Supreme Chef

Chapter 355 The Monk Behind the Temple

Chapter 355 The Monk Behind the Temple

Guangyou Temple is one of the most famous temples in Fengyang, and it has existed for a long time. It can be traced back to the Eastern Han Dynasty. It can be regarded as the first batch of temples where Buddhism was introduced to China.

There is an endless stream of people who come to Guangyou Temple every day to worship and pray for blessings.Among them, Songzi Guanyin is said to be miraculous, so it is no wonder that Wu Li will come here to pray for blessings.

When Lin Mu arrived at Guangyou Temple, it was ten o'clock in the morning, which happened to be the busiest time for Guangyou Temple.

Following the crowd, Lin Shu entered Guangyou Temple smoothly.

However, after entering the temple, Lin Mu avoided the crowds and went to places where there were few people.

Although Lin Mu didn't know who cast the spell on Wu Li, but Lin Mu knew that this person would not dare to come blatantly, and could only cast spells in secret.

For an hour, Lin Mu searched Guangyou Temple, all corners and places that few people paid attention to, but found nothing.

Returning to the original place, Lin Mu's brows were also frowned. He didn't believe that the person who cast the spell knew that he had cracked the lower head for Wu Li, and then fled. This person must still be in the temple, but he hadn't discovered it yet. .

Lin Mu also wanted to use his spiritual sense to find this person, but the area of ​​Guangyou Temple was too large, which was beyond the perception range of Lin Mu's spiritual sense.

After standing still and thinking for a while, Lin Mu finally decided to search again along the route Wu Li had walked.

Lin Mu arrived soon, and Wu Li came to Guangyou Temple's destination one day to send her son to Guanyin Hall.

The Songzi Guanyin of Guangyou Temple is said to be so magical that tens of thousands of pilgrims come here every day.

Following the pilgrim into the Songzi Guanyin Hall, Lin Mu's expression shook as soon as he stepped in, and at the same time, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Benefactor, are you here to ask for a child for yourself, or for someone else?" Lin Mu came to the front of Guanyin, and immediately a monk came up to ask.

Lin Mu glanced at the monk and said, "I'm looking for someone!"

The monk was taken aback for a moment, but he still asked politely: "I don't know who the benefactor is looking for?"

Lin Mu sneered, and said, "I'm looking for the person hiding behind Songzi Guanyin."

Hearing Lin Mu's words, the monk's expression changed drastically, he took a step back, looked at Lin Mu warily, and said, "Who are you?"

Lin Mu said: "I'm the one who came to take his life."

After talking about Lin Mu, he didn't even give the monk the opportunity to report the news, so he went up and knocked the monk unconscious.

Lin Mu's movements were very fast. The people who came in with Lin Mu just felt that once the wind passed, they didn't see anyone at all, and no one noticed. The monk had already passed out on his chair.

Lin Mu avoided everyone and went around behind Songzi Guanyin.

After just scanning around, Lin Mu saw the secret door on the back of Songzi Guanyin.

Lin Mu directly used spiritual energy to destroy the secret door from the inside, then opened the secret door and walked in directly.

This Buddha statue of Sending Avalokitesvara is 15 meters high and nearly 50 meters in circumference. It is hollow inside, but it is quite spacious inside.

There are lights inside, so the light is good.

After walking two steps and turning a corner, Lin Mu saw a large bed in the center, and at this time a monk with a totem-like tattoo on his body was lying on a comatose woman, working hard , and his hands were not idle, holding a huge snow-white hair in one hand.

"It's such a Guanyin who is sending a child. When others are asking for a child outside, you can give it away inside." Lin Mu looked at the monk who was working hard, and said with a sneer.


Hearing Lin Mu's voice, the monk immediately stopped cultivating and jumped off the bed at the same time, regardless of whether he was naked or not, he turned his head and looked at Lin Mu vigilantly.

When the monk turned around, Lin Mu knew why the monk could only stay here.

On the monk's face, there was a knife mark from his forehead to his chin, and for some unknown reason, one side of his body was completely dark and out of shape.

It's no wonder that this kind of honor scares away the pilgrims when they go outside.

