Supreme Chef

Chapter 357 Take You to Be a Villain

Chapter 357 Take You to Be a Villain
After hearing Lin Mu's words, Xu Mei said with great interest, "Then you villain, how are you going to deal with him?"

Lin Mu said mysteriously: "Secret."

Wu Li bit her lip, hesitated for a moment, and said: "Uncle, if you can spare his life, try to spare his life as much as possible, after all, he has been kind to me in nurturing me."

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Do I look so much like a murderer? When did I say that I would kill him, and for such a person, you let him die, isn't it too cheap for him?"

Xu Mei agreed, saying: "Yes, for this kind of scum, killing them directly is equivalent to freeing him, and it will also dirty my hands."

After finishing speaking, Xu Mei comforted Wu Li and said, "For such a scumbag, Lili, you don't have to be too soft-hearted. He can bear to kill you, so what are you worrying about for him?"

Wu Li nodded after hearing Xu Mei's words.

Lin Mu said to Fang Nan, "Fang Nan and Wu Li's body has just recovered, you should take her down to rest first."

Fang Nan nodded, then supported Wu Li and went to rest first.

After Fang Nan left, Xu Mei approached Lin Mu and said, "Say! How are you going to deal with that scumbag!"

Seeing that Xu Mei was almost sticking to his body, Lin Mu also coughed, wanting to remind Xu Mei that Yu Yaqing is still here, not enough Xu Mei obviously didn't have this awareness, and forced Lin Mu to the corner step by step, Said: "Speak! What are you going to do?"

Lin Mu said: "Since you are so curious, then you can go with me."

Xu Mei smiled and said: "It's just what I want, Yaqing, do you want to go and see it together?"

Yu Yaqing shook her head and said: "The turmoil has just passed, the store will reopen, and there is still a lot of work to be done, you go."

When Xu Mei heard Yu Yaqing's words, she also showed a trace of apology, and said, "I'm sorry, Yaqing was my negligence. Let's stay and take care of these troublesome things together. Let this bad guy do it himself."

Yu Yaqing smiled and said: "It's okay. In fact, I just asked everyone to prepare for the business, and then check the accounts. As for the public relations, I have to wait for you to do it. You can go with Lin Mu first." , just relax."

Xu Mei thought for a while, and said, "Okay. After I come back, I will contact the media and find a few Feng Shui masters to clarify that our Feng Shui is okay."

Yu Yaqing nodded, and said: "Okay, then you go, I will go to work first."

After Lin Mu and Xu Mei arrived at the parking lot and got into the car, Xu Mei looked at Lin Mu with a guilty face, and said jealously: "Why do I feel sorry for your sister Qing, why don't I ask your sister Qing to accompany you go."

Lin Mu smiled, and said, "You think Sister Qing is as crazy as you, even if I let her go, she won't go."

Xu Mei said sourly, "I didn't see it, do you know Sister Qing quite well?"

Lin Mu gave a smirk, and said, "I not only know Sister Qing, but also you."

Xu Mei gave Lin Mu a white look, and said, "Rogue!"

Lin Mu said: "Don't you just like me as a hooligan?"

Xu Mei glared at Lin Mu, and said, "According to what you said, I like a lot of people, and there are a lot of people who want to play hooligans on me every day."

Lin Mu said: "Hey! Little girl, you haven't rented a house for three days, do you dare to talk back to me?"

Xu Mei looked at Lin Mu provocatively, and said, "I'll talk back, what can you do to me? You hit me?"

Lin Mu raised his hand, looked at Xu Mei's charming little mouth, and said with a smirk, "Your little mouth is still useful, so I won't slap you, keep it for now."

"You..." Hearing Lin Mu's words, Xu Mei immediately thought of what happened that night, her pretty face flushed involuntarily.

The two quarreled in the car for a while, Lin Mu said: "Okay, let's drive quickly, or it will be dark in a while."

Xu Mei started her car and said, "I think Yaqing should have discovered something?"

Lin Mudao: "Sister Qing is a smart person, she just doesn't say anything, and I think Sister Qing is adjusting her thoughts bit by bit, trying to synchronize with me.

