Supreme Chef

Chapter 389 The Worst Pope

Chapter 389 The Worst Pope

After hanging up the phone, Shrek didn't delay and sent someone to contact the Pope directly to bring the news.

The next thing Shrek needs is to wait. In fact, Shrek can't wait for the Pope to reject Lin Mu's request in a fit of anger.When Lin Mu comes over, he can cooperate with Lin Mu and continue to attack the Holy See.

The Pope received the news from Shrek, but he didn't say a word for a long time.

Bullying!This is definitely bullying.

Lin Mu made a big fuss when he came to the Western world, but he still bullies people like this now.This is completely treating the entire Holy See as a dog of his forest.And he is still a dog that bites wherever he is asked to bite.

"My lord, this Chinese man is too much! We absolutely cannot tolerate such unreasonable demands from him." A red-clothed archbishop almost growled.

"My lord, we will not hesitate to fight, and we will never be controlled by this Chinese!" Another archbishop in red also stood up and said righteously.

However, the Pope didn't even move his eyelids for these two suggestions.

In fact, the Pope was more angry than anyone else, and he had nothing to say when Lin Mu hit his door.Skills are not as good as others, he lost, he deserved it.

But now Lin Mu doesn't even show up, so the people from the dark forces will send him a message to remotely control him.Is this simply treating him as his own servant?

"My lord Pope, it's best to take a long-term view on this matter. This Chinese man obviously sent Shrek to deliver the letter for no reason. He must be using Shrek to send us some kind of signal.

In other words, he and the Shrek family have reached some kind of cooperation.If we don't meet his demands this time, there's a good chance he'll use that as an excuse.Unite with the Shrek family and put pressure on us at the same time.

At that time, our situation may not be good.And these days, the people of the dark world have been attacking the city.People are already panicking, if there is another war at this time.I'm afraid our rule will be completely shaken! "Among the six archbishops in red, the oldest one stood up and analyzed slowly for everyone.

After listening to the analysis of the archbishop in red, everyone fell silent.

Everything the archbishop in red said was the truth, and it was his discounted truth.In fact, the real situation is much more serious than what he said.

The pope sat on his throne, eyes flickering, not knowing what to think.

The six cardinals all stared at the Pope, waiting for the Pope's final order.

Five minutes later, the pope finally said: "Call the royal family and tell them to do what he wants."

In the end, the Pope chose to compromise. He was really afraid that Lin Mu would come to the Holy See again.At that time, the Holy See will really be destroyed in his hands, and by satisfying his request in this way, at least Lin Mu has no excuse to attack.

"Yes! His Excellency the Pope!" The oldest cardinal also agreed, and went down to make arrangements.

The other five archbishops in red looked at the Pope and sighed helplessly in their hearts.

They also knew that the pope was the most helpless choice.

In fact, even the pope himself feels very useless, or he is the most useless generation of popes among the popes of all ages.

Instead of bringing any changes to the Holy See, it brought great shame to the Holy See.

Shrek didn't have to wait long before he got the news from the Holy See.

Shrek was also very disappointed when he saw the information that the Pope agreed to Lin Mu's request.Originally, he thought that the Pope would be furious, and even invaded the country with soldiers, but the Pope chose to compromise.

But even though Shrek didn't achieve what he had imagined, Shrek was still very happy. Holding the information in his hand, he said, "I really don't know if you will go to heaven after you die, and you will have the face to meet the popes of all ages."

Shrek didn't delay, and immediately called Lin Mu back, and when Lin Mu received the call.Arnott was still having a boring spat with Shi Jin.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Mu said to the interpreter, "Tell him to stop arguing, their leader will call him to talk about this in person later, and let him calm down for a while, the noise made my head hurt."

Although the translator knew that Lin Mu was awesome, but today he was able to see how Lin Mu is awesome.

Before the translator finished translating for Arnott, Arnott's personal phone rang.

Seeing that it was the leader who called him, Arnott immediately went to the side to answer the phone.

Arnott complained to the leader first, but then Arnott's face became very exciting, and then his emotions suddenly became very excited.

In the end, his emotions calmed down in an instant, and his face became extremely shocked.

