Supreme Chef

Chapter 390

Chapter 390
Shen Siyun listened to Lin Mu's words, and interjected: "This time you made a fuss. The population of Dongyang is nearly [-] million. If they are all infected, your income from this ticket is almost equivalent to their annual GDP."

Lin Mu said: "I've put in so much effort, so I should charge some interest back. And the money doesn't just fall into my pocket, the country also collects taxes. I also created a lot of taxes for the country. "

Shen Siyun pouted, and said: "Compared with your income, that little tax is not worth mentioning at all."

Shi Jin knew that if these two people quarreled in his place, he would definitely not be able to be quiet again.

Thinking of this, Shi Jin quickly changed the topic and said: "Dongyang should have noticed that we intercepted their virus. These two days, they have been very tight on all the goods from Huaxia to Dongyang. Think about it too. How do you get this thing over there?"

Lin Mu said: "Of course I have a way to bring it there, you can just send me there as you want."

Shi Jin said: "It's easy for you, even if you want someone to smuggle you, I can send you there."

Lin Mu said: "If it's a smuggling, I might as well swim across by myself."

Shi Jin smiled and said: "I just said that, I definitely can't let you smuggle there. I have already arranged for you. I will send you there by submarine in four days. At that time, our people will pick you up there." .”

Lin Mu nodded, thought for a while, and said, "I'll send it to one person, and to two people. You can send Liang Bing and the others to me as well. I just happen to take them to practice."

Shi Jin thought about it, and said, "That's fine, but Zhang Ye's identities are too sensitive. When you arrive, don't let anyone catch you."

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Don't worry, we are the only ones to catch others, and no one else will catch us."

Shi Jin said: "That's good! You tell Zhang Ye and the others to prepare. You will set off together in four days."

"I'm going too!" Shen Siyun finally seized the opportunity and once again expressed his determination to follow.

Shi Jin still resolutely refused, and Shen Siyun had nothing to do.

Four days passed quickly.

Huaxia has evacuated many Chinese people in the East through various channels, both openly and secretly.

Such a large-scale wave of returning home naturally attracted the attention of the Oriental government.

But everyone has a valid reason to return home.Even if they search, they can't find anything.And not all of them have left, there are still a small number of people who choose to stay here.

On the night of the fourth day, at the naval base in Jinhai, two hundred kilometers away from Beijing.A pitch-black submarine that Zhang Ye had never seen before stopped quietly in the harbor.

Shi Jin personally sent Lin Mu and the others to the base.

"Commander Shi!" The captain of the submarine, seeing Shi Jin approaching, hurried over and stood at attention and saluted.

Shi Jin bowed back and said, "You send Instructor Lin and the others here, and you can return immediately. Be careful not to let Dongyang's radar find it."

The captain of the submarine took the coordinates from Shi Jin and said, "I promise to complete the mission."

Shi Jin nodded, and said to Lin Mu, "I will leave this matter to you."

Zhang Ye said excitedly: "I promise to complete the task."

Lin Mu led Zhang Ye and the others to follow the captain of the submarine. After boarding the submarine, they were arranged to rest in the rest area.

Excited, Tie Zhanshan looked at this submarine he had never seen before, and said, "It seems that we have a lot of secret weapons in China? What model is this, and I have never seen it before."

Zhang Ye also said: "I haven't seen it before, I just saw it. This is a nuclear-powered submarine, and it is already absolutely silent. We can only hear a very small noise when sitting in it."

Lin Mu didn't know much about submarines, but seeing how excited Zhang Ye and the others were, he casually asked them two questions about submarines.

However, this question caused an accident. The two of them were spreading military knowledge to Lin Mu along the way.

When they arrived at the scheduled location, the two fell silent.

Lin Mu rubbed his swollen temples, and said, "Don't be so excited when you arrive in Dongyang later, we are here to cause damage. It's too arrogant and easy to attract people's hatred."

Zhang Ye said with a smile: "Brother Lin, don't worry, we will make sabotage very low-key."

The five people went through a lot of tossing, and finally arrived at the land of Dongyang.

