Supreme Chef

Chapter 356 The wicked have their own grind

Chapter 356 The wicked have their own grind

Lin Mu looked at the monk and said, "You are quite discerning, and you can tell that I am a foundation-builder."

"Shangxian, spare your life! Shangxian, spare your life!" The monk was really scared this time, and knelt on the ground like a kowtow.

It was just a coincidence that he obtained a remnant of a self-cultivation technique. After practicing for so many years, he was only able to practice Qi at the fifth level.

Lin Mu is already a foundation-building cultivator, regardless of how many layers of foundation-building Lin Mu is, it is not something he can compete with.

Lin Mu looked at the monk, and didn't have time to talk nonsense with him, so he asked directly: "A few days ago, you cast a spell on a girl, who instructed you?"

The monk knelt on the ground and asked timidly, "I have cast spells on many girls. I don't know which girl the God is talking about?"

Lin Mu snorted coldly when he heard the monk's words, and said, "You have committed a lot of evil, you should have gone to hell long ago!"

The monk said: "Shangxian, spare your life! Shangxian, spare your life! I never harm people. I hide here and cast spells. I only give birth to some believers and women. I have not done any evil things."

After listening to the monk's words, Lin Mu finally understood why the Songzi Guanyin Temple in Guangyou Temple was so effective.

There is a cultivator who practiced Qi at the fifth level, and he did some small tricks in it, so it would be difficult not to get popular here.

Lin Mu sneered, and said, "So you still do good deeds?"

The monk didn't dare to talk, he just knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.

Lin Mu said coldly, "I'm not asking you about the ones you gave away, I'm asking about you casting a curse on a girl!"

When the monk heard Lin Mu's words, his body trembled involuntarily.

Lin Mu saw the performance of the monk, and said: "Remember it."

The monk kowtowed and begged for mercy: "Shangxian, spare your life! Shangxian, spare your life! I also take people's money to eliminate disasters for others. I really don't know. He is your friend, Shangxian. If I know that she is Shangxian, you My friend, no matter what I say, I dare not cast spells on her."

Lin Mu said coldly: "Tell me, who ordered you."

A trace of hesitation flashed in the monk's eyes, he knelt on the ground and did not immediately answer Lin Mu's words.

With a wave of Lin Mu's hand, a foundation-building fire appeared in Lin Mu's hands. While playing with the foundation-building fire, Lin Mu said playfully, "Do you think the person who instigated you scares you more? It's me." It scares you a little more."

The monk looked at the foundation-building fire in Lin Mu's hand, and his body trembled involuntarily: "I say! I say!"

Lin Mu said: "Then hurry up!"

The monk said: "Boss Wu from Minjiang Catering asked me to do it."

Lin Mu smiled, came to the monk, patted the monk's shoulder, and said, "Isn't it good if we cooperate so early?"

The monk didn't dare to answer, but just knelt on the ground and shivered.

After clapping twice, Lin Mu stood up and said: "You have done some good deeds, so I don't want your dog's life, but I have abolished your cultivation base, and you don't want to think about cultivation in the future, because you I can't practice anymore."

Lin Mu finished speaking lightly, turned around and walked out.

When Lin Mu left, the monk was limp on the ground, drenched in cold sweat, even though there were still three pussies lying on the bed, the monk couldn't be interested at all.

After leaving Guangyou Temple, Lin Mu returned directly to Fumanlou.

Seeing Lin Mu coming back, four people surrounded him, Fang Nan was the first to ask, "How is the investigation of the uncle?"

Lin Mudao: "Do you have any festival with Mr. Wu from Minjiang?"

Fang Nan thought about it carefully, and said, "Minjiang is just a mid-range hotel in Fengyang. Although it is a little famous, it is limited, and there is no conflict of interest with us."

Lin Mu glanced at Wu Li, who turned pale when he heard Min Jiang, and said, "You know that President Wu?"

Hearing Lin Mu's words, Fang Nan turned his head to look at Wu Li who had a strange expression, and said, "Lili, do you know that President Wu?"

