Supreme Chef

Chapter 358 This is the villain

Chapter 358 This is the villain

After listening to Lin Mu's words, Liang Bing smiled and said, "This is easy to handle. A Dong is the best at this. I'll call A Dong right now and ask him to bring a few people there."

Lin Mu nodded, and said: "Remember, it's okay, just don't let him die. Let him never dare to go back to Fengyang for the rest of his life, and make him tremble at the thought of Fengyang."

Liang Bing smiled cruelly, and said: "Brother Lin, don't worry, I not only made him shudder at the thought of Fengyang, but I also made him shudder at the thought of Huaxia."

Qiao Xuebing said, "Brother Lin, Liang Bing has done this, so what are we going to do?"

Lin Mu said: "We were originally prepared to be villains, but now someone has become a villain, so let's just go to the theater."

Liang Bing said with a smile: "It's our job to be villains, let you pretend, maybe you don't look like it, you just watch the show."

Tie Zhanshan also patted Qiao Xuebing on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Let's take a good look at how a villain behaves. I've been a good person all my life, but I haven't seen a villain before."

After Tie Zhanshan finished speaking, everyone burst into laughter.

The five people originally wanted to sit and watch in the cafe opposite the Minjiang River, but they couldn't see the inside from the outside. After thinking about it, they decided to go inside the Minjiang River to enjoy it.

Five people chose the best place to watch the performance in the lobby, and then ordered a table of dishes.

Ten minutes later, Ah Dong arrived with someone.Seeing Liang Bing and Lin Mu sitting together, A Dong was about to come over to say hello, but Liang Bing stared back at him.

When A Dong saw Liang Bing's eyes, he immediately understood, nodded silently, and then led him upstairs.

It didn't take long for Adong and the others to go upstairs when the sound of "jingle ding dong dong" was heard upstairs.

In less than 2 minutes, a middle-aged man with disheveled hair, a broken spectacles, and bruises at the corners of his eyes rolled down the stairs into the hall.

" did you hit someone?" The middle-aged man said fearfully, covering his swollen cheeks.

Brother Dong shook his fat body, walked up to the middle-aged man in two steps, grabbed him off the ground, and said, "Hit you! I beat you because I value you. I will give you two hours, but I can't get it out." 4000 million, I will give you a finger every 10 minutes."

"You... how dare you do this, it's against the law." The middle-aged man said, looking at Brother Dong in fear.

Brother Dong lifted the middle-aged man, looked at the people in the hall, and yelled, "I'm going to work in the underworld. I don't care about the people involved. I'm not responsible for getting blood."

After a pause, Brother Dong's eyes froze, and he said, "And I'll warn you, whoever dares to call the police, don't blame me for making trouble for you. I have already made people remember what each of you looks like. If there are policemen Come, even if I turn Fengyang over, I will find you all!"

After Brother Dong finished speaking, the people in the hall fled the hall faster than a rabbit.

Tie Zhanshan stabbed Qiao Xuebing and said, "See, this is the villain, learn from it."

It was also the first time Qiao Xuebing saw it, and he was very interested.

After everyone ran away, only Lin Mu was left at the table. Brother Dong asked his staff to go down and call all the hotel staff over.

Brother Dong pointed to the middle-aged man and said, "Your boss owes me more than 4000 million. He is already heavily loaded and ready to run away. You should have not paid wages for more than two months, right? "

"So the boss owes you money?"

"No wonder we haven't been paid wages for three months!"


Brother Dong was very satisfied with this state, and said: "I'm here to ask for the bill. As long as you cooperate, when I ask for the money, I will pay you wages immediately."

"We cooperate with you!" A foreman immediately stood up and responded.

Brother Dong nodded and said: "Okay, very good! You can call it a day and go home, and come to collect your salary tomorrow morning. But I will say the ugly things first, and if someone dares to call the police, I will not show mercy.

And I'm not afraid to tell you that even if you call the police, it's useless.On the contrary, it will waste your lives in vain, so I advise you, those who know the current affairs are the heroes. "

Minjiang employees nodded repeatedly, promising not to call the police.

Seeing that his employees had also left, the middle-aged man was completely desperate, but he rolled his eyes and saw that there was still a table of guests eating, and he was immediately full of hope.

But before he could speak, Brother Dong slapped him and slapped him over: "What are you looking at! You still have 10 minutes!"

