Supreme Chef

Chapter 359 Confession

Chapter 359 Confession
After Lin Mu and Xu Mei left Minjiang, Xu Mei suggested: "This place is not far from Fumanlou, let's walk back together."

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Okay!"

Anyway, Yu Yaqing knew about it, so Xu Mei didn't have to worry about anything anymore, she just took Lin Mu's arm and walked slowly along the road like a couple.

"Are you leaving again?" Xu Mei suddenly said after walking two steps.

Lin Mu said: "How do you know?"

Xu Mei said proudly: "You should know that a woman's intuition is very scary."

Lin Mu nodded and said, "I'm going to Xiangjiang in two days, and I'll be back in a day or two."

Xu Mei said, "I'm not talking about your going to Xiangjiang."

Lin Mu asked back, "What is that?"

Xu Mei hugged Lin Mu's arm subconsciously, and said in a depressed mood, "I mean leave the earth."

Lin Mu was also taken aback when he heard Xu Mei's words.It's not that Lin Mu didn't think about leaving the earth, and he also had a faint feeling in his heart that after he came back from Xiangjiang this time, it might be time for him to leave.

But Lin Mu didn't tell anyone about this, but Xu Mei could actually feel that a woman's intuition is indeed terrifying enough.

Lin Mu pinched Xu Mei's pretty nose, and said with a smile, "I told you a long time ago that I want to leave the earth, and you will also leave the earth sooner or later. When we arrive at the cultivation world and the fairy world, that's where we will be forever." A place to live together."

Xu Mei knocked off Lin Mu's hand, and said, "I hate it to death, you think I'm a kid like Xiaoxiao, always pinching people's noses."

Lin Mu chuckled, then squeezed Xu Mei's buttocks, and said, "Then you want to pinch your buttocks, sir?"

"You..." Xu Mei was angry and pinched Lin Mu fiercely.

The two walked forward for a further distance, and said: "But my cultivation has just begun, and I don't know how long it will take when I go to the cultivation world. I am taller than me, when they are all gone, I will really be left alone on the earth."

Lin Mudao: "I've thought about this a long time ago, I will wait for Yaqing and Xiaoxiao to reach the third foundation building floor before leaving, and now the rules of the world have changed, it is impossible to pass through the third foundation building floor. Well, I still want to teach you how to train your body.

When your body is strong enough to withstand the teleportation array, at that time I will let you pass through the teleportation array and teleport to the realm of comprehension.

The realm of comprehension is no different than the earth, and the earth still has rules to speak of.The world of comprehension is a place where there are no rules at all.It will be safer for you to go there together, so that I can find you easily. "

After Xu Mei listened carefully, she asked, "Do Yaqing and the others know your plan?"

Lin Mu shook his head and said: "You are the first to know, when I find a chance, I will bring you all together to talk about these things."

Xu Mei stopped suddenly, turned to look at Lin Mu, and said, "How many people are there in 'we'?"

"This... this, you will know when the time comes." Lin Mu looked around and said it.

Xu Mei snorted, and said, "I knew, you pervert, there wouldn't be just the three of us. Who else is there? Was that Wang Xue from last time also one of 'us'? .”

Lin Mudao: "This is really not true, Wang Xue and I really have nothing to do with each other."

Xu Mei said, "But I can tell that she likes you."

Lin Mu said: "There are so many people who like me, maybe I can still accept everyone."

Xu Mei gave Lin Mu a white look, and said, "You think you don't think so, you just don't have a chance."

Lin Mu smiled wryly and said, "I'm just sentimental, but I'm not too sentimental, okay? I can't let Sister Feng like me, so I'll take Sister Feng too."

"Hehe!" Xu Mei was amused by Lin Mu's words, and said, "There should be someone like Sister Feng standing by your side to remind you, so that you will know how to be afraid."

"The most poisonous woman's heart, how could you come up with such a vicious trick!"

Xu Mei said proudly: "So you have to be careful, don't be so sentimental anymore, or else Yaqing and I will definitely find you a Sister Feng back."

Lin Mu said: "Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you."

Suddenly remembered something, Xu Mei said: "By the way, you just said that you are going to Xiangjiang? What are you going to Xiangjiang for?"

Lin Mu said: "It's a bit long to talk about."