And I felt guilty just now, because I felt that Sister Qing gave too much, and I gave too little.It's not because I feel guilty about being with you behind Sister Qing's back. "

After listening to Lin Mu's words, Xu Mei was inexplicably relieved, and said, "Hmph, if you feel guilty of being with me, I will definitely kill you."

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Do you feel comfortable now?"

Lin Mu had already seen that Xu Mei was feeling uncomfortable, but he explained it immediately, but Xu Mei was not easy to accept it.

For women, you must master their psychology, so that when you coax them, you will be able to do everything to your advantage.

Xu Mei gave Lin Mu a white look, and said, "It's more or less the same."

After a pause, Xu Mei also said with some guilt: "When you say that, I think I am far behind Yaqing. Yaqing is much more generous than me."

Lin Mu took Xu Mei's hand and said: "In my heart, all of you are the same, you are all equally important, regardless of priority, for any one of you, I am willing to give my all .”

Xu Mei sniffled, and said, "It's necrotic, he's driving, why say such touching words."

Lin Mu smiled and scratched Xu Mei's nose, and said, "Okay, let's go, I'll take you to have some fun."

Following Lin Mu's instructions, Xu Mei drove the car to the Iron Fist Group's residence.

Lin Mu called Qiao Xuebing and Tie Zhanshan at the gate of the station, and within a few minutes they arrived at the gate of the station.

"Sister, why are you here?" Qiao Xuebing was a little surprised when he saw Xu Mei.

Xu Mei gave Qiao Xuebing a white look, and said, "Why can't I come?"

Qiao Xuebing glanced at it, and Lin Mu said, "No! No! I mean, why did you come with Big Brother Lin?"

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Your sister and I are here, what's wrong?"

Qiao Xuebing touched his head and smiled, "Okay! Of course!"

Tie Zhanshan said: "Brother Lin, you asked us to come out, is there another battle to be fought? We heard at home that you are killing all directions in the Holy See, and your hands are already itchy."

Lin Mu said: "I'm not looking for you today to fight, but to take you to be villains."

"Evil!" Qiao Xuebing and Tie Zhanshan asked in unison.

Lin Mu said: "You two go back and drive, let's talk while walking."

"it is good!"

After Qiao Xuebing drove over, Lin Mu and Xu Mei also got into Qiao Xuebing's car.

On the way, Lin Mu briefly explained the matter to Qiao Xuebing and Tie Zhanshan.

"Brother Lin, just say what we need to do?" Qiao Xuebing said indignantly.

Lin Mu said: "I have already said, I will take you to be villains."

"Xue Bing, you should check first. The property situation of Mr. Wu, especially his debts, the more detailed the better."

Qiao Xuebing said: "This is easy to handle, I'll have someone check it now."

Ten minutes later, all of Mr. Wu's property information was sent to Qiao Xuebing's cell phone.

Lin Mu looked at Mr. Wu's property situation, and only then did he realize how good a gambler he was.

In the past few years, he gambled and lost a total of more than 4000 million.Minjiang has already been mortgaged by him to two financing companies other than the bank.

And now the two financing companies have already forced them to come to collect their debts, but this Mr. Wu is a scoundrel, so the two companies have nothing to do, they can't really kill him.

Lin Mu thought about it after reading it, and called Liang Bing directly.

When Liang Bing received Lin Mu's call, he was also overjoyed. When he heard that Lin Mu wanted to see him, he was even more pissed, and he was waiting for Lin Mu at the intersection early.

"Brother Lin! Brother Qiao! Brother Tie! Sister Mei!"

Liang Bing asked Lin Mu after greeting him for a while, "Brother Lin, what do you want from me?"

Lin Mu said: "It's easy to do this time, do what you're used to, Brother Lin will take you to be a villain."

After speaking, Lin Mu reported the names of the two financing companies to Liang Bing, and said, "Do you know these two financing companies?"

Liang Bing shook his head and said, "I don't care much about these things anymore. I'll ask Ah Dong, he should know."

Liang Bing called A Dong, and within a minute, the news came back. It turned out that the two loan companies were under the protection of the Wild Wolf Gang.

Lin Mu said: "It's easy to handle. You tell Ah Dong to ask him to ask for debts. It doesn't matter whether it's illegal or not. As long as you don't kill people, you can do anything!"

(End of this chapter)

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