After hanging up the phone, Arnott looked at the trees.His eyes were full of fear, as if what was in front of him was not a human being, but their God.

Lin Mu looked at Arnott and knew that their leader had brought him the message, so he said to the interpreter, "Ask what their leader told him?"

The translator translated the words to Arnott. Arnott hesitated for a while, and finally said something to the translator.

After hearing Arnott's words, the translator's expression became very exciting.

It took a long time for the translator to react under Shi Jin's reminder, and said: "The leader has instructed Arnott to apologize for the mistakes he and his brother made in China before. He also expressed his willingness to accept the sanctions of our country's laws."

Shi Jin was also stunned when he heard the translator's words.

Originally, Shen Siyun wanted to see Lin Mu make a fool of himself, but when he heard the translation, his eyes widened.

Shen Siyun was shocked that Lin Mu could control Xilan.

But the country of Fa is not Zealand, but the country of Fa is one of the five European pig countries.The influence in the western world is huge, no matter what it is, it is among the best in the whole world.

After listening to the interpreter, Lin Mu said very calmly: "Okay, just tell him, let him publish in the newspaper tomorrow to apologize to our country. If he agrees, just let him go. It's enough to hear it here. Heart."

The translator was completely overwhelmed by Lin Shu's shock.

I've seen awesome ones with lightning, but I've never seen such awesome ones with lightning.No!This is not lightning at all, this is simply a bolt from the blue.

This translation did not change a sentence, and all the translations were given to Arnott.After Arnott listened, although anger appeared on his face.But in the end, with his tail between his legs, he left in a desperate manner.

"Wonderful! So wonderful! It's even more exciting than American blockbusters. Brother Lin, you are my idol! I admire you so much!" After Arnott left, Shen Siyun was the first to run up and shouted excitedly.

Shi Jin also came to Lin Mu, and said in shock, "How did you do it?"

Lin Mu said lightly, "I asked someone to say something to their master, and then their master passed it on to him. It's as simple as that."

Seeing how relaxed Lin Mu said it, Shi Jin said: "Since you have such a good relationship with the Western world, then you should just say a few more words by the way, and consider it a favor to the country. How about asking them to lift the blockade on some of our products?" Sample?"

Lin Mu rolled his eyes, and said: "You think my face is so valuable, it's okay to use it once or twice, but it's worthless if you use it too much. Besides, is lifting the blockade good for me?"

Shi Jin said "righteously and honestly": "How can you rely on your personal interests for everything? This is to contribute to the country. When the country is strong, can your personal interests be less?"

Lin Mu said: "Stop! I'm not that great. And the country is already strong enough, and I don't see any benefits for me personally. The country has plenty of money, and I don't see much of it falling into the pockets of ordinary people."

Shen Siyun also chimed in, saying: "Exactly. Old man, you have done your best for the country, but in the end you have fattened up a small group of people. The common people have not enjoyed any benefits at all."

Shi Jin said: "You can't look at the problem so narrowly. Our party does have a handful of moths. But most of the people are good. And you have to look at the problem from the overall perspective..."

Lin Mu interrupted Shi Jin and said, "Okay, don't take political lessons with me. I don't understand, and I don't want to understand. What's going on in Dongyang? If it really doesn't work, I'll just go there."

Shi Jin said: "We have secretly talked about the evacuation of overseas Chinese. But there are still some people who are unwilling to leave."

Lin Mu's eyes turned cold, and he said: "If they don't want to leave, it proves that they don't regard Huaxia as their home. Then you don't need to worry about them. If they accidentally get infected, they can only blame themselves for being unlucky. After four days , no matter how far you have evacuated overseas Chinese, I will go to Toyo."

Shi Jin sighed and said, "Okay! I'll remind you again."

Suddenly remembered something, Shi Jin said: "By the way, the matter of the pharmaceutical factory, how is it going?"

Lin Mudao: "I have already handed over this matter to Fang Nan. He borrowed a sum of money from the bank with Fumanlou as collateral, and directly acquired a listed pharmaceutical company. Preparations for the production of vaccines for detoxification have already begun. "

(End of this chapter)

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