Xu Mei said: "It's okay, I'm not afraid of long time, we have plenty of time."

"Okay!" Lin Mu reluctantly agreed, and then explained the matter to Xu Mei from the beginning to the end.

After Xu Mei heard it, she was also very surprised: "Could it be that the old man is also a cultivator?"

Lin Mu shook his head, and said, "I don't know about that, but even if he is a cultivator, it shouldn't count my appearance."

Xu Mei pondered for a moment, and said: "Could it be that the old man can really count up to 500 years and count down to 500 years. Is there really such a miraculous person in the world?"

Lin Mudao: "In fact, the earth is a very wonderful place, and its location is very special.

Although in the vast universe, the earth is not the only planet with life.But only the earth has the most races, the most sects and the most powerful forces. Many forces that I have never heard of in the cultivation world and the fairy world exist on the earth, such as the Holy See, such as the bull head I met in southern Xinjiang .

These are all things I have never encountered in the world of cultivation and immortality.And I have heard in the fairy world that the earth may be the entrance of the legendary underworld.But my current cultivation base is too low, and I am not qualified to discover such a secret. "

What Lin Mu said, Xu Mei didn't understand, Xu Mei was only worried about Lin Mu's safety: "Then will it be dangerous for you to go this time?"

Lin Mu shook his head, and said: "Although the earth is very wonderful, it is still very difficult to find someone on earth who can hurt me."

After listening to Lin Mu's words, Xu Mei breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "That's good."

"By the way, does Yaqing know that you are going to Xiangjiang?"

Lin Mudao: "I haven't had time to tell Yaqing yet, but I decided to let you tell Yaqing the news."

Xu Mei pointed at herself in surprise and said, "Me?"

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Since Sister Qing already knows, why don't you tell Sister Qing that you are both women, so you should communicate more directly, what do you think?"

Xu Mei lowered her head and thought for a while, then said, "Okay, I'll talk to Yaqing when I get back."

Lin Mu looked at Xu Mei's serious face, and said, "I just asked you to talk to Yaqing, not to go to the execution ground, why are you so serious?"

Xu Mei glared at Lin Mu, and said, "What do you know? Now that you are a mistress, you have to confess to your ex-wife, and you have to let the ex-wife accept it. You think it's so easy."

Lin Mu straightened his face and said, "I said you are not my mistress, you are all the same in my heart."

Seeing Lin Mu's serious face, Xu Mei stuck out her tongue beautifully, and said, "I'm just making a metaphor, let's go quickly, or it will be dark before I go back to Fumanlou."

It was already afternoon when the two returned to Fumanlou. Except for a few scattered tables, Fumanlou was not as popular as before.

Xu Mei looked at the three or two big cats and kittens in the hall, she was also very helpless, and said: "Chinese people believe in these Fengshui problems the most. If they want to change their image this time, I'm afraid it will take some effort."

Lin Mudao: "Actually, it's easy to turn around quickly. Just let Hong Yi and the others come over for a meal, and then you invite some celebrities to dinner, and find some Feng Shui masters to come out to clarify, and the image can be reversed in an instant."

Xu Mei's eyes lit up after hearing Lin Mu's words, and said, "Why didn't I think of that?"

Lin Mudao: "Because I'm by your side, you've been thinking about me, so it's normal not to think of these things."

Xu Mei gave Lin Mu a white look, and said, "Smelly."

Lin Mu patted Xu Mei's perky buttocks, and said, "Okay, now you should talk to Sister Qing."

Xu Mei nodded, and went to look for Yu Yaqing nervously.

Lin Mu didn't know what Xu Mei said to Yu Yaqing, but when the two appeared in front of Lin Mu again, they were already like sisters.

Seeing how close the two are, Lin Mu also heaved a sigh of relief.I am an ancient person, but they are not. It is indeed difficult for them to let them accept their own thoughts.

The two came to Lin Mu arm in arm, Yu Yaqing gave Lin Mu a hard look, and said, "I already knew you couldn't control yourself, so you just wait for Xiaoxiao to come back and see how Xiaoxiao can deal with you."

Lin Mu chuckled and said, "When Xiaoxiao comes back, the two of you should build the foundation, and then I will take care of you two."

"Bah! Hooligan!" Yu Yaqing and Xu Mei said in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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