Lin Mu looked at the old car and said.

Shen Siyun opened the car door and said: "Don't look at this car as old, but it has strong power, and it's also bulletproof, even bombs can be stopped."

Lin Mu also got into the co-pilot's seat and sat down. After the two sat down, Shen Siyun said, "Brother Lin, can I ask you something?"

"No!" Lin Mu didn't give Shen Siyun a chance at all, so he directly refused.

Shen Siyun pursed her lips and said, "Brother Lin, you didn't even listen to what I asked you to do, so you refused."

Lin Mu said: "I know you too well, you have nothing good to do except use me as a weapon."

Shen Siyun said, "Is this how I look in your eyes?"

Lin Mu leaned his head back and said, "Actually, it's worse than this image?"

When Shen Siyun heard this, she pursed her lips dissatisfiedly, and said, "How can they be so bad?"

Lin Mu looked at Shen Siyun's delicate appearance, and felt pity in his heart, and said: "Okay, I was wrong, your image is very tall, okay, if you don't leave, the sun will already set."

When Shen Siyun heard Lin Mu's words, he laughed through his tears and said, "Today I will invite you to have a big meal."

Lin Mu said: "Let's talk about it first, whether your big meal is good or not, if it's good, I'll go, if it's not good, I'll get off the car now."

Shen Siyun said: "You don't need to make a move this time, you just need to help me hold the line."

After listening to Shen Siyun's words, Lin Mu asked curiously, "Who on earth is so blind that he dares to mess with you, a little witch?"

Shen Siyun gritted his teeth and said: "You just need to know that you are a very annoying person, and you think it's great that you have a few filthy money."

Lin Mu said: "When he offended you, he definitely didn't know who you were?"

Shen Siyun smiled cunningly, and said: "If he knows, wouldn't it be fun?"

Lin Mu looked at Shen Siyun's sly smile, and could only pray for that unlucky guy.

Shen Siyun drove, and an hour later, the two arrived at a very high-end western restaurant that serves Italian food.

The parking lot in front of the western restaurant is full of luxury cars worth more than one million yuan. When Shen Siyun's old car came, it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Shen Siyun turned the car into the parking lot, spotted a Mercedes-Benz S350 without even thinking about it, and rammed into it.


The two cars came into close contact, although the classic car driven by Shen Siyun was broken, it was indeed strong enough.

After such a collision, the classic car did not do much good, and the Mercedes-Benz's rear buttocks sank into a large piece.


Immediately, a piercing siren sounded in the parking lot, and the security guards immediately surrounded him when they saw this.

Shen Siyun didn't resist at all, and got off the car, showing a flustered and aggrieved look, and said, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't do it on purpose, and I'm willing to compensate!"

The security guard saw a beautiful woman driving the car, and the beauty confessed her mistake as soon as she got out of the car, so the security guard naturally couldn't embarrass Shen Siyun.

The security guard said: "You wait here, I'll go inside to find the owner of the car, as for how to compensate, you two can discuss it."

Shen Siyun nodded in panic.

The security guards went back and forth quickly, and with the security guards came out a young man just like the LV display stand.

"Who hit my car, stand up and let me see!" The young man yelled arrogantly as soon as he came.

The security guard pointed at Shen Siyun and said, "It's that young lady."

It's good that the young man didn't see Shen Siyun, but when he saw Shen Siyun, he immediately became furious and said, "Stinky bitch, are you deliberately finding fault?"

Shen Siyun put on a frightened look, hid behind the security guard, and said, "Brother security guard..."

The security guard is also a man, so he will not let go of such a good opportunity for a hero to save the beauty: "Sir, please calm down! We have something to talk about!"

"Say your mother|force, get out of my way, if you don't get out, I'll beat you too." The young man shouted arrogantly.

Lin Mu sat in the car and looked at this. The young man who looked like the LV display rack also shook his head helplessly. It is no wonder that such an arrogant person is not unlucky.

At this moment, a figure familiar to Lin Mu also appeared in the parking lot.

Seeing this figure, the young man also gave up entanglement with the security guard, and immediately chased after him. He changed into a completely different look, and said like a pug, "Jiahui, where are you going? We haven't finished talking yet!"

Tong Jiahui obviously didn't like this young man very much, she shook her hand in disgust, and was about to get into her car, but was held back by the young man.


There was another loud noise, and the classic car hit the Mercedes-Benz again, this time even harder, directly knocking off the rear of the Mercedes-Benz.

(End of this chapter)

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