"Who are you? How did you come in?" The monk's feet were slightly spread apart, and at the same time, his arms were secretly accumulating strength, ready to attack the forest at any time.

Lin Mu didn't even look at whether the monk was about to attack him, and said flatly: "Where I want to come in, there is no one who can stop me yet."

After speaking, Lin Mu looked at the spacious interior of Songzi Guanyin, and said, "Why is Guangyou Temple a thousand-year-old temple, and why has it become a place where filth and filth are hidden, with scum and scum like you appearing."

The monk suddenly broke out and said, "You can go to hell to ask this question!"

The monk's speed and explosive power are extremely strong, and his cultivation base is also extremely high. He is already at the peak of the Xuan level, and he may enter the existence of the earth level at any time. Moreover, the internal energy fluctuations on the monk's body are very strange.

You say it is inner qi, but it is not, and it has some characteristics of aura.Call it spiritual energy, but it is not pure spiritual energy, in short it is very heterogeneous and filthy.

Lin Mu didn't even look at the monk, he just raised his hand, and a wind blade shot out, going straight to the monk's chest.

The monk who was in mid-air suddenly tightened his eyes when he saw Lin Shu's movement, and then twisted his body at an unbelievable angle in the air, avoiding Lin Shu's wind blade.

Seeing that the monk could control his body so well in the air, Lin Mu also nodded slightly.

After the monk landed, he didn't stop, rolled back, opened the distance between him and the trees, and said with a shocked face: "You are a cultivator!"

Lin Mu was slightly surprised when he heard the monk's words, and said, "You still know about cultivators?"

When the monk heard Lin Mu's words, there was a trace of panic in his eyes, and he said, "Are you really a cultivator?"

Lin Mu laughed and said, "Could it be that you think that there is only one cultivator in this world?"

Lin Mu also noticed at this time that this monk is also a cultivator.It's just that I don't know if it's a problem with his cultivation method, or because of his personal intentions. His cultivation is a bit nondescript, like ancient martial arts and true cultivation, so the aura in his body is so mixed.

The monk stared at Lin Mu, hesitated for a second, and suddenly knelt down to Lin Mu: "Shangxian, forgive me, I can't do anything here, please let me go, I promise to change from evil to good."

The monk suddenly gave himself such a blow, and Lin Mu was also a little unprepared.

"Give me death!"

What the monk was waiting for was Lin Mu's blow. He suddenly jumped up from the ground, kicked his feet on the ground, and directly attacked Lin Mu's lower body.

"Dogs can't change eating shit!" Lin Mu sneered, raised his foot, and stepped directly on the monk's big bald head.


The monk seemed to have expected that Lin Mu would do this, and when he raised his hand, a black light flashed.


Lin Mu snorted coldly, stretched out his hand and grabbed the thing thrown by the monk.

This black light melted in his hand, and immediately penetrated into Lin Shu's arm.

At the same time, the monk's attack had already arrived, Lin Mu didn't have time to think about it, and kicked the monk out.


The monk avoided his head, and Lin Mu kicked him on the shoulder.

Although it was kicked on the shoulder, Lin Mu's kick was not something he could bear.


With a crisp sound, Lin Shu directly shattered the monk's shoulder blades.


The monk rolled back, spat out a mouthful of blood, and half of his arm was limp and loose.

However, although the monk was severely injured by Lin Shu, he had an arrogant and wild smile on his face: "Boy, you have already fallen into my witchcraft. If you want to survive, hand over your cultivation skills, and I can spare your life!"

Lin Mu looked at the monk with a cold smile, and with a wave of his hand, a ball of black gas appeared on Lin Mu's hand. If you look carefully, you will see that there seems to be living things moving in the ball of black gas. , but was imprisoned by the trees, unable to move.

"Is this what you said?"

" you..." The monk looked at the black gas in Lin Mu's hand, his eyes widened, and he couldn't utter a complete sentence.

A mass of foundation building fire appeared in Lin Shu's hand, and then threw the black gas directly into the flame.


As the gas entered the flames, there was an ear-piercing chirp, but the chirp stopped abruptly after only a moment.

The monk looked at the flame in Lin Mu's hand, his face was as pale as white paper, and he said tremblingly, " a foundation-builder!"

(End of this chapter)

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