Wu Li bit her lip, nodded and said, "Wu from Minjiang is always my uncle."

"Your uncle? Why haven't you mentioned it to me?" Fang Nan was also very surprised when he heard Wu Li's words.

Because Wu Li kept telling herself that she had no father or mother, she was an orphan, and she had been in the orphanage since she was a child, why now suddenly an uncle appeared.

Wu Li bit her lip, remained silent for a moment, and said, "Actually speaking, he should be my adoptive father."


Then for the first time, Wu Li told everyone about her life experience.

Wu Li is indeed an orphan, but she was lucky and was adopted when she was young, and her adoptive father has a very good family background, which also allowed Wu Li to receive a good education since she was a child.

Wu Li is also very grateful to her adoptive father.However, what happened later allowed Wu Li to fully recognize the true face of his adoptive father.

Because his adoptive father not only tried to rape| rape her, but even wanted to marry her.

Wu Li couldn't stand her adoptive father, so she ran away from her adoptive father. Later, she entered Fumanlou and met Fang Nan.

After hearing about Wu Li's situation, everyone couldn't help but be moved.

Xu Mei was filled with righteous indignation, and said, "What a beast. It seems that he didn't have good intentions when he adopted you from the very beginning. The existence of such a beast in this world is simply an insult to human beings!"

Fang Nan hugged Wu Li's shoulders tightly, and said, "Why didn't you tell me about things like Lili? We will be husband and wife soon, so there is nothing we can't say. I said that no matter what happens, , I am willing to bear it with you!"

Wu Li looked at Fang Nan, her eyes were red, and she nodded emotionally.

Fang Nan stretched out his hand, wiped away Wu Li's tears, and said, "Don't cry, I promised you that I won't make you cry again."

Wu Li nodded vigorously and said, "Yes! I remember."

"Okay, you two, stop showing your affection in front of us!" Xu Mei said tremblingly.

Fang Nan and Wu Li also blushed when they heard this, and lowered their heads shyly.

Yu Yaqing said: "Lili, your adoptive father probably won't deal with you like this just because you reject his unreasonable ideas. He might even put you to death?"

Wu Lidao: "Last month, he told me that he hoped that Fumanlou could buy his Minjiang, and he also asked me to make a deal so that his Minjiang could be purchased at a price two or three times higher than the market price."

"Actually, the Minjiang who bought him didn't say anything. It's just that I investigated and found that his Minjiang is already heavily in debt. He is addicted to gambling and has already mortgaged Minjiang. He owes a lot of debts outside. , if we buy his Minjiang, we will inevitably bear a big burden. It will even affect the operation of our Fumanlou, so I directly rejected him."

Xu Mei became ruthless, and said: "That's right, he must be holding a grudge because of this incident, not only wanting your life, but also wanting our Fumanlou to go bankrupt, such a beast, we must let him experience the ruin of his family." It feels like he has a long memory."

Fang Nan glanced at Wu Li, but did not comment.

He said before that if he knew who killed Wu Li, he would definitely kill that person himself.

But now this person's identity is a little different.Although he has hurt Wu Li, he is Wu Li's adoptive father after all, and he has the grace to nurture Wu Li.

Wu Li looked at Fang Nan, and naturally understood what Fang Nan was worried about.

Wu Li sighed, and said: "Although he has been kind to me in nurturing me, I have helped him found Minjiang all these years, and I have repaid his kindness in nurturing him. Now he is doing it on his own, how do you want to deal with him?" , how to deal with him."

Xu Mei obviously also realized that what she just said was a bit exaggerated, and she was also a little embarrassed.

Lin Mu saw that everyone remained silent, and said, "Leave this matter to me. I have the best way to deal with such villains."

Xu Mei said, "What can you do?"

Lin Mu chuckled, and said, "You don't have to worry about this, the wicked have their own grind. To deal with such a wicked person, I, the wicked person, are the most suitable."

(End of this chapter)

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