Toyo is just a small island country with a small territory.However, their ambition is inversely proportional to the territory.Several times, it was they who stirred up the nerves of the whole world.

Since ancient times, they have never stopped thinking about annexing China.

It was Lin Mu's first visit to Dongyang, so he didn't know where to start.However, Zhang Ye and Tie Zhanshan have already studied Dongyang thoroughly in the past few days.

The two of them explained a few words to the connector, and let the connector go first, but left the car behind.

After several people got into the car, Zhang Ye spread out the map he had prepared earlier, tapped it with his hand, and said, "There was a very serious earthquake here last year, which caused the nuclear power plant here to leak. Our first stop is here. Here we are After that, we spread the virus out.

In this way, they will definitely not be able to react immediately, and will not associate him with the virus.I can only think that this is the sequelae left by their nuclear radiation.Then we can take advantage of their chaos and teach those families who are connected with the Li family a lesson. "

Although Zhang Ye's plan was simple, it was the most practical.Taking advantage of this time difference, it was enough for Lin Mu and the others to do a lot of things in Dongyang.

The execution of the plan is short of execution, but before the execution of the plan, there is another question, that is, where is the virus?
"Brother Lin, we have all arrived in Dongyang, you should take out the virus, right?" Zhang Ye asked.

Lin Mu smiled mysteriously: "When I get to the place, I will naturally take out the virus. Now you can just drive your car."

They are all witnesses to the magic of Lin Mu, so they will not doubt Lin Mu's words at all.

After two hours' drive, Zhang Ye and the others finally arrived at the place Zhang Ye said in the early morning.

Because of the earthquake and the nuclear leak, there are already no people here.The surrounding cordon has not been withdrawn, but because of the nuclear leak, although there are people guarding it.But the distance is relatively far, after all, no one wants to make fun of their own lives.

However, Lin Mu and the others are not ordinary people. The nuclear leak that is fatal to ordinary people does not pose any threat to Lin Mu and the others.

After five people crossed the cordon and entered the hardest hit area of ​​the nuclear leak.Zhang Ye said: "We can just release the virus here, and now the westerly wind is blowing, so we can use the wind to spread the virus."

After speaking, the four of them all looked at Lin Mu.

Lin Mu smiled slightly, and with a wave of his hand, the container containing the virus appeared in front of the five people.

The sudden appearance of the virus shocked all five people.

This is just like magic, but they know that Lin Mu is not magic.

"Lin...Brother Lin, how did you bring this here?" Qiao Xuebing stammered and asked.

Lin Mudao: "I will teach you this when I have a chance, you can activate the virus now and it will be over."

Before Lin Mu came over, he had been vaccinated for safety reasons.

Zhang Ye and the others forcibly suppressed the shock in their hearts, and then began to activate and release the virus.

Viruses are liquids that evaporate quickly when exposed to air.Then with the cool night wind, it spread out.

Looking at the virus disappearing into the night sky, Zhang Ye and the others didn't feel any guilt.

The crimes Dongyang committed against Huaxia back then were hundreds of times greater than this, and now they are just here to ask for an account.

The virus has spread, and the next thing is to find fault.

Leaving the place where the nuclear leak occurred, several people gathered in the car again. Zhang Ye took out a map and said, "The circled places are those families that discussed with the Li family to deal with Huaxia. They were concentrated near the capital of Toyo. We searched one by one in the province.

However, among these families, several families need special attention.The Naihe family, the Yamamoto family and the Kawashima family.

According to information, these three families all worship Shikigami.So when we fight against them, we have to be very careful. "

Before Zhang Ye could finish speaking, Lin Mu interrupted: "Leave the three families to me, and the four of you will deal with the other families. Try not to separate the four of you, and join forces to deal with one, and the battle will be resolved quickly. If you can't If they are all destroyed, their Patriarch will be destroyed."

Zhang Ye said: "Those three families all have more than one shikigami, it's very dangerous for you to go alone."

Lin Mu said: "Don't worry, those shikigami pose no threat to me, you can just do your own thing well."

(End of this chapter)

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