The middle-aged man was slapped and said in horror: "Didn't you just say there are two hours left?"

Brother Dong slapped him again, and said, "As long as I said, it will be as long as it is. Now you have 10 minutes."

The middle-aged man was really scared of being beaten by Brother Dong, and said shyly: "But if you ask me to pay back the money, you have to give me time to raise money, right?"

Brother Dong patted the middle-aged man's well-maintained face, and said, "I've given you a long time, but it's a pity that you didn't cherish it. Now you have 5 minutes, and you can't get 4000 million. Pay it back with your fingers."

The middle-aged man, when he heard Brother Dong's words, his face turned pale with fright, and he said tremblingly: "I still have Minjiang River! I will pay Minjiang River to you!"

Brother Dong sneered, and said, "Do you think I'm a three-year-old kid? Minjiang, you've already mortgaged it to the bank, how can you pay me back?"

The middle-aged man said: "No! No! I pledged to the bank a forged certificate. It was still here with me, so I will give it to you now."

Brother Dong didn't expect that there would be an unexpected surprise, so he also laughed and said: "I didn't expect you to be quite smart, so tell me where the things are, and I'll send someone to get them."

The middle-aged man said: "I hid the thing in a very secret place. can't find it."

Brother Dong slapped him again, and said, "You think I'm stupid, or you think you're an idiot, and asked him for a finger!"

"Don't...don't...I'll tell you! I'll tell you! It's in a safe in a villa in my suburban area." The middle-aged man said hastily.

Brother Dong smiled and said, "Another surprise. I didn't expect you to have a villa in the suburbs. We don't know about it. It happens to be used as interest. Leopard, you take your two brothers to find something, and call me as soon as you find it."

A young bastard with dyed yellow hair immediately left with two of his subordinates after receiving the order.

Brother Dong glanced at Liang Bing and the others inadvertently, and smiled at the middle-aged man: "Mr. Wu, I think it will take a while for my brothers to find them. Why don't we play a game?"

The middle-aged man said tremblingly, "Play... play, what game?"

Brother Dong said: "It's a very simple game. We call it Hot Kidney Flower. I don't know if Mr. Wu has this dish."

"Fire... fiery waist!"

Brother Dong nodded and said: "This dish is actually very easy to make. I will take a whip and whip it on you one after another, tearing your skin apart. Think about it, does it look like a hot dish?" waist flower."

The face of the middle-aged man was so frightened that there was no blood at all. He curled up all over and said, "I...I didn't, did I give you everything? Why do you still..."

Brother Dong said: "I said again that if you pay back the money, I won't beat you? Apart from being beaten, you can only pray that there will be no traffic jams on their roads. Otherwise, as much time as they delay, you will be whipped as much as possible."

Tie Zhanshan said to Qiao Xuebing: "Learn! Learn! When you catch spies and enemies in the future, just deal with them like this. Don't use such tricks every day. Look at the names they gave!"

Qiao Xuebing was also a little excited and said: "En! Captain, I will remember. Liang Bing, let Brother Dong change a few more tricks, and I will study hard."

Although Xu Mei was curious about how Lin Mu would deal with Wu Li's adoptive father, she still couldn't stand such a bloody and violent scene. She gave Qiao Xuebing a look and said, "You learn better, don't learn such perverted methods."

Qiao Xuebing laughed and said, "Sister! Don't worry, I'm just learning the methods of this pervert, and I won't learn myself to be a pervert."

Lin Mu glanced at Xu Mei and said, "Sister Mei, if you're not used to it, I'll send you back first."

Xu Mei really couldn't bear it, especially when she heard Wu Li's adoptive father screaming like a pig being killed, she didn't dare to look up at all.

Lin Mu said to the others, "I'll leave this place to you, as long as you don't kill me, you can do whatever you want. I'll send Sister Mei back first!"

Liang Bing said, "Brother, don't worry, we will be careful."

Lin Mu nodded, then got up and left with Xu Mei.

While Lin Mu got up to leave, Liang Bing and Qiao Xuebing gathered together to discuss any new tricks.

"There are also sugar-fried chestnuts!"

"Ants on a tree!"


Lin Mu heard that this one had a perverted name, and knowing Wu Li's adoptive father, he would never dare to go back to Huaxia in his life.

(End of this chapter)

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